- Comment on Do you allow transphobic mods? 1 month ago:
oh fuck off you pick-me loser.
- Comment on Reddit Sub Ban Wave 1 month ago:
- Comment on Does Have a TOS? 1 month ago:
Essentially it is someone that is vehemently opposed to positive social change, progressive reform, or more specifically leftist politics. So liberals and fascists are both reactionary to some degree. Fascists are down right regressive, while liberals are to a lesser extent or at best opposed to necessary measures to overcome reactionary forces that hold us back e. g. aggressive support for the status quo and opposition to revolutionary politics.
- Comment on Does Have a TOS? 2 months ago:
The only ToS we have on hexbear is don’t be a reactionary pos.
- Comment on feral naming 3 months ago:
Interesting. Where I live this is what we call a potato bug
- Comment on It's all a little bit mathy. 3 months ago:
This is literally what it looks like after you do an irresponsible amount of mushrooms and need to take a nap
- Comment on Percentages 3 months ago:
This is just annoying pedantry you know what they meant.
- Comment on Judas 3 months ago:
Neil DeGrass Failson.
- Comment on Muscle Chart 3 months ago:
lmao I was gonna make a similar comment.
- Comment on Happy Thanksgiving, Yanks. 3 months ago:
Apex redditor
- Comment on Eat lead 5 months ago:
4000 A.D
you mean BC?
- Comment on Forbidden Gummies 5 months ago:
It’s a fig right?
- Comment on Sad and Lonely 5 months ago:
One of the saddest things I ever learned was that Ben Stein is a reactionary zionist piece of shit.
- Comment on MI5 spy chief says Russia and Iran are behind a ‘staggering’ rise in deadly plots 5 months ago:
lmao good fuck terf island
- Comment on Massive generational gap: Gen Z flocks to multiplayer, while 55+ sticks to single-player 5 months ago:
I prefer coop games tbh.
I’m too old for the sweaty pvp shit, I just wanna build cool shit with my comrades.
- Comment on Artifical Intelligence 5 months ago:
(think: Truth Social but claiming to be leftist).
This is disingenuous a hell and just some horseshoe theory bullshit where you insinuate we are the same as fascists because you feel uncomfortable with any criticism of liberalism from anyone to your left.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
When I was out in SD recently the temperature was reaching 100F or above frequently and it sucked but it wasn’t that bad. Where I live in Cali and it gets that hot by the beach with humidity well into the 70% range sometimes I literally felt like I was about to die just sitting inside with a fan blowing right at me. Humidity is such a huge factor.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
I am being forced to learn celsius by my non American friends. Call me an incelsius.
- Comment on Burning Up 6 months ago:
0 is just about perfect.
Okay Mr. Freeze
- Comment on 88 Films announce their November releases 6 months ago:
88 Flilms
Well that’s a sus name
- Comment on Why Is No One Talking About 1950s Courier Game 'Deliver At All Costs' on PS5? 6 months ago:
Wasn’t Crazy Taxi already Crazy Taxi with Cadillacs?
- Comment on Mushroom ID 6 months ago:
They are so goddamned good, I highly recommend looking around white oak trees by carefully clearing away the leaf litter a few days after it rains. They can’t really be bought in stores and when they do show up they’re like $50 a pound because you can’t really farm them as they have a symbiotic relationship with only certain trees and are very vulnerable to other fungus like mold.
- Comment on Neon’s 2073 paints a bleak picture of the future in new trailer 6 months ago:
Though 2073, Kapadia’s new film, features plenty of archival news footage from our present, it’s also a sci-fi thriller set in a distant future where years of climate-related disasters and the rise of authoritarianism have transformed the world into a dystopian hellscape.
Of course it’s authoritarianism that is focused on and I will bet my fucking life that it does little or less than nothing to point out that what is actually causing this collapse is specifically capitalism and will probably even do some both sides bullshit lib takes but whatever, I will still pirate it because I love dystopian sci-fi slop.
We need more media that explicitly calls for violent revolution and the overthrow of capitalism goddammit.
- Comment on "Riddick: Furya" Has Begun Production 6 months ago:
Vin disease
lmao amazing autocorrect
- Comment on "Riddick: Furya" Has Begun Production 6 months ago:
This reads like a joke. Like This cannot be real right?
- Comment on Oh no, my beenis 6 months ago:
Vladimir Lentil - The State and Revolagume
- Comment on Oh no, my beenis 6 months ago:
The beanis posting has broken containment
- Comment on Please stop making Alien movies 7 months ago:
Counterpoint: please make another actually good work in the universe.
I have my fingers crossed for the HBO (I think) series set to release next year.
- Comment on 8 Minutes 7 months ago:
Yes, because of the medium of communication you are using right now.
- Comment on Nicolas Cage’s Psychological Thriller ‘The Surfer’ Sells to Lionsgate, Roadside Attractions After Cannes Premiere 8 months ago:
Wonder if it touches on the surf nazi phenomenon