This is the most capitalistic game on the market and you still get a $200 UBI
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Both of those things are part of the joke. Monopoly is a parody of capitalism, intended to make you hate rich people. The luxury tax is tiny, reflecting how there’s no real cost of living for rich people. Rich people can “go to jail”, but it’s trivial to get away again. 9 months ago
It was originally called The Landlords Game. 9 months ago
Can’t you buy your way out of jail? 9 months ago
yep, that’s the point 9 months ago
We clearly have had very different experiences. Monopoly teaches financial planning. 9 months ago
Last game I had I was rocking up on my brother’s properties (which had hotels on them) so before I rolled the dice I bought a cheap property from my neice (the youngest player in the game) with all of my money, then then sold all of my property (including the one I just bought for all of my money) to her for $1. Rolled the dice, landed on my brother’s property and handed him the $1 I had left and was out of the game.
Had I not done so, I would’ve been bankrupt and had to hand over my property to my brother and it would have been an easy win for him at that point. As it was, the game was actually competitive.
So the lessons learned: 1) regulation can lead to a more competitive market, 2) If you’re about to go bankrupt, transfer all of your assets to a family member and 3) Monopoly sucks and people will hold grudges over what you do in that stupid game. 9 months ago
the main mechanic to even get the opportunity to do anything is literally dice rolls. the game is very explicitly that if you luck out to get ahead you dominate and is you don’t then you’re fucked. 9 months ago
[deleted] 9 months ago
How is it capitalist propagarda exactly? Parker Brothers might have screwed her over, but it’s impossible to come out of a game of monopoly feeling more symphatetic towards landlords than when you started. 9 months ago
Jail is the best place to be lategame. Don’t have to pay someone rent if you can’t move. And no risk of picking up a tax card.
It’s not a punishment to sit in jail, it’s a privilege, if I could. I’d spend the entire game in jail. It’s the only place you’re safe. 9 months ago
I thought you can’t collect rent while in jail? 9 months ago
This is from Hasbro themselves
Even though you are in Jail, you may buy and sell property, buy and sell houses and hotels and collect rents. 9 months ago
Prison. Not jail.
Jails are temporary holding areas until you get to see a judge. Which means you could still be innocent at that point.
Prisons are for folks that have been prosecuted. They belong in prison. 9 months ago
Get the fuck out. In monopoly it’s called Jail. And Monopoly is the topic being discussed.
So no one cares about if it’s called Prison or Jail in the real world. We’re not talking about the real world. We’re talking about Monopoly. 9 months ago
Tell that to Hasbro then and not the random internet person talking about the game mechanic which the game calls Jail. 9 months ago
Jail and prison are synonymous. Your distinction in terminology is localised. 9 months ago
What are monopoly players prosecuted for? 9 months ago
Not only can rich people go to jail, it’s actually beneficial to be locked up there after a certain point and the board is all bought up and filled with hotels. 9 months ago
TIL that back in the good ol’ days of The Gilded Age there was a luxury tax and rich people went to jail!
The Carnegies and Rockefellers, the Morgans and Vanderbilts must have been quaking in their spatterdashes! 9 months ago
You can tell The Game of Life is an old game because it was possible to win. 9 months ago 9 months ago
And you can buy houses 9 months ago
You can not only buy houses, you can trade, participate in auctions and collect rent while in jail. 9 months ago
IIRC you can pay to get out of jail 9 months ago
Yes. You may pay the $50 fee before rolling your first or second turn. On the third turn if you do not roll a double you must pay the $50. In any case you pay $50 at some point unless you roll doubles or use the “get out of jail free” card. 9 months ago
You can tell it’s an old tweet by looking at the date of when it was sent out to the world. 9 months ago
Wow, they were already tweeting this back in the before time, in the long long ago.
I swear my memory of the Obama years are almost as cloudy as my childhood memories at this point. 9 months ago
Also there is free parking. 9 months ago
Free parking is the root of all evil 9 months ago
That’s a good point, and made me wonder if the Georgist who made the original would have been silly enough to include it.
Answer: nope, of course she knew better. In the original, that square is labeled “poorhouse”/“public park” (not “-ing”) instead. 9 months ago
I miss the old Twitter. 9 months ago
They may end up going to jail, but they are quickly released, seemingly randomly! 9 months ago
it could be a SF game 9 months ago
Monopoly the game
I thought we were talking about monopolies. 9 months ago
That’s an old pic 9 months ago
Games have always been about wishful thinking 9 months ago
Fun Fact: Monopoly originated from "The Landlord’s Game" created in 1903 by Elizabeth Magie, an anti-monopolist who designed it to illustrate the negative aspects of concentrating land ownership. 9 months ago
And we only play half the game. Public Housing is supposed to be on Free Parking, the same way Just Visiting is on the Jail space. Once you’re bankrupt you go to public housing until all but one player is there. Then you start the Prosperity portion of the game, and everyone wins. Just like communism done properly. 9 months ago
There is a Public Assisstence board game from the 80s. We had one when I was younger. I can’t tell if it was a “anti-welfare” game or just making fun of the whole system. I grew up pretty poor, so I always assumed the latter as a kid. Since the welfare track was easier from what I remember, now I’m not so sure, lol.…/images 9 months ago
The prosperity portion was based on georgism I believe. 9 months ago
It also had a second rule set where a land value tax was implemented, and the winning condition was when everyone made a minimum amount of money.
It’s just a stupidly good tax policy, and we should be implementing it in more places.