- Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 1 week ago:
I do think all the Democrats, should take more opportunities to visit their states to make people aware of what’s going on, what they’re doing in Congress to try to stop the worst stuff happening, and what ordinary people can do to push back as well. I think members should also boost each others message because probably pages like AOC’s have a lot more viewers from a district than their own district’s House Rep.
Good they are doing some legislative opposition, but you’re right they need to be doing more to push back outside of congress.
I’ve wondered if the they started buying ads on mobile games with a quick few lines to tell people what they have done or what the republicans are doing would work?
you by-pass large media, you get a younger audience and it gets a message out there quickly.
- Comment on Anyone remember this? 1 week ago:
For some reason this gif gives me nostalgia of listening to on Netscape - Good times.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
I think we are talking about leadership at different points of time.
The leader that America needs right now is someone to articulate and draw people together behind the idea of “Throwing the bums out” and in that context there is a large coalition of people that agree with that sentiment.
What happens after the bums are gone is where the in-fighting and purity tests start to take hold. But having the opportunity to argue about whether Leader A’s policy of taxing the billionaires at 90% vs. Leader B’s policy of 70% tax rate on them would be a welcomed change.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
I completely agree that we can’t blindly blame this on election fraud, that is a form of denial.
But if there are credible sources that are stating they have doubts about the legitimacy of the results there should be an investigation. My concern is that the Stop the Steal movement, that was using weak or even made up evidence to support their cause has made future allegations less likely to be taken seriously.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
trump isn’t a strong leader, he’s a very accomplished con artist.
He allows people to project their vision of who he is on him.
You say I’m christian? Sure I’ll pretend I am
You say I’m anti abortion? Sure I’ll pretend that I am
You say I’m for the little guy? Sure, I’ll pretend that I care about them
You say I’m anti-vax? Sure, I’ll tell you that I am
You say I’m the second coming of Christ? Okay, I’m good with you thinking that about me
You say I’m a strong patriot? Sure, I’ll hug the flag and say the words you need me to say
He is everything to everyone of his supporters because he never tells them that they are wrong about who he is.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
we voted for this
<Tinfoil hat>
Did we? There are some suspicions of voter fraud in some swing states and it sure as hell isn’t below musk to attempt something like that.
Yet, I think that the past MAGA crazies screaming about “election fraud” and “stop the steal” has poisoned the well for legitimate future calls for investigating potential fraud in elections. On top of that it also makes people that question the results sound like the crazies of the past.
It could explain why trump is allowing so much power to musk.
</Tinfoil hat>
Source: I have no source. It’s all feels over reals and a partial lack of acceptance that so many American people are that dumb.
- Comment on Jamie Dimon popped off at the 1,200+ JPMorgan employees fighting against full-time RTO: 'I don’t care how many people sign that petition' 2 weeks ago:
I keep wondering how much more CEOs, billionaires and massive corporations (along with the current administration) can push the American people before there is a backlash?
Right now Americans are like domestic violence victims and addicts
“Jamie is a good person, it was my fault for not coming back to the office that made things worse.”
“Just one more subscription, I need to watch my shows!, I promise I’ll quite after this season!”
When and what is the tipping point where people just say “Fuck it, I’m done.” ?
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
One conservative acquaintance voted for trump to bring Jesus to the country and to stop abortion.
Another voted for trump because they worship money and believe that another trump administration will help him get richer.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to | 142 comments
- Comment on What's the endgame when the rich have all the money? 1 month ago:
It is a mental disease Yes. As a completely uneducated non-certified internet therapist I’d say that disease is fear. I really believe that those people that strive for more and more do so to try to fix a fear of not having enough. Or a fear of not being enough. Instead of actually trying to recognize the this fear and controlling it, they just do the one thing that can temporarily make them less fearful and that is make more, control more.
- Comment on Mental health 2 months ago:
"Your life isn’t shitty, the System that we live our lives in is"
- Wayne Gretzki
- Michael Scott -Anonymous
- Wayne Gretzki
- Comment on What is the history of modern male gender roles and where did it come from? 2 months ago:
Yes, your description is part of the genesis of my question. Where did this all come from because without knowing the origin of why western culture stared disallowing some important and strong emotions to be displayed by men we can strive to change it.
- Comment on What is the history of modern male gender roles and where did it come from? 2 months ago:
The reason I used robotic instead of stoic in my initial post is that I see stoicism as less about refraining from emotions but learning how to control emotions. That is recognize that you are human and you will have a wide variety of emotions, and you should have all of those emotions. But with stoicism the goal is to recognize the emotion you are having and not allow it to control you.
You can be mad or even fucking piss off angry but you should still have that higher, separate thought that control the emotion and allow it to come out in ways that don’t create a negative impact on yourself and others.
My post was more about where in history did the western culture evolve to punish men from having any emotion beyond anger, ambivalence and to a limited degree humor.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 29 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Hang on Gen X once the boomer population dies out you’re next in the ongoing war to keep generations hating each other. You may get lucky and the future articles will skip over you and go directly to the “uptight, low tolerance Millennials”
These articles are such overgeneralized bullshit just to get people mad at each other. I bet there are older workers that are always late to work and I bet there are young workers that are on time and do amazing work.
- Comment on Canada's finance minister quits over Trump tariff dispute with Trudeau 2 months ago:
Freeland and Trudeau were reportedly in disagreement over a series of recently-proposed policies by the prime minister designed to address the country’s cost-of-living crisis.
Among them is a cheque of C$250 that the government wanted to send to every Canadian earning less than C$150,000 annually. These cheques were expected to cost the federal government a total of C$4.68b
Seems to me that it would take more the a $250 to weather a cost-of-living crisis or maybe an blanket overhaul of the system as a whole.
Of course having trump in office in the US will not help at all.
- Comment on Carcinisation? 2 months ago:
Well if every vehicle becomes autonomous then isn’t that just a large scaled high speed train?
- Comment on I live in the green part 2 months ago:
so we learned
It sounds like you were like most people in the western world - uneducated on nutrition, cooking and basic life skills. This isn’t a jab at you this is just the world that we live in. Most people don’t have a good understanding of these things so the go with what is easy, fast and feels inexpensive. This drives obesity.
It’s great that you took the initiative to learn home economics and it sounds like it has helped you and your family. Many others have not gotten to the “so we learned” stage yet for whatever reason.
- Comment on "The **Most open** Operating System" 3 months ago:
Most open to making money at the expense of security.
"“What they were telling me was counterintuitive to everything I’d heard at Microsoft about ‘customer first,’” Harris said. “Now they’re telling me it’s not ‘customer first,’ it’s actually ‘business first.’”
DiCola, Harris’ then-supervisor, told ProPublica the race to dominate the market for new and high-growth areas like the cloud drove the decisions of Microsoft’s product teams. “That is always like, ‘Do whatever it frickin’ takes to win because you have to win.’ Because if you don’t win, it’s much harder to win it back in the future. Customers tend to buy that product forever.”
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Humans are animals that navigate life through the lens of emotions with logic being something that we have to work towards - so you may be closer to the truth than you think.
- Comment on Why people consistently vote against their own interests to benefit the rich? 3 months ago:
Yep. Lost a good and very smart friend to the anti vax conspiracies and maybe others by now.
I’ve also had to really pay attention and tell myself that I live in a liberal bubble and need to balance that bias against what is truth.
- Comment on Low-wage workers in the food service industry can’t afford to eat 3 months ago:
There are economic and progressive policy solutions to a problem like this but it seems Americans are more worried that a billionaire may have to spend a tiny fraction of their wealth to help fund these solutions and that is just unacceptable.
- Comment on [Thread] Mental Math 3 months ago:
I would say there is still some complicated stuff going on in the brain with knowing where your arm, hand, elbow and shoulder are in space as well how much force you need to apply (the precise amount of motor neurons to activate at the exact time) so you can toss the ball in the arc you need to catch it on the other side.
- Comment on Has Fast Food Gotten Worse, or Am I Just Getting Old? 3 months ago:
Yes death is inevitable but you do have the opportunity to guide how you are going to die, to a degree.
Treating your body like a garbage dump will give you a long slow death as the garbage slowly destroys your body. Eating more healthy can lessen that effect.
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Favoirte indepth youtube channels? 5 months ago:
LEMMiNO - doesn’t post videos often but it’s good stuff when he does
- Comment on Is Trump Made of Teflon? 5 months ago:
Alice Walton, one of the owners of Walmart "while speeding in Fayetteville, Ark., she struck and killed Oleta Hardin, a 50-year-old cannery worker. She never received so much as a ticket. "
- Comment on Can't beat the classics 6 months ago:
I remember watching this movie when I was around 12 years old. Had never heard of it before just started watching it and loved it. It’s It has become one of my top 3 favorite movies. It also introduced me to the world of the blues and some of the best blues musicians/singers.
I remember buying the soundtrack on CD and playing it over and over again. I think I was the only pre-teen that knew of Cab Calloway and could sing “hi-de-ho” .
wow, I was a weird kid
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
Maybe, but really when you are in bear territory, and close to areas where bear congregate (rivers being one), just a few loud claps and a couple of loud “HEYS” is good enough to flush most bears.
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
This video while long does a great job teaching you how to act in active bear territory.
The TLDW is: -
- In active bear territory carry bear spray and be ready to use it
- You can’t out run a bear don’t try
- bear bells don’t work
- playing dead makes it easier for the bear to maul you
- when hiking with a group and encounter a bear stand shoulder to shoulder wave your arms and prepare your bear spray
- let the bear decide how they want to leave the encounter (if they are not attacking you)
- outside of a momma bear, most “attacks” are bluffs but can be scary as shit.
- guns work but you better be a good and quick shot cuz bears run fucking fast