Back to work today. Poop. Guess the Void feels the same way.
Daily Discussion Thread: Monday, April 8, 2024. What happened to sunnyboys?
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
A work of art 10 months ago
my boys are angry they are on a diet, they decided to trash the bathroom where their trays are 🐈⬛🐈⬛😡 11 months ago
This is my favourite place on the internet ❤️ 11 months ago
🖤 11 months ago
Nighttime Musings - Mickey McPußson
- Mra-eow?
- Yow-eeeooowww!
- Brrrrii? 11 months ago
How does one say ß? 11 months ago
It’s just pronounced like "ss’ double S sound.
Eg. Groß - pronounced “grohss” - meaning: large/big
Or Fußball - “fooss-ball” 11 months ago
It’s called an Eszett if you want to look it up. Also of possible interest: Eth, Aesc, Wynn, and Thorn. Oh, and long S. 10 months ago
2 things:
1: how is it fair to feel like shit after eating healthy for a couple of days
2: this is perfect cat cuddle and ready weather. 10 months ago
I really want a kitty :/ 10 months ago
Best decision I ever made honestly. I don’t know how I lived before having Gibson.
I live alone and have spent long stretches not dating so having a little semi feral companion makes life a lot more fun. 10 months ago
Awake at 5am. I hate non daylight savings.
Also it’s autism acceptance month. Seeing lots of promotion of it at work but no actual discussion of how they actually do anything positive to help people with ASD. Nor the fact that many employees hide it because they don’t want to become a target / be put in the spotlight. It’s also ironic that return to office is pushing ahead, when people with ASD often find corporate offices a sensory hell. (Apart from other issues like dealing with commutes etc) 10 months ago
Oh god I hope nobody tells all the big companies about this. It’ll become pride month V2
Not dissing pride or pride month here, I just don’t like when companies take over events and social causes for the sake of trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of people 10 months ago
Twice in 5 minutes my dog’s arsehole got too close to my property. First, he sat on my pen. Second, he back his arse onto my drink bottle lid. 😡 10 months ago
this is why I have very fluffy cats
no arsehole drama 10 months ago
So many buttholes presented to the face though. Even if they are fluffy buttholes 10 months ago
You’re lucky your belongings don’t get violated like mine. 10 months ago
Hey Melbourne drivers, the rain falling doesn’t mean you turn off your brain. 10 months ago
If they knew how to read I’m sure they’d be very offended! 10 months ago
They are reading this now. 10 months ago
Witnessed a massive emotional support ute nearly rear end a tiny af Kia, in heavy rain tonight. The type of heavy rain where nobody who is sensible would dare to do more than 25 in a 60 zone. 10 months ago
If anyone was wanting to try period undies but cost was a concern, a particular print of a particular cut is currently $7 at Kmart.
The sizes are a little limited and I can’t say I’m a fan of flowers. But that’s very close to half price compared to the next option up. 10 months ago
Heh. Clueless me read “period undies” as in “period bonnet” or general “period clothes”. I wasn’t aware of period undies. Are they a new thing? 10 months ago
I had to check, apparently they came about in 2013?
Yikes, apparently the Thinx brand had/have ‘forever chemicals’. That’s not very eco friendly of them… 10 months ago
Watching SiteInspections YT again.
I can’t help wondering how many dangerous buildings are out there without the owners knowing 10 months ago
The thing I have learned from that channel is that very few builders know how to do a box gutter. 10 months ago
And rain heads.
Wtf are building inspectors even doing though? The number of approved busted or wrong spec houses is scary. 10 months ago
Who 10 months ago
Master builder who does private building inspections, he has a YT channel.
It’s really put me off buying anything newer than 20 years old.
And has made me look at the housing built in the 60s with new admiration, might be fuckin’ Melton but those houses are made well. Made with real bricks and roofs that don’t leak!! 10 months ago
I am in the middle of screening papers for a systematic review. 1762 down, 1438 to go🙃 10 months ago
Hope you’ve got good eye drops. ✨ 10 months ago
Absolutely not jealous 10 months ago
This 6pm sunset thing is no bueno. The extra hour of sleep was nice, but in a couple of months we’ll be at a 5:30 sunset :/ 10 months ago
I just want to say the doritos chaos cajun chicken ‘street art’ chips aren’t chaotic, cajun or chicken and it’s not a street it’s a bag of chips.
they’re making things up 10 months ago
I just tried cucumber flavour chips. They were odd. Not bad, just very not typical. 10 months ago
Hahaha. This reminds me of my man when I buy him “chilli” snacks. 10 months ago
Very real. Unless said snack is from Korea I tend to disbelieve anything that claims to be hot. 10 months ago
I just got a credit for an NBN outage…I would never have expected that. 10 months ago
From your ISP or the NBN themselves? I always thought the NBN took the we don’t owe you fucking shit now fuck off and go enjoy your shit internet, peasant. approach to customer service 10 months ago
Yeah, ISP. But this is the first credit they’ve given me, and I’ve been with them for about 15 years I’d say. 10 months ago
I still haven’t gone back looking for ginger ninja again, and may not have the energy to.
I’m in a lot of pain, fighting to manage Melbcat’s fiddly health, and facing fresh stressors with the cooked arseholes of my neighbourhood. 10 months ago
Are there any local rescuers that could help out? 10 months ago
That would require using Facebook/interacting with random strangers and it’s unfortunately something I’m hesitant to do. I’ll just have to do the occasional swing by when and if I’m able 10 months ago
Hugs for being such a kind loving person to cats. Is orange cat someone’s pet? 10 months ago
I just hate seeing animals be neglected or suffer. I’m really not sure if he’s someone’s pet or a stray, didn’t want to get closer or risk touching him to see if there was a collar and also didn’t have time to stop that one day.
The only times I’ve ever seen him were around a very specific spot on a particular street or very rarely walking past my unit in the past. So if he’s a pet he’s allowed to wander. 11 months ago
You guys only do 1 emoji, but I did a whopping THREE cuz I’m just cool like that 😎😎😎 10 months ago
You’ll use up all the yellow 10 months ago
This that means tomorrow’s thread will just be magenta 11 months ago
Looks like I will get even more opportunity to play Jr Network engineer next month. I’m going to run ethernet into my rooms. I’m not at all a professional and don’t want to deal with cable terminating or actually wiring things, so the current plan is to take a cable out the back of the router in the lounge room and feed it through a passthrough style wall plate, take it into an AP in room 2, then feed into a switch, then finally take another cable out of that through another passthrough wall plate and into a final wall plate in room 1. Not ideal, and I’m a bit worried about introducing latency, but I’m pretty sure that’s the best option I’ve got for my skill level and what I’m allowed to do to the house. I sprung for gigabit cabling and equipment though, even though it’s overkill. Partly in the hopes that it might alleviate some of the latency, but also partly because everything’s going to stay here after I move, and it’ll probably be a whole century before anybody touches the cabling again lmao 11 months ago
Latency wont be noticable. I havent checked recently, but running ethernet cables behind walls requires an electrician. Thats obviously stupid though, so go for it. Just run the ethernet as far away from electric cables as possible.
Terminating cables isnt that hard, and the end result will be a bit nicer to look at.
When you say passthrough wall plate, are you talking about: ……/cat6-rj45-keystone-coupler-female-to-fe… If you dont want to terminate, but still want a nice look those are very easy to use. 10 months ago
Oh that’s a relief. Yeah, it is still illegal to run any sort of wiring yourself, but it seems to be pretty unknown. We’re actually going for an even easier option than running it through walls, and running it under the house instead.
Yeah that’s pretty much exactly what I’m talking about. They seem like the easiest and neatest option 10 months ago
Stumbled onto something on insta that has become my comfort watching. Opening sports card packs from the early 90s (north american leagues). I used to collect cards around that time, and the nostalgia hits hard, but in a good way. 10 months ago
I’m going to the library. BRB 10 months ago
Bring me back a comic! 10 months ago
Hey assuming you are talking about the uninspiring frozen cordial that some Australians romanise about and not the band I’ll tell you what happened to them. Probably discontinued due to lack of sales. Unless you had a pair of sharp titanium steel scissors or prepared to gnaw through the packaging like a rat for half a day, they just weren’t worth the work. If you were able to penetrate that possible carcinogenic packaging you then had to suck it like a mother’s tit which would leave you with a giant ice block. Anyway I look forward to your next question.
*sorry if I crushed someone’s nostalgia dream. 10 months ago
One of those childhood memories that, when revisited, turns out not to be as good as you thought it was.
I’m looking at you, burger rings. 10 months ago
No idea how I ever ate bubble gum icecream, that stuff is vile. 10 months ago
Exactly. They were never “burger” flavour but they atleast had flavour. Not any more. 10 months ago
The work required to have a frozen cordial made it sweeter and on a very hot day the cold cordial and holding the ice block was cooling.
it was hot out there at lunchtime, the water from the taps was warm , there was little shade 10 months ago
I think when people worked out you could freeze Primas, were cheaper and had more flavours was probably the beginning of the end. 10 months ago
I liked them :( 10 months ago
I forgive you. ♥ 11 months ago
Went to the ebike expo yesterday and the biggest selling point for getting one was hitting every red light on Plenty Road on the way there 10 months ago
damn, didn’t know it was on and have been looking for one. learn anything interesting? 10 months ago
I went specifically to look at cargo bikes as a step up from my trailer pram. Whilst the front loading box cargo bikes (like the Urban Arrow) look fun, I think they’re better suited to moving things than people. The rear loading cargo bikes (like Tern) are better for moving people, but you need different configurations to move stuff.
I’ve been looking at ebikes for a while, done a bunch of research, and been to a few events like this one. I think it’s best to think of an ebike like a second car and budget accordingly. A lot of people who get an ebike end up using it like a second car anyway, so it’s worth getting a good one up front.
Things to look at when considering an ebike are: -Good brakes. An ebike is heavier than a normal bike and you’ll be going faster -Big tyres. To also deal with the added weight and speed -Strong drivetrain. The chains and gears on cheap ebikes can wear out faster because they use regular bike components instead of ebike specific components -Good electronic components. Most good ebikes use a Bosch mid-drive motor and you can get displays for them that have GPS and other features. Bosch have a service centre here in Melbourne and generally good support for their products after release. There are other good motor brands but you’ll have to do your research on anything not Bosch.
Most ebikes are used for commuting, so there are things to consider there that are consistent for any bike: -Comfortable riding position. You don’t need a sporty ebike unless you want one. You can get away with a more upright seating position and swept back handlebars on an ebike because it does most of the work for you -The right sized frame for you. Unless a bike is super adjustable you’ll need to get measured somewhat and make sure the frame fits you -Mudguards. This is one of the most important things for commuting bikes overall. Get a bike with mudguards if you can, otherwise make sure you can put them on whatever bike you get.
You can generally trust an ebike from any established normal bike brand. There are a few smaller brands that either only do ebikes or are known for them that are also good. Most of the brands at the expo are good as well, and I’d trust a bike from them. Here’s a link to the page about the expo to give you a place to start: 10 months ago
I also got to ride this goofy thing. A few people would love it but I can’t see it fitting most people’s needs… 11 months ago
Today’s Health Report on Abc RN had a segment on painkillers and how they work. In hijjus detail. Worth catching it at 3 pm today or on the abc app. Veerrry interesting - particularly how the different ones work and interact. Recommended. 11 months ago
Ooh. Does it deal with ‘red heads’ at all? 10 months ago
Presumably you aren’t talking about safety matches … what is a ‘red head’ in this context??? 10 months ago
Headed out last minute to catch a comedy show as a friend had spare tix. Was alright getting there, but leaving… Ahhh that biting winter wind of Melbourne. Without a puffer or any thermals. 🥶
Renewed appreciation for my warm and comfy bed just hearing the rain fall after a very exciting and hectic afternoon.
Would you believe I had yet another offer come through… at my current workplace?! Temp extra days for several months. On the one hand I could build some good cred/exp. It would probably round me out better.
OTOH, I honestly don’t think I’d like most of role I’d be filling in, and the commute… I’m weak. If I didn’t have this other option just nearby I’d have gone for it. But I just ain’t doing 6:30 wake ups every weekday and dealing with disgruntled members of the public to boot 😬 10 months ago
I’m watching Alone.
what the fuck, I hate them all and hope they die 🤣🤣🤣 10 months ago
I don’t know who that is but I’m watching highway patrol and I hope they all go into some sort of Aussie hall of fame. What happens when a cop with an attitude who very clearly became a cop just to be on tv meets a bloke who s never been told ‘no’ before? Hilarity, that’s what 10 months ago
I’m watching it too. I love how the guilty argue with cops like it’s gonna solve their problems. 10 months ago
I watched a few episodes of Dark Winds this morning. Such a beautiful show. No cringe, no anger, doesn’t make me feel dumber.
The best aussie show I’ve seen lately was mr inbetween, and bluey of course 10 months ago
I feel like the news gets even worse every time I watch it. Tonight’s lead story: a purple hair woman spent 10 million bucks on a horse then cried and started talking about how the horse is AUSTRALIAN and will always be Australian 10 months ago
How is that news? What does that do other than piss off aussie battlers? 10 months ago
How is that news?
Hey… That’s my line!
I really don’t know what the logic is either though. I guess we’re just haters, because that is quite obviously national news! 10 months ago
Remember that simpsons episode where Lisa gets everyone to eat healthy and they get sick?
That’s me today. Urgh. 10 months ago
Just had decaf coffee. Did I commit a crime? 10 months ago
Thinking about that quiet holiday suggestion from yesterday. I reckon it would take two weeks minimum for my brain to switch off.
or half an hour 10 months ago
I have reed avocado and I am impatiently waiting for it to ripen. This thing is as big as 2 hass combined. Have never tried one hope the flavour is good. 11 months ago
The moon is getting shady. 10 months ago
Why is it always fucking gastro? Who sends their kid to daycare with Gastro?!
This is the 3rd time in 8 months. 10 months ago
parents who are scared of losing their precarious jobs
if workers had more rights they could make better decisions 10 months ago
Don’t hug too tightly, you might regret the outcome.