Prediction: first big company to offer 32-hour work week at no loss of pay, with choice of remote or hybrid, will hoover up all the Grade-A talent.
Google’s Sergey Brin Says Engineers Should Work 60-Hour Weeks in Office to Build AI That Could Replace Them
Submitted 2 days ago by to
Comments 2 days ago 1 day ago
They’ll never justify it to the shareholders. This is just unrealized value. 1 day ago
So a private company without shareholders will be the first, then. 2 days ago
My CEO is starting to get ideas. I work at a startup, and recently they have been floating 60-80 hour work weeks. So far it has been an idle threat and is really just their hail Mary play, but big players doing this shit is really worrying as far as normalizing it.
I’m more productive than ever, and the punishment seems to be piling on even more work in order to chase those short term profits. 2 days ago
Unionise your workplace and force your bosses to respect your time. 1 day ago
I mean if they increase my pay by 50-100%, I’ll “work” 60-80 hours. By which I mean continue to work 20 hours and pretend to work the rest of the time I say I’m working, while collecting the extra money. 1 day ago
How many people are you? 2 days ago
CEOs and executives would be the easiest to replace. 2 days ago
Ahh yes, another asshole who works maybe 10 hours per week wants the pleb to work around the clock to make him richer… 1 day ago
You wouldn’t get it. These geniuses have highly efficient brains that are working every waking hour. 2 days ago
Another great example of why engineers should not be in charge of people, nor people’s wellbeing. 2 days ago
Who else is an example of this? This seems like something that comes commonly from the MBAs that cosplay as techies. And while Brin is one of the few tech leaders who actually has any claim to technical brilliance, he has now been in management far longer than he ever was in a technical role. 2 days ago
Generally the actual term used is technocrat.
People opposed to them would generally say they get focused on the end result and neglect the human aspect. 1 day ago
this almost always an MBA, buzzword(you arnt working , if you are not busy) 2 days ago
That’s quite sweeping.
People like Brin may be engineers, but more than that the heads of tech companies floating these outrageous ideas are foremost entitled and outrageously rich 1%-ers, who function as businessmen more than they do engineers.
The problem is not that he’s an engineer - the problem is that he’s an asshole. 2 days ago
The Venn diagram of engineers and entitled equity-seeking assholes has been becoming more and more of a circle since the mid 90s (or earlier, I would have been too young to notice ) 2 days ago
i mean kinda generalist there? are you using any piece of hardware that has an engineer as a ceo? (e.g nvidia, amd qualcomm all have ex engineers as CEOs) 1 day ago
I say work 60 hours a week to build an AI to replace the CEO. 1 day ago
If elon is any example , being a ceo is a very low effort role, in that he’s able to be the ceo of multiple companies, while playing video games all day and posting stupid tweets, and more recently, run a government department, all at the same time. 1 day ago
They wouldn’t need all 60 hours 1 day ago
Another guy who hates his family so much that he’d rather spend 60 hours at work per week to stay away from them.
Classy. 1 day ago
Oh no, he doesn’t work, he just dictates what other people should work 1 day ago
Says the guy a picture of himself could replace. 2 days ago
eat the rich 1 day ago
I guess I’m glad I’m not super rich. Seems like when you get super rich you become a complete idiot. 1 day ago
Fucker needs a visit from Luigi. 2 days ago
Sergey should fuck right off! 1 day ago
What a cunt 1 day ago
I wish him a happy brain aneurism. 2 days ago
Sergey should Google my balls 1 day ago
The 40 hour workweek is WOKE!!! It came from that commie FDR’s “NEW STEAL” and I hate the color green!!! Damn liberals forget that the company is FAMILY!! 60 hour weeks just means more time with the people who care the most bigly!!!
/s 2 days ago
My odds outliving all of these assholes keep looking better and better, as they pursue their every sociopathuc impulse. 2 days ago
Rokos basilisk lite 1 day ago
I might be wrong, but he doesn’t look like someone who’s been leading by example and working 60 hours/week himself. 1 day ago
That’s kinda what happened in IT industry… 1 day ago
Just build one to replace him and call it good 2 days ago
These assholes need to be far more familiar with urgent fear.