- Comment on Is ‘Mickey 17’ the latest victim of the Oscars’ newest curse? 13 hours ago:
Totally. I feel like winning Best Director is your one-time free pass to get a risky project greenlit that normally you could never.
And if those movies don’t smash the box office then maybe, in part, it’s because the director quietly never intended them to be the kind of movie that would.
- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 18 hours ago:
Fair :)
- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 1 day ago:
There’s a time for everything, is my personal take. Sometimes I want a film that will be original and challenge me, but I don’t want that every day.
Sometimes it’s relaxing to know there won’t be any big surprises.
- Comment on Three original movies are being released in theaters today 1 day ago:
You see Statham on the poster, you know exactly what you are getting.
- Comment on How to Spot AI-Generated Scam Products 4 days ago:
This probpem has become more prevalent with AI, but deceptive item listings have been part of the online shopping minefield for a long time.
The same rule applies now as it always has - if it seems too good to be true, then it is.
- Comment on Anon is waiting for Japan 1 week ago:
Looking back, I think we can say that the year 2000 was a much better time than 2025
- Comment on Not today 1 week ago:
Assuming this is a genuine question, I may not have realised I was using a British English specific term.
“High Street” does etymologically derive from the main shopping street(s) in a town where most shops would have premises, as you suggest.
In a contemporary usage it means physical retail (versus online) and also connotes city centre, versus places that have enormous out of town “big box” stores.
So economists might say “The high street saw the best Christmas profits in five years” and they mean all retail in that sector of business.
So when I said CVS were a “high-street pharmacy” what I really meant to imply by that was “they are a brick-and-mortar chain with physical stores on streets in towns and cities all over the place”
- Comment on Not today 1 week ago:
CVS is a high street pharmacy chain.
So the CVS guy is the cashier on checkout at the store.
- Comment on Free Him! 1 week ago:
A small animal anethetiser which can fit a variety of small mammals, not just one.
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 2 weeks ago:
Very kind and polite of you
- Comment on I left negative feedback on ebay for dropshipping and the seller has messaged me four days in a row asking me to change it 2 weeks ago:
To play the role of the annoying five year old, “And why is that bad?”
- Comment on Here's one more for you 🐸 2 weeks ago:
Finally, some good fucking algorithm
- Comment on This whole "Sign in to prove you're not a bot" thing is pissing me off 2 weeks ago:
That’s part of it, but it’s certainly ALSO a mechanism to encourage people to use an account, or to register if they haven’t, because that’s more trackable and monetisable.
Same reason why when you hit an X post or an Instagram post it normally lets you see a little tease but roadblocks you to sign in as soon as you start scrolling. They want you signed in for their own reasons.
If google wanted, they could implement a range of measures to disincentivise bots, like not counting views apart from signed-in users so there’s less reason for bots to be engaging with the platform, but that also is bad for their ad view monetisation metrics so they surely don’t want to do that. They’d rather inconvenience the user.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
She could call her parents on the phone and tell them herself, but she doesn’t want to because she knows it will be a difficult conversation.
Therefore she wants bro to have the difficult conversation for her, so she doesn’t have to.
- Comment on I answered your question now can we move on 3 weeks ago:
Welcome to my.TED talk
- Comment on The FAA Has a Big Problem with Mental Health 3 weeks ago:
I hope so too.
The whole problem is treating mental health like “Oh you had a problem, so you are now shit-listed for life”
This is especially dangerous IMO because it means pilots who realise themselves that they are unfit to fly will simply keep on flying, while trying to hide the symptoms and avoid treatment, because they know that if they truthfully disclose what’s going on then it’s game over for them. It builds the incentive to lie directly into the system.
- Comment on The landlord special 3 weeks ago:
This painting wasn’t done carefully with a brush or roller, it was done by spraying with a jet of paint.
It took them no time at all to paint this, because they just blasted it at the same time they were doing the rest of the wall, without even caring it was there.
What would have taken time would be to try and carefully spray around without getting any paint on it (or the proper solution, to remove it from the wall before painting)
- Comment on The landlord special 3 weeks ago:
How so?
- Comment on The landlord special 3 weeks ago:
Combination, right.
Landlord wants the job done fast, meanwhile the contractors know that the landlord isn’t the one actually living there so they can get away with cutting corners.
- Comment on “Literally just a copy”—hit iOS game accused of unauthorized HTML5 code theft 3 weeks ago:
Lots of great money to be made in theft, apparently.
- Comment on What exactly are they teaching in our schools? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Google’s Sergey Brin Says Engineers Should Work 60-Hour Weeks in Office to Build AI That Could Replace Them 4 weeks ago:
That’s quite sweeping.
People like Brin may be engineers, but more than that the heads of tech companies floating these outrageous ideas are foremost entitled and outrageously rich 1%-ers, who function as businessmen more than they do engineers.
The problem is not that he’s an engineer - the problem is that he’s an asshole.
- Comment on Fable has been delayed until 2026 because the studio needs more time, says Xbox 4 weeks ago:
Fair enough :)
I can totally agree that games should prioritise being fun above having pretty graphics.
- Comment on Ads are a plague 4 weeks ago:
Yes, its real
- Comment on Fable has been delayed until 2026 because the studio needs more time, says Xbox 4 weeks ago:
We don’t know exactly what they are spending the time on.
The article says “more time to create the world of Albion” but that’s the article.paraphrasing - the source video simply states “more time” - and doesn’t specify what for.
I’m sure world design is a part of it, but quests, characters, optimisations, bugfixes and all of that are surely a part too.
Personly I’m very glad that the studio are being given the time they need instead of rushing out some rubbish.
- Comment on German thermostat company Tado locks previously free app behind fake paywall, claiming it's "marketing tests" 5 weeks ago:
One could argue that Tado should have had more certainty about their business model before they started selling promises they couldn’t keep, but that’s business I suppose.
Presumably Tado anticipated they could capture customers on a free tier and upsell later, but it turns out that when customers have a fully functional basic tier, they generally don’t want to pay money for extras they don’t care about.
And so now, Tado are left with an online service that costs them money to run, but no ongoing revenue. So of course they will try to monetise the subscription.
Of course, part of the problem is that customers have almost been conditioned to expect cloud stuff to be free. And so that’s the price Tado tried to aim for, and now that is causing problems.
Either way though, what they are doing now represents “changing the deal” Darth Vader style - the product previously was a one time purchase and then free after, and they are now trying to make it paid after selling it as free. And that is bad.
- Comment on German thermostat company Tado locks previously free app behind fake paywall, claiming it's "marketing tests" 5 weeks ago:
It was to figure out if they /really did/ start charging for it, how many people would actually pay.
- Comment on To save the superhero movie, we need to bring back themes 5 weeks ago:
If we are quoting King then he also said in “On Writing” just a paragraph or so after your quote:
“But once your basic story is on paper you need to think about what it means. […] To do less is to rob your work (and eventually your readers) of the vision that makes each tale you write uniquely your own.”
I may not have been right in saying the story /comes/ from the theme, but I very much stand by the notion that solid themes are required, even if the theme does not come first.
King also said:
Not every book has to be loaded with symbolism […] but it seems to me that every book - at least every one worth reading - is about something. Your job during or just after the first draft is to decide what something or somethings yours is about."
As the story is written and progresses, conscious work is needed to refine the theme and draw it out, and good works always are about something that is bigger and richer than the basic story beats themselves.
So to the original argument on superhero movies, the writer’s opinion that we need good themes is still something I very much agree with.
- Comment on To save the superhero movie, we need to bring back themes 5 weeks ago:
All movies have a story. This happens, then that happens, then that happens. A story is just a sequence of events.
But what often separates a good story from a dull one are the thematic elements.
The theme is the big narrative idea into which everything else slots. It drives the plot. It defines the character’s motivations and creates stakes. It creates tension and makes character’s actions feel like they have purpose.
We need a great story, but good story comes from solid themes.
- Comment on meirl 5 weeks ago:
Due to streaming, the way people watch movies and shows has changed.
Because there is so much content and it’s so readily accessible, watching a movie isn’t an “event” anymore in the way it was when DVD or VHS was the only option. And when you pair this with second-screen devices (phones) then it all adds up to people treating movies as background entertainment while they scroll their phone or do something else.
And because of that, the way shows and movies are produced has changed, too. The reason everything seems like homogenous cookie-cutter crap is because it is. In fact Netflix have specifically been asking producers to dumb content down so viewers can still understand it even when they are only paying half attention.
Of course, there are still talented people out there making great movies and shows, but they are increasingly drowned in a sea of copy-paste crap.
And I also feel sorry for all those perhaps equally talented but less senior writers, directors, editors and artists who might never get to produce a movie they ate truly proud of because they’ve been captured by the streaming content factory that demands of them only a constant treadmill of dumbed-down crap, cheap and quick and instantly forgettable, that people will only ever half-watch.