- Comment on They said the packaging would be discreet! 6 hours ago:
Paging Dr. Evil.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 days ago:
Yes and forgetful as well. Utterly unable to learn from history since the history they are taught is whitewashed.
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 6 days ago:
I was in my younger years blessed with the ability to hold my breath for nearly five minutes. I used to stay down so long people would get worried. I never did anything other than take a full breath. Hyperventilating always shortened my dive times.
- Comment on LUNGS WERE A MISTAKE 6 days ago:
I have to imagine that but I’ve done the same thing in a river too muddy to see one foot in front of you. It always feels wonderful. Somewhere in that back brain of ours is a genetic memory of peace and happiness.
- Comment on Good vibes 1 week ago: Sending my love, what a wonderful feeling
- Comment on PC gamers spend 92% of their time on older games, oh and there are apparently 908 million of us now 1 week ago:
I do not. I haven’t played a gamer older than thirty years old in years
- Comment on Anon is smarter than a genius 2 weeks ago:
The truth of genius is its only momentary and usually highly specific.
- Comment on Google’s Sergey Brin Says Engineers Should Work 60-Hour Weeks in Office to Build AI That Could Replace Them 3 weeks ago:
I guess I’m glad I’m not super rich. Seems like when you get super rich you become a complete idiot.
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
Around here they made a comeback in 2020 and 2021 during the pandemic. The reason why was they stopped spraying the forests for pine beetles. It was noticeable and now its back to nearly nothing. Its poisen. Nothing more, nothing less. The fireflies die so some undeserving investor gets more money.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
There are people in this thread trying to say its faster through text.
- Comment on How did a simple phone call become so problematic? 1 month ago:
When I need to solve a problem I use the fastest method. Talking about the problem. Anyone who thinks they can do that as quickly through texts or emails is just not interested in quickly resolving it. No way anyone can solve a problem faster with anything less than a conversation.
- Comment on "I know the perfect place for the ESP button! Right in front of the drivers knee!" 1 month ago:
scoot back.
- Comment on Saviour 2 months ago:
There is a distinct class of asshat in this country who refuses to see what is going on. It isn’t limited to maga either. I’ve determined its the stupid 30%. Before the internet gave the stupid 30 a platform they were largely ignored at the local level. Now they get on and yammer out their dim bulb outlook. Lacking the ability to remember from day to day what that outlook is exactly. They spew their of the moment opinions, forgetting that they believed in the past. Its how my POS mom and dad changed from democrat to maga without changing one bigoted opinion.
- Comment on What year is it 2 months ago:
The internet is serious business. Its so easy to press someones button. Can you imagine some dramatic actor from that time in that place though? Sean Penn for example.
- Comment on BROTHER 2 months ago:
It seems like they would stick to you like a vinyl couch cushion.
- Comment on Get to the choppa! 2 months ago:
It does suggest more on a axe than a ultra cheap thermostat.
- Comment on I wanna ROCK 2 months ago:
Breathing is fake. You really don’t have to breath. Don’t accept this group delusion. Quit breathing. You can do it just keep trying to quit.
- Comment on If you are a young person you have no idea how bad everyone and everything smelled until at least the 1990s. 2 months ago:
They are not on fire. They are just boiling in their own fat. MMMMMMMmmmmmm, fat.
- Comment on That is the correct answer 2 months ago:
Wait until Steve Martin comes by.
- Comment on 41% of young voters say UnitedHealthcare CEO killing "acceptable": Poll 2 months ago:
On the contrary. We are hoping that the indecent will no long profit off of the decent.
- Comment on 41% of young voters say UnitedHealthcare CEO killing "acceptable": Poll 2 months ago:
Its more than that. I haven’t met anyone personally who thinks the guy didn’t deserve it. Of course the people I work around are all using unitedhealth.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I’m pretty sure most zoomers will outlive the boomers.
- Comment on I'm pretty sure all of us have given up on any boomer giving us anything anyway 2 months ago:
Mine didn’t. Gave it all to my golden child sister.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 2 months ago:
I don’t think I’ve ever been diagnosed other than the fact that I can smell things others can’t. I can smell when people are sick. Cancer has a smell. I sometimes I encounter people and don’t know what the smell is but know they are sick. I can smell cockroaches in a house. Even if you can’t see them I can smell them in the walls. All in all I would choose to have just a regular sense of smell since many perfumes and those damned plug in air freshener just smell like noxious chemicals to me. Its just like walking in a room and someone is screaming. Only I’m the only one there that can hear it. Not fun.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 3 months ago:
Special? Its like a disability. I don’t know about the like or dislike but I’m pretty sure super tasters are not that common.
- Comment on Performative Perp Walk 3 months ago:
Now we know what terrorizes those weaklings.
- Comment on Broccoli, cheese, and MILFs 3 months ago:
If you are a super taster, broccoli taste like grass smells. At least for me and my daughter. Its so bitter that I threw up one time when I was a kid being forced to eat it. So lets accept that to someone with a lesser/different sense of taste/smell its okay. To those of us who can smell when someone has been in their house five hours after they left it taste completely different. So no thanks I don’t want to eat grass.
- Comment on its not just me 3 months ago:
This has a distinct onion flavor.
- Comment on Anon meets a girl at a wedding 3 months ago:
Kissin cousins has always been a thing.