Tomorrow morning, I have a psychiatrist appointment for ADHD. Maybe after I get meds, I won’t have “big feelings” anymore. But that might just be the suspected 'tism. Who knows at this point?
And who cares?
Cheers 🍻
Submitted 4 days ago by to
Tomorrow morning, I have a psychiatrist appointment for ADHD. Maybe after I get meds, I won’t have “big feelings” anymore. But that might just be the suspected 'tism. Who knows at this point?
And who cares?
Cheers 🍻
Good luck! It will be good either way, adhd or something else, they will be able to give you guidance. Be completely honest even if you think somethings embarrassing, because it will help greatly in getting it right.
Thank you :)
I know exactly what you mean.
Mine definitely shrunk to what I consider a manageable size.
Well. I’ve been playing video games and napping most of the day. Time for guitar I guess?
she is very cheeky …lol
Give her a hug or leave her house
Over at the p’s… so naturally means tech support. Jeez they panic.
It’s sort of ironic. Back in the day as kids they’d slightly try and limit our screen time (pre smart phones)… talkin’ N64 days… confiscating that shit mid lylat wars / waveracer / 1080 binges like despotic barbarians. Now they beg to keep all their shit working and can’t function without their devices. I’d love to see another carrington event.
I’m a betting gal. I bet fat finger.
yup :)
Lol I see the same with my mother who was draconian about limiting use of the PC (also pre smartphones - but no consoles at home) and is now mindlessly addicted to puzzle games on her phone. so bad she would sometimes text me when in the same house rather than come talk to me
Cheers party animals 🍺
*This post was proudly brought to you by The Official Last Day of Summer
Perfect weather for it. Cheers 🍺
Cheers mate 🍺 You’ve earnt it!
Cheers Gibson girl 🥛
I’m loving these paid naps hey. Lol
Might finally be getting over covid and the flu but sheesh that was harsh. One day I took out the recycling and then had to sleep for 13 hours I was that wiped from something so simple.
Also I may have grown too many chillis this season, I don’t think my dehydrator is big enough to deal with this impending win/doom 😂
too many chillis this season
My kid did a very important biology test today. We all put in a bet and will be eagerly anticipating results.
Me: 96%
The man: 85%
The kid: 75%
The dog: N/A
Dog wins. Kiddo forgot to put their name on the test (we’ve all been there).
Wouldn’t surprise me.
dog needs to get it together, seriously.
I think he rolled his eyes.
Look at those beautiful eyes 😍
My grandma made Geoffrey the dog steamed fish, rice, and pasta. He ate none of it. But I gave him 20 of these little treats yesterday, because that’s all he’ll eat.
We are trying lots of different things.
Geoffrey oughta be more grateful!
When my dog was old and loosing appetite, I would boils some chicken thighs and then shred it up in the broth, he seemed to like it. Chicken soup.
He got some chicken tonight and he liked it. Thanks for the suggestion :)
Me singing to the cat: “Alfie do ya want some wine? Ooh, no, you can’t have it! Boyo do ya want some wine? You can have Alfie’s! Alfie do ya want some wine? No cause you’re a kitten.”
… I haven’t even had any wine yet.
I talk to my cat in a Spanish accent cause somehow it’s appropriate .
Also…get on the wine. Good for what ails ya
I used to talk to the dog in a French accent. Totally made sense.
Wine is in the glass!
🎶What’s it all about Alfie?
Booze, card games and swearing? Pirates? Nah just an average Friday night at my joint.
Still waiting for my invite
Fuck you insomnia
Not armchair diagnosing, but could it be ADHD meds that are keeping you awake?
All good :)
I have been taking a sleeping pill since I started the adhd meds, but the other ones I could try have horrible side effects.
I think I’ll go to a sleep clinic.
Well. I’m done for the day lol
Nice! Have you made any progress on your pay?
Yeah they suddenly changed their tune when I mentioned that I will be contacting fair work l
I put on Iron Man the other day and AC/DCs Back in Black comes on and my daughter goes “I like this music. Is it old people music?” I swear my back started aching as soon as those words left her mouth.
Yes, yes it is.
As an old person, yes. Yes it is.
I’ve had beer and bulgogi. Now for that other great pleasure - bedtime
Winning at life right there
oooof friends are having a very vicious very public breakup / divorce all over facebook and I’m torn between just muting the pair, or replying to a public spats going “Jesus christ” until they both block me.
the worst bloody part is they’re all “The kids don’t know the kids don’t know” and fucken hell, the kids **absolutely ** do know and the pair of absolute jackasses need to pull their heads out of their arses and act like parents, not teenagers.
Today I am looking at removalists. I have an end leave date 4 weeks from now. I need some special boxes too. Not too difficult to pack as I have done all the sorting already. 🙂
It will be a bit spenny but worth it because …beeeeach ⛱️🩴🌊😎
Right, pub
Okay, who sent this glorious weather?
I have to do some actual work today. Lame lol
Looks like it’s fuck this shit ‘o’ clock.
going to check out a campervan tomorrow. Mrs isnt keen, but still wants to have a look at it. not sure if we’re just Tyre kicking, or if shes serious. Getting a straight answer out of her is tough.
I’ve had a week of late nights but I hope I can fix that soon. I think I’ve been holding up alright but I don’t recommend it.
I remembered to bring the growler to work and it’s in the fridge pre-cooling before going to the brewery. I feel like I’ve earned it this week.
Stand up paddle board acquired - just a cheap inflatable one that had good reviews. Nabbed one for the boyo as well. Sadly too windy to test 'em today, but I’ve always wanted it and now I have it.
I just can’t. 😢
Was quite tired yesterday, went to bed earlier than normal, woke up at about 4 for a tinkle, fell back asleep until 6…decided to fall back sleep again (day off today) and holy shit the next 90 minutes was the deepest sleep I’ve had in a loooong time.
Wife’s alarm went off, she had a shower, had the curtains opened and I did not budge until she actually woke me up.
Feel absolutely refreshed too.
Good morning festive Friday freaks 🌻 4 days ago
This is my favourite embroidery piece (with hand crocheted edging) that my mother did.
She’s always been more interested in doing the crochet than the embroidery, so there are lots of doilies and things in the cupboard. 4 days ago
That’s really really nice, so many different embroidery stitches, many of them traditional dating back to the Elizabethan Era. 4 days ago
It would be the different stitches that attracted her to the design - she’s always hated doing lots of satin stitch and preferred using different fill stitches. 4 days ago
Beautiful. What a piece of art! 4 days ago
That is a beautiful piece of work. 4 days ago
That looks mint. Maybe I should take up embroidery 4 days ago
Embroidery is a nice hobby - it is very meditative. This sort of embroidery takes a fair bit of practice to get right because you have to judge the position of the needle and size of stitches evenly, but things like cross stitch are usually done on fabric with evenly spaced holes to guide you. It is not too complicated but gives you something to do with your hands, and it gives you just enough to do with your conscious brain that you don’t get bored without taking up all your attention, so most of your brain has space to process things and do some quality sub-conscious thinking. 4 days ago… 4 days ago
That is absolutely gorgeous ❤️