Me, a stoner: “Duuuuuude! I have hella pot ash!”
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to [deleted]
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Put it in a pot, add water, filter it, evaporate the water: you’ve got potash. 5 weeks ago
Me with my swimming pool of ABV: “casual.” 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Why do I hear this picture in my head and not the one posted by OP? I love McAdams. 5 weeks ago
I endorse this statement 5 weeks ago
K. 5 weeks ago
I’ve used potash within the last week! Potash is here already mwahahahaha 5 weeks ago
You have done a glorious deed.
Personally I did my part and consumed potash for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. I’m going to grow very big and strong. Potash is forever 💪 5 weeks ago…/how-to-make-potash.php
I’m still going for it 5 weeks ago
You’re a brave soul! 5 weeks ago
Glorious! 5 weeks ago
Pot ash? Nah, that’s Grandma. 5 weeks ago
Wtf is pot ash 5 weeks ago
i dunno, i think dwarves use it for some esoteric farming ritual or something? 5 weeks ago
Could be a better term for “Hash Browns”
Potato + Hash = Potash
Hash could be anything chopped up. Really should say Potato Hash Browns to be specific.
Could say Potash Browns or simply Potash 5 weeks ago
K 5 weeks ago
I survived the nuclear apocalypse - thanks to potash! 5 weeks ago
I’ve been to a couple potash mine. Those guys were pretty cool. 5 weeks ago
Ooh, do elaborate. I’m curious what they look like in person. 5 weeks ago
They look like any other mine, really. Only ever been inside the mine once but it was pretty neat. Most of the actual mining is done by machines that are controlled remotely. The big chunks of the pure shit looks like a pinkish orange quartz rock. Most of what they get isn’t as pure though and they need to refine it with crushers and the like.
They got warehouses where they keep the raw ore before it’s processed. It honestly just looks like sparkly dirt at this stage. After they process it they get a few different products out of it and crush it into different consistencies like fine grain or granular. They have these domes that they store them in that have a feeder at the bottom to slowly trickle out onto conveyors for transport or more refining. Pretty much each dome has a different product too with different grains and uses. Most of it by this point looks like the cinnamon crystals on Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That’s the good shit right there where it’s all potash with very little impurities.
They get a lot of different kinds of salt out of it and they keep most of that outside. Some of that stuff is super white and fine. It has the consistency of sand or snow (or even cocaine) and looks the part too. I mean, it’s basically just salt at this point (not the kind you wanna eat) and they sell it off depending on its use. I don’t think it’s the same kinda stuff they’d send off to the evaporation pools but I could be mistaken. Last time I was there they had a giant pile outside that was about the size of a grocery store of that white salt. And one of the salt piles that’s a byproduct is road salt. Not as pure and not very expensive, but it’s just a by product so they refine that shit to sell it off. 5 weeks ago
Not with that attitude. 5 weeks ago
Agreed. Potash is forever. 5 weeks ago
Potash is love, potash is life. 5 weeks ago
stop trying to force your shitty meme, you absolute sperglord 5 weeks ago
Reminder, we are not talking about potato-ash 5 weeks ago
Currently at 69 upvotes 5 weeks ago
108 now. (108 is a lucky number) 5 weeks ago
Nice! 😎 5 weeks ago
🜿 5 weeks ago
I must be missing the context for this. Does Potash mean something more than Potassium or the process for isolating it? 5 weeks ago
There’s not much context. It started with my friend showing me how he could speedrun zooming into a specific potash farm in China and then it grew into a series of shitposts 5 weeks ago
This is the dumbest thing I have heard all day and I love it. Thank you so much for keeping the internet weird. 5 weeks ago
was honestly losing my mind at your posts but this context makes it so good 5 weeks ago
I grew up in a small town. Things were hard. We needed to make little jokes. I learned to make my car a little funny. I’m sorry if I sent the wrong message, like I was some sort of representative or something. 5 weeks ago
Potash is unrefined potassium. 5 weeks ago
For context, check out countrypunk’s posting history. In the last day, there’s been a lot of potash memes. 5 weeks ago
so you’re saying it already did happen