- Comment on Do You Even Squid Game Bro? 5 weeks ago:
So a Japanese character that I’ve never heard speak English says something in Japanese. English words pop up on screen.
You’re telling me you read the English words in a random Japanese/English accent? Like a stereotype voice?
- Comment on Do You Even Squid Game Bro? 5 weeks ago:
I find subtiles distracting
I read the words that pop up on the screen in my own voice in my head and basically ignore the voices because I can not understand them anyways.
I enjoyed Death Note in dubbed
I enjoyed Alice in Boarderlands in subbed, dubbed was bad
I’m split on Money Heist. My friend showed me it in English and I watched the whole first episode without realizing it was dubbed. Trying to watch it subbed after that was like the characters were not speaking the language I thought they did. It was weird.
I can see some people hating the lips not matching up, but I don’t really look at.
Maybe if I was big into subbed shows I’d like them more and I’m sure I’d get better at enjoying subtitles.
But I am the kind of person that would want to rewind a movie or show because I didn’t understand what a character said. I hate feeling like I am missing important information.
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 1 month ago:
They would only be in a bad situation because minimum wage is low and they will be missing tips.
A pizza driver in the US is guaranteed at least minimum wage while they are on the clock.
To my knowledge, Uber style delivery services are not going to fire you for not working a night.
The typical pizza place has managers that will force workers to work. If you are forced to work and someone calls in a pizza, you are forced to deliver.
Im sure there are people out there that have 4x4s and enjoy the extra tips in the hazardous conditions.
But you could also be risking some poor soul life that’s being forced to deliver in their Honda civic.
Those people can’t say no to their managers in fear of being fired. It’s what the whole comment was about. They can’t quit, fired could be worse.
- Comment on Contributing to the local economy 1 month ago:
A delivery driver is already towards the bottom of the job ladder
Not many can say “I can be without work for a week or two while I look for a better/safer job”
Can they say no? Yes, can they really say no? Probably not
- Comment on Potash 1 month ago:
Could be a better term for “Hash Browns”
Potato + Hash = Potash
Hash could be anything chopped up. Really should say Potato Hash Browns to be specific.
Could say Potash Browns or simply Potash
- Comment on "You can't have our trash because we don't have a way to charge you for it" 2 months ago:
Is it really from scratch if you don’t raise the piglet and butcher it yourself?
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 2 months ago:
Screws maybe
But you have to machine a hole in the metal for the screw to function
You know how hard it would be to drill a hole for a screw in a cave with scrap parts and no power drill?
All you need to crudely weld, probably as strong as a screw, is heat. Fire is easy in a cave.
I’d wager they could melt some metal together before devising a cave drill press.
We have no idea what metal or alloy it is. They could have an alloy that melts easily, but once hard, it adheres to other metals and practically unbreakable. Just find some scraps of that alloy to easily weld.
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 2 months ago:
You’re building a light saber.
Do you:
A. Weld everything
B. Drill holes and thread the holes for a bolt
I’m sure they have some kind of crazy riveting technology. Is she installing screws because she wants to be able to easily take apart her lightsaber if needed?
- Comment on The torque better not be too strong with this one 2 months ago:
I’ve snapped so many Robertson bits in my life. Screws are fine.
1 5/8" cement board screws
They used to be Robertson. They switched to Torx.
Night and day difference
Like you said, they do grip like a mofo, and with an impact driver, the bits snap.
I tried dozens of different brands of bits. Even paid top dollar for special Milwaukee ones.
I was at a point where I had to pre-drill and counter sink the screws because I was breaking too many bits.
I could probably drive a torx head one through a board
- Comment on Jesus Christ 3 months ago:
The whole Noah story arc proves that God would totally cause storms to cleanse the evil.
Doing it Thalnos’ style and only killing/moving? the bad people isn’t God’s style. He could do it, but “God snapped his fingers and all bad people were sent to Hell, the world instantly became a better place.” Doesn’t get you a New York bestseller.
- Comment on hmmm 😈 5 months ago:
Depends on context.
This is the same idea as answering the phone with “Talk to me” which is generally from a pompous arrogant character.
Like “I’m here, what do you have to say?”
- Comment on "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!" 5 months ago:
I had to look up what the summoner’s tale was. I can say this from memory.
“Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote,
The droghte of March hath perced to the roote,
And bathed every veyne in swich licóur
Of which vertú engendred is the flour;
Whan Zephirus eek with his swete breeth
Inspired hath in every holt and heeth
The tendre croppes, and the yonge sonne
Hath in the Ram his halfe cours y-ronne,
And smale foweles maken melodye,
That slepen al the nyght with open ye,
So priketh hem Natúre in hir corages,
Thanne longen folk to goon on pilgrimages,
And palmeres for to seken straunge strondes,
To ferne halwes, kowthe in sondry londes;
And specially, from every shires ende
Of Engelond, to Caunterbury they wende,
The hooly blisful martir for to seke,
That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke.”
- Comment on "Now everyone will have an easy reference table at hand!" 6 months ago:
You didn’t have to memorize the Canterbury Tales?
- Comment on Are cars with AWD worth it compared to FWD. 7 months ago:
Best driver in the world couldn’t drive on icy conditions with summer tires
- Comment on Eat the rich? 8 months ago:
One million seconds is 11.6 days
One billion seconds is 31.7 years
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
If the 300m people lived in the same area and you got a true random sample.
Sunsets at 9:09 today in Michigan
Sunsets at 8:04 today in California
Sunsets at 8:34 today in North Carolina
Sunsets at 7:57 today in Alabama
Sunsets at 7:38 today in Arizona (They are on standard time)
Sunsets at 7:13 today in Hawaii
Sunsets at 11:36 today in Alaska
Someone in Arizona might want the sun to set at 7:38. It’s blazing hot all day.
Someone in Michigan might be fine with sunsetting at 8:08 with standard time.
Someone in Alabama might not want the sun to set at 6:57.
Someone in Hawaii probably doesn’t want the sun to set at 6:13.
Even if you split up the 1000 people to equally represent all states, that’s only 20 people per state.
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
Ahh, yes, 1002 people is a large sample size, like .003% of the population.
Your article is also about switching. Doesn’t say anything about if people would prefer to stay on DST or standard time.
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
“Summer time” is DST
If you removed DST, we would always be on standard time.
What you are saying is make DST permanent, not removing DST
- Comment on Everyday, as an American 8 months ago:
Why do you want the sun to set early?
I’d rather have an extra hour of sun after work than an hour of sun before work
I think most people enjoy DST. Most complain when it’s dark at 5 pm.
- Comment on Anon can’t have a factual argument 9 months ago:
Can confirm
“How’d you get your last name?” Is almost always brought up when I say it.
I’m a second generation Mexican/Finnish mix with a strong southern accent.
Having to mark my skin color down on the paper and then having to mark Hispanic in another place is common place.
Funny how Scandinavian is never an option. I’m as much Scandinavian as Hispanic.
Racism is weird.
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
That’s the whole difference between torx vs Phillips.
Theoretically, you should never break a screw shaft with Phillips because they are designed to cam out before enough torque is applied to break the shaft of the screw.
It’s supposed to be a feature
- Comment on Anon is a physicist 10 months ago:
Gravity is consistently pulling at 9.85m/s regardless of the size or density in an object.
Any object with mass has gravity
Say the moon was falling to earth
Would the earth not be drawn in space towards the moon as it fell?
The moon and earth would collide at a rate faster than 9.85m/s?
- Comment on Home maintenance 10 months ago:
Doesn’t even water filter it. 9/10
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
your freezer at -18 °C (0 °F) or lower. This will keep your food out of the temperature danger zone between 4 °C (40 °F) to 60 °C (140 °F) where bacteria can grow quickly.
According to
Every 2 F is basically 1 C. You have more whole numbers with F.
Like -15°C is 5°F
6°F is -14.4444°C
-14°C is 6.8°F
So 5, 6, and 7°F are about equal to -15, -14.5, and -14°C.
And it’s not just a random number. You know how much more energy would be used if everyone kept their freezer just a couple degrees colder? It’s the optimum recommended temperature.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
USA uses US Customary units, not Imperial units.
Fahrenheit is grouped with US Customary units but is not one.
I agree metric system is superior and there isn’t a reason to use Inches, Feet, Yards, etc.
But Fahrenheit is a great system for weather and works great for everything else.
For science if I have to heat a beaker to 280° it doesn’t matter if it’s C or F. I’m not going to be able to relate to 280° in either system. The instrument is going to have to tell me the exact measurement.
Same with like a tape measure. I can measure out 3 meters. I don’t need to know how long 3 meters is to do that.
However, mark two lines on a piece of paper and I will get closer guessing in inches than cm because I know the US customary units better.
Eventually US will change to metric. But I doubt we will ever not use Fahrenheit for normal day things like weather
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
When do you use 0° and 100°C?
This is also at standard pressure and most do not live at sea level.
I don’t put a thermometer in my water to make sure it is boiling or one in my water to make sure it freezes.
It can snow and roads can ice before it hits 0°C
It has no real world applications
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
90-110 is hand washing temp. 100 average.
110 is hot
120 recommend max
130 very hot
140 very very hot
150 burns
If I said to you. Would you stick your hand in 50°C water for 100 dollars would you do it?
What about 60°C?
I bet you don’t know what would happen if you stuck your hand in 65°C water without looking it up. There’s a huge jump from 60° to 65°C. 70°C will instantly scald you.
Someone out there is stupid enough to think. Water boils at 100°C, 65 should be perfectly fine. Even though water doesn’t boil until 212°, most people would be cautious of sticking their hand in 100°F+ water.
Yes if you think 40°C+ is hot then you can gather that 65°C would be hotter. But why compare to 40° when you can do 100°.
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
Not sure where you got -4F from.
USDA, United States Department of Agriculture, recommends 0°F or -17.8°C
100°F in the shade isn’t extreme, and you’d be able to survive normally (With more water, everyone can use more water)
100°F is hot tub water
120°F is recommended hot tap water
140°F water will pretty much burn you instantly
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
0F is the temperature a freezer needs to be to keep food fresh.
50F is the point that you can’t survive without clothes, your body will not generate enough heat.
100F (38C) will not burn you alive. You can survive for a long time in a sauna at 200F.
100F is perfect hot tub temperature
- Comment on temperature 11 months ago:
0-150 is the better range, and 75 is right in the middle. 100 is just a hot air temperature most people don’t want to be in but it’s not an extreme.
Saunas can get up to 200 degrees
Hot tubs are usually at 100
Freezers need to be at least 0
You say 15°C. 6° cooler than room temperature. But how much is 6°?
It’s 60°F.
50°F or 10°C is where you need clothes to survive
300, 325, 350 is where you bake cookies (149-176°C)
Fahrenheit has a bunch of 5 and 10s
Saying something like high 70s or low 70s for temp represents an easy way to tell temperature.
21° to 26° for celcius
I walk outside and say “It feels like high 70s today” someone using celcius would say, “Feels like 25°”. If it was a little warmer than “low 80s” compared to “Ehh about 26 or 27°C”