- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
People forget that a large portion of the original Nazis were hardened WWI vets, not soft plutocrat tech bros.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
You sound like you’re still in highschool and getting bullied lol
- Comment on I'm old 2 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
I literally said english speaking countries, genius. I’m also in china right now on holiday and nobody calls black people monkeys to their face. You speak like a white little incel who’s never gotten a passport.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Buy a third set and then pick two devices for each pair.
- Comment on 小红书 2 months ago:
It reminds them of the popular kids in school who pushed them into lockers. That’s basically it.
- Comment on 小红书 2 months ago:
sent from my iphone
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
Lol, you realise the 1. And 2. On a dictionary imply separate contexts, right? You intentionally chose the context for apology that applies to a defence of criticism in literature, not a person to person apology for a mistake made.
You’ve made yourself a clown and now you’re doubling down. It’s so rich, I love it. I’m going to end this little exchange on this delicious high note. Enjoy your weekend with your hand, buddy, because I won’t respond anymore, I’ll just let you impotently stew in it!
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Yep, it’s called Bluetooth bone conducting headphones and if you’re that deaf, you should buy a cheap pair. They’re only like $20 on Amazon. Saves you being a loud asshole in public.
- Comment on Boomers with their loud Samsung phone sounds 2 months ago:
Bluetooth is a bigger hastle than just plugging in a wire.
What? Literally every single pair of Bluetooth headphones I own auto connect to my phone by the time I have both buds in my ears.
And all the cheap ones use Micro-B instead of C for charging
I bought a cheap pair of anker ones a couple years ago for gardening and they’re USB c. I don’t think micro has been in use for a while now.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
No I used my preferred dictionary
Urban dictionary? You skipped the first definition because it included the word sorry and made you look like a moron.
Projection much?
Nah, been happily married 10 years, ya incel. Sounds like I hit a nerve.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
Good luck being single the rest of your life lol
- Comment on [deleted] 2 months ago:
Lulzzzz ya I’ve heard outside of Hamburgerland saying the n word is not a big deal at all.
Not true and I suggest you don’t try it in any english speaking countries or you are liable to get your head kicked in.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
I wonder how long you had to scroll to find that one. Taking an overly literal definition instead of understanding the context and spirit of what an apology is: the last bastion of the guy who cares more about winning than being right.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
An apology does have to say sorry or it’s just an explanation. If they aren’t sorry, they’re not apologising, they’re just telling you what happened in a way that takes 0 responsibility.
I know all I need to about you from this one simple statement and now realise you’ll be too pig headed to approach this in any way other than antagonistically in a desperate attempt to browbeat the other person into submission. Because for you, it’s not about reaching consensus, it’s about your own ego.
You do you bro, I don’t care enough about anyone in this debate to bother responding anymore. Peace.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
They didn’t apologize, they doubled down with some of the most insipid bullshit about pronouns not existing instead of just saying “oh yeah, I didn’t see the name, I’ll edit it my comment”.
- Comment on Anon gets rid of crackheads 2 months ago:
You defending some guy who’s wrong for…reasons?
- Comment on Potash 2 months ago:
I put a “honk if you’re horny” bumper sticker on it and then some jerk followed me around honking for days. He said he was so horny, his stomach hurt. He even sat behind my car honking at my mother’s funeral until I gave him one of the porno mags from the boot of my car.
- Comment on Potash 2 months ago:
I grew up in a small town. Things were hard. We needed to make little jokes. I learned to make my car a little funny. I’m sorry if I sent the wrong message, like I was some sort of representative or something.
- Comment on Par for the course 2 months ago:
No he wasn’t, his statement was about disliking being made to feel bad about climate science he doesn’t understand. You’re clearly deep in the Joe mental gymnastics brain rot.
- Comment on Par for the course 2 months ago:
Rogan is just a doofus with a show that I happen to enjoy but he himself will tell you he’s an idiot when it comes to almost anything that doesn’t include comedy
And yet he routinely makes declarative statements like “climate science is people making you feel bad about your impact when we don’t even understand the science behind it”. He’s a right wing shill who consistently presents far right ideas like they’re truth, but then tongue in cheeks self deprecates, like it cancels out the massive soap box alt right haranguing he just did. He also consistently platforms far right racist, science denying fascists and then nods along while they drip venom in the ear of his brain-dead audience.
- Comment on Anon buys a TV without researching 2 months ago:
Yeah, people who don’t have to use it professionally don’t understand how useful a tool it is.