Seriously, why? And why people don’t think that’s weird?
Because he looks like an even more elderly ghost of a man without it. Image
Submitted 3 months ago by to [deleted]
Seriously, why? And why people don’t think that’s weird?
it looks like a bad photoshop job lmao
the person applying the clown makeup was rushed that day
Spray tan and/or makeup
Without it he looks like a ghost, for rallys and TV appareances he gets a touchup right before, but candids you can see what it looks like without in the edges.
It’s not that it looks good, it’s that without it he’d look a hell of a lot worse.
without it he’d look a hell of a lot worse.
I disagree. He’s old. He’d look old. That’s not worse, it’s just human.
I’ve been to a number of funerals. No one ever looks good. Everyone ends up looking inhuman.
My paternal grandparents were both cremated. Grandfather died first, then my grandmother died a few years later.
They weren’t going to have any kind of service, so there was no need for makeup. However, my parents, siblings and I gathered at the funeral home to say goodbye. The funeral home put the body on a gurney covered by a sheet.
They looked better than any other corpse I’ve seen. They looked dead, but not inhuman.
Trump should fire the mortuary make-up artist he’s been using and just try to be human.
Once you start thinking about the relationship between Trump and his base like pro wrestling it all makes a lot more sense
Well he does make as much intellectual sense as The Ultimate Warrior!
Because he puts on orange paint. And a lot of people think it’s very weird.
Have you ever looked at the makeup that theater or TV performers use? It is layered on super thick, so that it looks good from far away, but up close it looks overly made up.
Trump has been on TV so much that he knows all about that. He wants to project an image of vitality, so he layers that stuff on as thick as he can to mask his natural pallor.
he can’t get regular tan under the sun because he keeps looking at it
He got some lights at one point but apparently kept sticking the bulbs up his butt.
It puts the lotion on it’s skin.
And then it ruins the country again.
Cuz he’s pale as fuck and probably has issues with his complexion. I would conjecture he would look deathlier if he didn’t wear that shit
It’s bronzer. He puts it on so people think he’s not some kind of zombie.
Asshole can’t accept his age and skin tone. That’s why he also has the fucked up “hair”.
Spray tan
The devil is red but the silicone skin is still a little translucent. I’m sure that big book he talks about selling probably has some more details.
He eats too many Sea Weedies.
He’s Chester the cheetahs mistress 3 months ago
This is the real Donald J. Trump.
Real 3 months ago
That looks at least 30 lbs too light. 3 months ago
130 3 months ago
He kinda looks better. If he just stopped making that face he would look like a normal human. 3 months ago
He definitely looks less like the old eccentric guy that glued thousands of bottle caps, buttons, and toys to the outside of his 1987 Yugo.