- Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 2 hours ago:
They have Rosie the Riveter on a vintage tee but have no clue what she represents.
- Comment on Dig this trench to protect your landlord's ability to gouge your decendants. 5 hours ago:
I see comments like this from Americans who are surprised that Ukrainians are still working and going to school. Do they think people just stop needing food and rent money because the streets are getting bombed?
- Comment on Anyone know how to unlock Others? 2 days ago:
Uniformity, Inequity, and Exclusion
- Comment on World travelers 3 days ago:
It could grip it by the husk.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 weeks ago:
I misunderstood “poor storage” as a temperature. Sure, if you don’t seal the container and an abundance of moisture is able to enter, that could cause spoilage. So if OP doesn’t keep their honey in a bucket in the basement they should be fine.
- Comment on Does it make sense to buy a lifetime supply of honey? 3 weeks ago:
That’s an old wives’ tale. Honey never spoils, it crystallizes. All you need to do is heat it to liquify. 3000 year old honey was found in an Egyptian tomb, and was still edible.
- Comment on no ragrets 3 weeks ago:
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite by stabilizing nitroglycerin with fine sand. He regretted his contribution to the efficacy of warfare, so he created the Nobel Peace Prize.
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 4 weeks ago:
DEI does not influence hiring or firing. The right intentionally conflates DEI, which is creating an inclusive work environment, with affirmative action. The latter was a set of policies that required special consideration for marginalized groups when hiring, and was repealed by SCOTUS in 2023.
As a former corporate manager, I can say first hand that DEI has been a focus in respectable institutions for much longer than the term has existed. The best way to stagnate your business is to hire a bunch of like-minded people and make them all think and act alike.
- Comment on Now what the hell came next 4 weeks ago:
chicka chicka
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 4 weeks ago:
Vidisti Brutus?
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 4 weeks ago:
Don’t forget, he’ll have it fixed so good you won’t have to vote anymore.
- Comment on Hurry it along chucklenuts 5 weeks ago:
As a former retail worker- we know. If you get the bills first, it’s our passive-aggressive way of saying you were a dick.
We also know that tone doesn’t translate to corrective action forms. No one is getting written up for telling you to “have a sparkling day!”😘
- Comment on At the Brazilian steakhouse 5 weeks ago:
My trick is to just take one slice at a time for variety. They always come back.
- Comment on At the Brazilian steakhouse 5 weeks ago:
Green side up. All Brazilian meats are welcome on my plate. Just need to leave room for the grilled pineapple desert.
- Comment on Good morning. 5 weeks ago:
You’re such a brownnoser.
- Comment on 0mg 5 weeks ago:
That’s bananas!
- Comment on Pick the best description of your parents and see if you turned out as predicted 5 weeks ago:
I am no athlete.
- Comment on The internet is bad ux, everybody. There's too many choices. 5 weeks ago:
I’m no fan of FPTP, but that point doesn’t apply here. Democrats have consistently supported Net Neutrality.
Net Neutrality was legislated by the Democratic majority in the FCC in 2015. It was then repealed by the Republicans in the FCC (championed by Pai and Carr) in 2018. It was then reinstated when the Democrats regained majority in 2024.
- Comment on Be safe out there 5 weeks ago:
I’m a New Yorker who ate fermented shark in Iceland. So at least one.
- Comment on With powers combined, idk 5 weeks ago:
Ah, the Cambodian carnivorous penis plant. We meet again.
- Comment on The Periodic Table according to astronomers 1 month ago:
Yup. Faster with a catalyst. Ma2Se, Ma2Sa are good examples.
- Comment on Events are occurring! 1 month ago:
That’s when the first kaiju made landfall in San Francisco.
- Comment on Before they hired me THIS was part of the process. Had to submit an answer as to what she was holding 1 month ago:
- Comment on Why the long gill? 1 month ago:
I believe this is referring to ‘An Earful of Jaw’ by Gould, however the diagram takes some serious liberties in its specifics.
- Comment on Pharrell Williams, Michel Gondry Scrap Their Movie Musical at Universal in Postproduction (EXCLUSIVE) 1 month ago:
What the? I didn’t even know Gondry was working on a musical. He directed some of my favorite MTV videos.
- Comment on Is this blockchain? 1 month ago:
I’ll shit on crypto all day long, but blockchain is legit. Decentralized ledgers should be the standard for all public municipal records.
- Comment on Americans witnessing an ongoing klepto-fascist takeover of their federal government [Day 68] 1 month ago:
- Comment on Dad 1 month ago:
- Comment on Fuck everything and everybody. Me too, thanks. 1 month ago:
The craziest thought I’ve ever faced after a suicide attempt is that when I’m alone, I’m with the only person that has ever tried to kill me.
- Comment on No beans, only dogs 1 month ago:
NY ‘dirty water’ dogs are nothing more than a vessel for red onion sauce.
Note to self- visit Guatemala.