- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 19 hours ago:
And if Y started at zero the graph would accurately show 10%, which is huge on that timeline.
And people wouldn’t be used to it and would react appropriately.
Although I’d argue even then a month is deceptively short term when they’ve lost 50% this quarter
- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 20 hours ago:
I also should have mentioned that any Y axis that doesn’t start at zero is misleading and makes changes look more drastic.
I’m usually on top of that one.
A law requiring y axis start at zero would unironically do a lot to temper our economy. Just because graphs like OP’s would look less scary.
- Comment on What is happening with Tesla (TSLA) stock currently? 📈 20 hours ago:
The same thing it always does…
Bounces around wildly because it’s based on hype not actual value of the company
- Comment on Would it be a bad idea to show up at a protest outside a Tesla dealership with a sign that says "Deny Musk, Defund Doge, Depose Trump"? 5 days ago:
If I lived within driving distance of DC or a Tesla factory I would be…
- Comment on Would it be a bad idea to show up at a protest outside a Tesla dealership with a sign that says "Deny Musk, Defund Doge, Depose Trump"? 5 days ago:
Protesting a dealership when no one wants to buy one is performative.
Where protests should be happening is factories because even if Musk has to shut down one day, that is expensive, and it’s expensive to start it back up again.
So what’s really effective is protesting factories and not letting workers in.
For a day or two.
Then leaving till it’s started back up for a couple days, and just repeating that. Make them open and close production constantly. Make Tesla workers tires of the bullshit, better yet make Musk fire them so they get severance and unemployment.
Look at the risk/reward of what you want to do/say at a dealership. Nothing you put on a sign is going to change anyone’s minds.
To quote a saying that’s been around for way to long:
You can beat the charges, but you can’t beat the ride
Meaning it doesn’t matter if what you’re doing is illegal, cops can still beat you, take you to jail, and just drop charges 10 minutes before you get to see a judge.
- Comment on Why hasn't video quality improved much over the past ten years? 1 week ago:
Diminishing returns.
4k on a 75in and 8k on a 75in isn’t a big difference.
Not to mention most streaming content is 1080 for bandwidth and tvs upscale to 4k. So while there is difference, it’s hard to quantify upscaling, and even if you find a store with displays, they’re being fed native 4k.
If you go to or a similar site you can compare specifics and see that there is advancement happening.
It’s just not like back in the day when they could keep doubling resolution.
- Comment on "@ Mentions" circumvent blocks 1 week ago:
Awesome, I noticed it a while ago but didn’t want to say it because then the knowledge is out there.
If the update isn’t rolling out for a while, free to delete this to keep a lid on it in the meantime.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable about many Americans constantly calling people "black" and "white" and making such a big thing about it? 2 weeks ago:
I know that there was slavery and segregation in America based on exactly this in the past but this is over
It is not…
There’s still a lot of racial bias in housing, even by name before the landlord/realtor meets the potential client.
its just not done with the explicit approval of the government, however that is unfortunately likely to change soon.
Even after the civil rights movement, all the Republicans and a lot of the Dems opposed integration. And we’re still paying for it.
- Comment on Why do American leftists support / defend dictatorships? 2 weeks ago:
Who are so far left they made a lap back to authoritarianism
No, they’re just right wingers lying about what they are.
They didn’t “wrap around” because they went too far left. They’ve always supported right wing authoritian governments.
- Comment on Why do American leftists support / defend dictatorships? 2 weeks ago:
they label themselves as leftist / communist / socialist
So does China and North Korea bud…
Hell, NK says they’re a democracy too.
People lie, that doesn’t mean you believe them.
And that just raises more questions about why you made a new account for this post
- Comment on Why do American leftists support / defend dictatorships? 2 weeks ago:
They don’t…
Unless you’re counting neoliberals as “leftists” and if we’re doing that we might as well call trump an LGBTQ person of color because apparently labels don’t mean anything and we can just randomly fucking apply them to anyone.
- Comment on does anyone know the american dad episode where deputy director bullock scrapes his leg? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, one of the rare episodes with a lot of Bullock in it.
I dunno if it’s because they can only afford so much of Sir Patrick Stewart’s time, or if he just doesn’t want to do a lot
But I’m still amazed every season he’s still doing the voice.
- Comment on What is the number one reason why we do not have peace on earth like on other planets? 2 weeks ago:
Are you asking why the USSR didn’t send a missile to blow up the US moon lander on the moon? What purpose would that serve?
Fun fact:
In 1969 the US had a plan to nuke the moon, just to show Russia we can.
An Aussie rapper made a song about it.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
They only had $1,500,000,00 to spend on Biden/Harris…
How is that supposed to counter the majority of Dem voters not wanting the Dem candidate?
What are they supposed to do?
Run a fair primary, back the winning candidate in the general, and stop bankrupting state parties?!
George Clooney doesn’t eat dinner for free ya know…
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Yep, I voted D like I always did…
But I spent a lot of time ringing any alarm bell coupd find that all of Joe and Kamal’s moves to the right was gonna cost us the election, and that the victory fund would lose the House and Senate.
I was right on all counts, but the people I was trying to explain it won’t admit that reality proved them wrong.
There’s no criticism for what the party did wrong, only anger at anyone with higher standards than the letter by the name.
Neoliberals want nothing as much as they want blindly loyal Dem voters, it’s the only way most people ever hold their noses and vote for one. But rather than have a candidate dem voters want, they’d rather risk trump.
When they shut on voters like in that meme, they’re telling us they have zero problem watching the country burn. They’d rather have trump than a Dem who agrees with Dem voters.
- Comment on Are the explain the joke subreddits just AI training grounds? 3 weeks ago:
seem to ask questions so obvious that I am curious if it’s designed to test AI responses and use upvotes to score the results.
Everyone views their own intelligence as “average” even if they consciousnessly know it’s significantly higher/lower than average, we’re our own frame of reference.
So for some people AI seems just as smart as an average person, those people are really hyped for AI.
Other people think AI is shite, but are starting to doubt if something is AI or just an idiot.
I know there’re a lot of dipshits out there but are there so many that those posts routinely reach the front page multiple times a day?
It’s how bell curves work.
As more and more people leave reddit because it’s shit, the people making it shit don’t notice and become a greater percentage of users. So it gets shittier and a new group realizes and leaves.
It’s how social media circles the drain, Facebook and Twitter are examples of where it’s headed.
When it adjusts to the new lowest common denominator, that makes people leave, and lowers the denominator.
- Comment on People complain that it's poor design that humans eat and breath through the same pipe(throat). Are there any animals which don't though? 4 weeks ago:
Dolphins can breathe thru their mouths tho.
There’s been some with damaged blowholes who have to resort to that.
What they do normally is like when you can “block” the connection of one or the other so air only goes thru one path. No idea how to describe that, or if other people can do it tho.
But if a dolphin needs to they can breathe thru their mouths just fine.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 4 weeks ago:
Cool bro, was just a heads up, you don’t need to convince me.
- Comment on 11 Local TV Stations Pushed the Same Amazon-Scripted Segment 4 weeks ago:
Can’t really call giant corporations like Sinclair Media “local”.
They all get scripts like this and aren’t allowed to deviate from it in the slightest
It’s been like a decade since they took over, not sure why people are still surprised.
This hasn’t been a slow change…
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 4 weeks ago:
You’re less asking a real question and more asking a rhetorical question and then going on a spiel about it.
It might stay up. But lots of posts like this (especially political ones) seem to get removed.
- Comment on Is anyone else getting a bit of schadenfreude from the news each day? 4 weeks ago:
This is the exact same line of thinking trumpets have…
Where they’re fine the country is being destroyed because it hurts people they don’t like.
The wealthy are spending a shit ton of money to ensure that’s the line of thinking of most Americans, they won’t the majority fractured and focused on hurting each other so we don’t unite and fight the wealthy.
I 100% get what you’re feeling, but it’s what the people who are really the problem want us to think.
I’m also pretty sure your post is getting removed
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
that would put lifting at an Olympic level
It is not…
The world record deadlift is like 1,100, almost twice what OP is claiming.
Now, by no means am I saying OP can do it. But my highschool gym teacher could pick 300lbs off the mat to standing with one arm. And while he technically did go to the Olympics one year, it was because he bought a ticket to sit in the stands.
Its not impossible, but you’d likely know by looking at someone if they can do it
- Comment on Could a US state prevent its citizens from paying federal taxes? 4 weeks ago:
How would they “just do it”?
Federal taxes do not go thru states. They go from taxpayer to federal government at tax time, and from payroll processor to federal government for withholdings.
You want states out there hacking transactions?
Most payroll providers aren’t based in the same state, and most corporations don’t only operate in one state. Hell, most are headquartered in Delaware.
For the vast amount of Americans that money doesn’t touch any states besides Delaware.
Like, there’s a lot of reasons why what you’re suggesting just can’t happen.
- Comment on Could a US state prevent its citizens from paying federal taxes? 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I never understood why the N word is racist because of history, but then being black makes it fine to say
I have the complexion of a brand new piece of printer paper, one of my friends who legit could have gotten a job as a Wesley Snipes impersonator constantly called me the n word. He called all his friends that, and eventually I used it in the same context he had towards me for like the 50th time that day without me even realize I was saying it.
It wasn’t a big deal, but it’s not like that magically gave me permission to say it anywhere at anytime.
I mean, it’s 2025 man, there’s white people all over who have been saying the n word. The context is what matters. I just don’t get how someone could think it’s a (pun intended) black and white issue.
Hell, the most popular rapper in America has been publicly complaining about how another black rapper says the n word. Flat out saying that it’s not a race thing it’s a culture thing. It was literally the outro to one of the biggest diss tracks of the biggest beefs in modern rap era.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Humans are just naturally racist
No they’re not.
Like, I wrote an indepth explanation, you completely missed the details, and then posted a summary that’s completely wrong…
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
I wonder where this movement started where people overly obsess about this
As a toddler you form your “in group” based on the people you see. Mostly that you are actually around, but also just exposed to on TV.
Anyone that you’re not exposed to is “out group” and you can use conscious thinking as an adult to include others in your ingroup but when you get old and lose mental ability you’ll fall back into “did I see people like that as a kid” distinction for “us” vs “them”.
For the vast amount of human history, if you ran into a group of different looking humans, they were a competitor and you either boned them or killed them.
People want to act like 10,000 years of human society makes us better than other animals, but that’s a blink of evolutions eye, we’re still animals and if we’re not socialized we’re gonna act like animals.
Can’t we already just treat people for who they are/their personality and not judge them by their skin color and also not prefer some ethnicities over others?
We do that by integrating society and children’s TV with integrated casts of diverse people.
Which is why conservatives and even some moderates opposed things like school busing and Sesame Street.
They’re not picking random shit that doesn’t matter, they’re planning decades in advance to make sure the next generation can be manipulated into thinking along racial lines rather than realizing there’s no just war except a class war.
- Comment on Why have an adversarial legal system? 4 weeks ago:
Conceivably, you could run trials by having a judge (or panel of judges) bring forth the evidence they thought was important.
This is what cops are supposed to do.
They’re supposed to investigate a crime and narrow down from “everyone” to “the person who did it”.
Once they have enough they bring it to the prosecutor who decides if it would win in court.
Then the state presents that evidence to a judge, and the defendant gets to defend themselves.
- Comment on Why are tornado sirens only for tornadoes and not other severe storm events? 5 weeks ago:
Yeah, tornado can start, wreck shit up, and disappear in less than five minutes.
Especially back before cell phones there wasn’t another way besides loud ass sirens everywhere.