- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 3 days ago:
I mean, it’s not really that easy there’d have to be some other changes.
But there is a pretty serious theory that if kangaroos had evolved to be right handed those other changes would have came about naturally until they eventually reached a state capable of advanced language.
Like, rather than the two hemispheres being connected the whole length, it’s only connected in the prefrontal cortex.
But if we never try to get talking kangaroos, it’ll never happen
Fuck AI or a robot butler, just get me a talking kangaroo buddy
- Comment on Do dogs and cats have dominant front paws? 3 days ago:
Bipedalism is what drives “handedness”
Kangaroos are infamously left handed, and that may have to do with why they never developed language. That’s really the only thing stopping Tank Girl from becoming reality.
However so far no one has been approved for a grant to breed right handed kangaroos to see if they really do sound like Ice T.
But why a quadruped may favor one side or the other, it’s not the same.
- Comment on The Nintendo Switch 2 looks like a Steam Deck but worse 4 days ago:
Buddy, if you can’t tell this is satire by the end…
- The Switch 2 runs Mario Kart and I hate Mario Kart because my friend Nathan always beats me at it Why should the best driver be determined by the contents of magic boxes, it’s a stupid game
- Comment on Opinion | We Have to Stop Underwriting People Who Move to Climate Danger Zones 4 days ago:
The Cali fires were in part so destructive because five years ago wealthy developers lobbies to re-rate zones as safer so they could build there without taking the necessary steps to prevent fires.
Which then burnt the houses at the old barrier line, and burnt thru neighborhoods that had never had to worry about fires.
So it’s not enough to say “stay away from danger zones” we need to stop the wealthy from manipulating the zones.
Because they’ve shown us time and time again they don’t give a fuck what happens to anyone else. If they did they wouldn’t be able to buy a house for $100,000,000.
No one can get that much money ethically.
- Comment on What is going on with Facebook's (Meta) new community guidelines? 6 days ago:
He’s explicitly allowing bigotry and hate speech…
You don’t need to warn anyone, they’ll see it soon enough if not already.
Just tell them you’ve had enough, and you’re leaving for _______ alternative if others are also thinking of leaving.
Then leave, there’s zero reason to still be there.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Lately I’ve used it with is Baldur’s Gate 3
Yeah, turn based CRPGs is the only time I turn that stuff on.
But there seems to be two types of frame generation:
A real frame is generated, then it guesses, then real frame is generated.
Two real frames are generated, then they “fill in the gaps” with fake frames.
For 1 it doesn’t create lag, but it may guess wrong then have to correct on the next real frame.
For 2 the fake frames are going to be correct, but a lot of latency is added.
Neither is an issue for CRPG, but can be a huge issue in shooters, fighting games, and PvE like Dark Souls.
The problem is manufactures are now counting all the fake frames in their stats while ignoring every issue that pops up from that.
- Comment on LA Wildfires - Channel 5 with Andrew Callaghan 1 week ago:
Mainstream news won’t stop talking about the wealthy in the Pallasides
While firefighters were concentrated there, regular Americans in other areas never saw firefighters until a few rolled down their streets where everything was already burnt to the ground.
It’s fucking insane celebrities are begging for their own areas and no one is talking about what happened here.
- Submitted 1 week ago to | 1 comment
- Comment on The Marvel Rivals Season 1 Update Has Disabled The Ability To Use Mods 1 week ago:
I think the only reason they took off in the first place was it’s free to play.
It’s common sense that PvP and mods don’t mix but because there was a zero investment people did it, which made them popular enough people who do t know better thought it was fine.
Glad to see they just disabled them instead of banning accounts for using them.
- Comment on Disgusting money driven mindset 1 week ago:
On his companies website his email is a Gmail account and he couldn’t even get his own name as the email address.
- Comment on Man trapped inside driverless car as it spins in circles 1 week ago:
Like 30 seconds into the phone call she flat out says they’re taking control remotely.
He just keeps talking nonsense to try and make it take longer for the video. Probably wasn’t even going to the airport lol.
Dude’s whole job is this stupid shit and convincing people he’s a big enough deal they should pay him to talk to them
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
No, they do.
Precipitate pollution from coal use in India and China is making it to the northern glaciars.
It doesn’t need to be a lot, a small speck on a glacier can “snowball” into a substantial melt because black soot gets hotter than white snow.
When soot settles on snow in large enough quantities, it creates a dark, heat-absorbent film on the otherwise reflective white surface of the snow. This causes the surface to absorb significantly more heat than it otherwise would, which eventually thins the snow down to the glacial ice that sits below the surface layer, causing further retreat.…/coal-soot-darkened-melted-glaciers-…
It’s not like the soot has to blanket it, especially when they’re already melting.
- Comment on Man trapped inside driverless car as it spins in circles 1 week ago:
Barely made it thru the video, the guy was so annoying I had to look him up:
Like, yeah it would suck, but it had probably been happening for 2 minutes and he wants them to pay for his flight already.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
Just saying “watts staying underground” is a poor explanation
Which is why I clarified for someone what someone else likely meant…
I’m not sure what you’re doing here, do you want me to go complain to the person who first used that phrasing on your behalf?
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
Participate pollution melts glaciers which increases the temperature long after it fucks shit up by trapping heat in the atmosphere and blocking photosynthesis.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
But that’s fine, I see what OP was going for.
Weird choice to downvote the person who helped you understand, but you do you I guess.
It’s definitely convinced me not to spend anytime helping you in the future though. So maybe don’t be like this to the next person, Lemmy is small and there’s only so many people to help you, eventually you’ll run out.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
if you use a watt of sunlight to power your phone instead of a watt of energy you got from burning coal, this watt of energy instead stays below earth and therefore doesn’t heat up the planet.
The “watt of energy” is a watt from the coal… And they’re saying to leave the coal buried and sequestered.
I assumed that was understood, so I explained how burning coal heats up the planet…
You may have not realized what you highlighted had to do with fossil fuels, but that’s just because you didn’t understand.
Which is fine, you did the right thing and asked questions.
- Comment on Can enough solar pannels decrease the global temps? 1 week ago:
Fossil fuels are carbon.
That carbon was requested from the atmosphere millions of years ago.
Burning fossil fuels releases that carbon into the atmosphere.
Think of oil as dead dinosaurs and coal as dead trees, that’s basically what it is.
All that stuff was taken out of circulation and period over an insanely long timeline, and now on a very short timeline we’re digging it up and putting it back into circulation. So fast that species can’t adapt to the change and die out before they can evolve.
- Comment on Heroes of Might and Magic II open source game engine fheroes2 v1.1.5 released 1 week ago:
Man, I really really really hope the new one isn’t garbage
- Comment on do you give employers or managers a second chance? 1 week ago:
Worst case scenario it’s the same result as not applying, so why not apply?
- Comment on Armie Hammer to Star in Uwe Boll's New Film 'The Dark Knight' 1 week ago:
Human brains are wired to never be satisfied…
So when people can get anything they want without any work, they start wanting crazier and crazier shit they need to work for. Just to get the same dopamine rush an average guy would have bringing a 7/10 home from the bar for a vanilla hookup.
Is it fucking horrible and we should shun people like this?
But we also need to understand why wealthy and powerful people keep acting like this so we can stop them from doing it.
In this case it’s not letting generational wealth accrue like this. Our current economic system produces these monsters and they have the wealth and power to avoid consequences
- Comment on Armie Hammer to Star in Uwe Boll's New Film 'The Dark Knight' 1 week ago:
Fuck Armie Hammer…/armie-hammer-controversy-timeline/
And fuck Uwe Boll too, knowing him and WB this is just a tax write off and probably won’t even be released, but fuck him for a bunch of other reasons too
- Comment on If the United States has Cuba banned from things, how does Guantanamo Bay exist? 1 week ago:
The American government sends the Cuban government a check every year for the “rent”.
Unless something has changed, Cuba has never cashed a rent check, because they don’t want an American base.
It’s incredibly fucked up, but it’s the only A&W combination Taco Bell in Cuba
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 week ago:
it’s not just pure numerical IQ,
We talk about IQ like it’s a single number, but it’s like SAT/ACT, a bunch of different specific scores averaged into one number. So yeah it’s not as simple as a single number. I was thinking mostly processing speed and associative memory, but obviously you need the general knowledge as well.
The more variety of life you experience, the more you know of human history, different cultures, ways of thinking and seeing the world - the harder it is for you to get impressed by something as shallow as AI.
This is a very specific and easily fixable problem. It’s trained by a certain class of people, so it’s going to regurgitate stuff from that class and ignore everyone who hadn’t trained it.
Tech bros live in a bubble of their own creation and don’t understand the true richness of the human condition.
Nobody is gonna argue with that tho
- Comment on Why do AI bros and other staunch AI defenders seem happy about the potential of killing off the creative industries? 1 week ago:
Everyone’s frame of reference is their own IQ…
So for some people AI seems as smart as their frame of reference, or even better.
They assume their frame of reference is everyone’s, so we’re in that weird period where dumb people are super excited about AI, and smart people still think it’s a gimmick.
Those people who find AI impressive, see it as a means to level the playing field, and it will eventually.
It just means the smarter you are, the longer it’s going to take to be impressive. Because your frame of reference is just a higher standard.
They’d never be as creative as a creative person, so to them it’s switching from relying on a person they have no control over or influence on, to a computer program that will do whatever is asked. To them it generates the same quality as a person, don’t forget the most popular media caters to the lowest common denominator, this is the same thing.
Like, it makes sense from their perspective. You just need to realize everyone has a different perspective.
It’s human variation
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 1 week ago:
There’s a lot of details in there that are wrong, but I’ll touch on the part that’s UK relevant since this is a UK sub:
The pushback from the people in the 60s spawned the Civil Rights and threatened to derail the business first approach America had gotten used to from after the Depression. The war years gave too much money and power to too few peopl
The big driver of the civil rights movement in America was the treatment of Black soldiers in WW2, the English and especially the French didn’t give a fuck what color an American soldier was, they just cared they were killing Nazis.
For a Black man from Southern America in the 1940s, the tiniest but of basic human decency was unknown from a white person. But they quickly got used to the idea that all men were born equal, regardless of the color of their skin.
So when they came back, they refused to go back to being treated worse for the color of their skin.
- Comment on Elon Musk wants the U.S. to “Liberate the people Britain from their tyrannical government” 2 weeks ago:
I genuinely can’t believe what is happening
Then you should pay more attention to history…
And I don’t mean that as an insult, all this shit is reruns of shit we’ve already been thru. WW2 had a large push by wealthy American businessmen to not just abstain from the war, but they advocated for joining the Axis back then.
Capitalism and fascism go hand in hand, the ultra wealthy will always want fascism because fascist leaders love bomb them to get their wealth and power behind the movement.
We all need to understand this shit so we can understand what worked last time and why it didn’t work permanently
- Comment on Back to the grind. 2 weeks ago:
Nah, bad data is valuable to science because you learned what you did had a confounding variable.
Maybe not exactly what it was, but investigating and identifying it is literally the scientific method.
Even early psych experiments like Standford Prison, completely useless data, but why it was useless lead to modern rules about experiments to control for all the ways Zimbardo fucked up.
But when talking about funding and/or employment…
A good scientist can defend their position with any data. The complete absence of any data would be when you’re fucked.
It’s not even just in science, metrics are a thing almost everywhere, and that’s just statistical analysis done by people who never heard those two words put together. It’s trivial to exploit the metrics to make things look better, but what’s better is to explain why the problem is the metrics.
If you’re less than ethical you could do that even if you’ve not been doing your job.
- Comment on Mike Johnson, Backed By Trump, Faces Crucial House Speaker Vote: Live Updates 2 weeks ago:
Link if you’re curious
- Comment on Why is it that clasped hands tends to be the norm for praying? 🙏 2 weeks ago:
Holding hands is hard wired in us, it makes us feel secure on an instinctual level.
When someone prays alone, they hold their own hands and our brains are dumb enough to not know the difference.
When done with a group and you hold each other, it promotes group bonding as well.
It’s like when they have you shake hands or hug your neighbor to begin with, it’s the same psychological reaction as smiling because smiling makes you happy.
You’re tricking your brain into thinking everything is fine and you’re safe by going thru the motions.
It’s much older than any religion that exists today, it’s older than hominds.