And then it got worse.
“Try not to be near any nuclear explosions”.
Submitted 10 months ago by to [deleted]
And then it got worse.
“Try not to be near any nuclear explosions”.
I’m curious why the mouth needs to be open. Probably to somehow avoid your lungs taking damage from the pressure wave?
If you’re close enough to the impact to see the mushroom cloud, the only choice you get is if you want to die instantly or after a week or so.
(Not a physicist or a physician.)
Meh, Richard Feynman wrote in his biography that he saw the first mushroom cloud through a car windshield during the Manhattan project, he lived for another 40-50 years.
Fallout is highly variable, you absolutely can live. The blast wave is a bigger threat.
If you keep the radioactive particulate out of your water you should be okay indoors
Probably from the blast wave? FEMA’s most recent advice doesn’t say anything about keeping your mouth open:…/ready.gov_nuclear-explosion-hazard-in…
I guess it’s for the pressure difference? If you have your mouth open, your lungs expand and contract together with the pressure difference because of the explosion.
Yes, paper bag syndrome:…/tension-pneumothorax/
I saw some rules like 30 years ago on survivor chances based on their behavior, I have trouble finding them but roughly it was:
Half of those who go unconscious but then wake up within an hour will survive
75% of those who vomit but stop within an hour will live, but 25% of those who cannot stop vomiting will live.
It went on into burn patients as well - it was data from the nuclear blasts in WW2. I remember it because years later when I did some medicine I realized the first one was brain injury and the second was intestinal radiation injury. If your intestines were sterilized you won’t be here much longer.
If your intestines were sterilized you won’t be here much longer.
Is this from lack of gut bacteria or infection? Or just cooked organs?
I think intestineal issues are the first symptom of your DNA being so fucked you can’t produce new cells. The cells in your guts needs constant replenishment and things go bad quick down there without new cells.
When your digestive system has no active biome, it can’t function and can’t reboot itself, even if new bacteria is introduced later.
Was born in southamerica.
Get not to worry about things like nuclear bombs.
Sweet. As a bonus, Colombians & Brazilians are the sexiest people on the planet so you’ve got all that goin for you too.
Or just have your eclipse glasses handy
In tests they did in the 50s they told people yo cover their eyed with their hands and close their eyed and people could see the bones in the heir hands.
Thats very spooky And kinda cool
Thats cause they didnt have eclipse glasses.
I always thought that was funny. Don’t look at the flash. Also, the Flash is the first thing that’s going to alert you to nuclear explosion. LMAO. I can already hear the VA after the first nuke gets used in war. “We have deemed your eye injury non compensable because you were trained not to look at the flash.”
You might see a meteoric fireball or three streaking towards the center of the city or airbase as the hypersonic MIRVs descend.
In general its best not to look at any meteor-looking things, as even natural meteors can explode in the atmosphere with a bright harmful flash (and produce a shockwav
Listen man. If this is the thing that is gonna kill me, I’m looking.
Nah nah nah, it’ll instantly blind you. You gottasave your sight to see the mushroom and fire storm
There is not a lot you could do about not looking at the initial flash.
Either you looked at it when it happened or you didn’t. Unless you could predict when it would happen of course.
Instructions unclear dick stuck in toaster
Look, I’m just saying I’d enjoy the fireworks, better than dying of radiation sickness
the rare double soy face
I mean, “avoid” HAS always been and always will be the best thing to do about anything involving nuclear weapons, so… 🤷
Yeah dont dare to be different 10 months ago
If the clouds smaller than your thumb head for the hills. If it’s bigger than your thumb don’t bother running at all. 10 months ago
Too bad, that its just made up. Check e.g. this video here. 10 months ago
Just watching old footage of actual atomic tests in the 40’s and 50’s with the soldiers just standing around, not in a bunker, with the cloud towering above them seemingly not too far away, you could figure out that was bullshit. 10 months ago
this guy is fucling amazing in the show 10 months ago
Walton Goggins is great in everything. 10 months ago
While the show is amazing, that’s not good advice. For example that first blast was very survivable from where they were. Also there’s a second shockwave that goes back the other way so don’t get up too quickly. Go play around on nukemap, it’s fun and educational! 10 months ago Tree that survived being less than 1000m from the hypocenter. 10 months ago
What if the cloud is bigger than 10 months ago
Then you