- Comment on We live in a meritocracy. 8 months ago:
I used to have trust in the peer review process, thinking this is why it takes months or years for a paper to get published. Are you telling me it’s not real?
- Comment on Shitpost 8 months ago:
And we thought boomers reading shit off Facebook was bad. Now they have AI feeding it to them.
- Comment on Star Trek: Day of Blood: Shaxs' Best Day nominated for 2024 Eisner Award 8 months ago:
I didn’t know there was a comic series. I guess I’ll read that since Amazon pulled their animated series off of Prime.
- Comment on PSA: Don't eat cicadas if you're allergic to shellfish... or at all 9 months ago:
It’s interesting that even on lemmy people aren’t so open-minded to give eating insects a chance.
- Comment on Stress 9 months ago:
I feel like I should’ve spotted that… they’re the same units. 🤦
- Comment on Stress 9 months ago:
Why km/h (or mph) and not ft/year? Because the numbers have a nicer magnitude then.
- Comment on Stress 9 months ago:
no man ask for.
- Comment on Stress 9 months ago:
That’s pressure.
- Comment on Elder Scrolls and Fallout devs Bethesda want to release games more often, but making them last is more important 9 months ago:
So they want to increase the amount of bugs they ship?
- Comment on Antybooties 9 months ago:
I’m not sure… ants walk really far. Think of how long it takes us to get human children to the point where they can count to 1000. Do ants just hatch with a sense of numbers?
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
I did provide the price for a train ticket that is significantly cheaper than Match!!’s “thousands of dollars”, didn’t I?
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
So you’re telling me that there are people who cannot peel a banana, but who can simultaneously peel the plastic off a container and then eat the banana?
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
NY–LA via Amtrak: $291. Greyhound, a bus company: $139
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
Why not both? Companies that peel bananas and wrap them in plastic for sale are garbage companies. And people who buy them are garbare people.
- Comment on Biology 10 months ago:
The guy who was too lazy to clean his dishes before he went on vacation isn’t the best example of a biologist. You know, Pasteur and Koch existed, too.
- Comment on The Eurobean Mind Cannot Comprehend 10 months ago:
It’s conceivable as an adventure trip or if a Portuguese wanted to see Northern lights. But I guess the trip NY–LA is way more common.
The States’ population centers are on the far edges of the continent. That’s not the case in Europe, where they’re more evenly distributed.
- Comment on fossil fuels 10 months ago:
You have control over whether you eat pork or tofu, don’t you? You have control over whether you buy a new iPhone or a used FairPhone, don’t you? You have control over whether you plan a trip via airplane or via train, don’t you?
- Comment on Biology 10 months ago:
My respect for biologist vanished after I compared the posters the chemist had on their floor with the biologists’.
Chemist: We found a new material that can replace the <can’t remember anymore> and cut carbon emissions in half.
Biologists: Hey, we found a plant.
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
This was very clear. Now that I see it, I realize it’s the same reasoning why x^(-3) is 1/(x^3):
2 × -3 = -6 1 × -3 = -3 0 × -3 = 0 -1 × -3 = +3
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
This only every got handed down to us as gospel. Is there a compelling reason why we should accept that (-3) × (-3) = 9?
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
Yes, I do. In this case I think it’s vital to link to the source, since the meme make it look like this garbage was a real thing.
- Comment on I'm something of a graphics designer myself 10 months ago:
Man, the flashback from that UI. I just went back to the happiest days of my life for a second.
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
No-one was researching this topic. This interview came out of a philosopher’s ass.
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
Soo… since OP is a jackass, here’s the link:…/Prisoners-could-serve-1000-year…
The gist (emphasis mine):
Philosopher Rebecca Roache […] said, […] “you could imagine developing a pill or a liquid that made someone feel like they were serving a 1,000-year sentence”
I can’t fathom why this is report-worthy. Was April 2014 such a boring month?
- Comment on Guess I'll die 10 months ago:
If you’re close enough to the impact to see the mushroom cloud, the only choice you get is if you want to die instantly or after a week or so.
(Not a physicist or a physician.)
- Comment on I notice Indians speaking English tend to speak very fast. Are the Indian languages simply spoken faster? 10 months ago:
How would you decide what “1 unit of information” is?
I wouldn’t, because I have no knowledge in the field. But since the paper hinges upon that exact definition, and “They were vague about it”, this raises the biggest red flag I’ve seen in science yet.
- Comment on I notice Indians speaking English tend to speak very fast. Are the Indian languages simply spoken faster? 10 months ago:
If that’s really what they did, it’s stupid. First, you need to find a translation for every language to ASCII, which will wildly skew the results. Second, there are many ways to express the same concept, which all vary wildly in length. Take “Hi”, 2 letters, which means exactly the same as “How are you doing?”, 14 letters.
- Comment on You deserve it. 10 months ago:
The fretboard doesn’t match either of them. It shows CEADG
- Comment on You deserve it. 10 months ago:
Isn’t it a C6(add9) chord? I thought C9 would imply a 7th.