Comment on Nobel Prize 2024 4 months ago
I don’t get the ai hate sentiment. In fact I want ai to be so good that it steals all our jobs. Every single “worker” on the planet. The only job I don’t think they can steal is that of middle management because I don’t think we have digitized data on how to suck your own dick. After everybody is jobless, then we would be free. We won’t need the rich. They can be made into a fine broth.
Sarcasm aside, I really believe we should automate all menial jobs, crunch more data and make this world a better place, not steal creative content made by humans and make second rate copies. 4 months ago
[deleted] 4 months ago
You are ignoring ALL of the of the positive applications of AI from several decades of development, and only focusing on the negative aspects of generative AI.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of some applications:
- In healthcare as a tool for earlier detection and prevention of certain diseases
- For anomaly detection in intrusion detection system, protecting web servers
- Disaster relief for identifying the affected areas and aiding in planning the rescue effort
- Fall detection in e.g. phones and smartwatches that can alert medical services, especially useful for the elderly.
- Various forecasting applications that can help plan e.g. production to reduce waste. Etc…
There have even been a lot of good applications of generative AI, e.g. in production, especially for construction, where a generative AI can the functionally same product but with less material, while still maintaining the strength. This reduces cost of manufacturing, and also the environmental impact due to the reduced material usage.
Does AI have its problems? Sure. Is generative AI being misused and abused? Definitely. But just because some applications are useless it doesn’t mean that the whole field is.
A hammer can be used to murder someone, that does not mean that all hammers are murder weapons. 4 months ago
[deleted] 4 months ago
He’s already given you 5 examples of positive impact. You’re just moving the goalposts now.
I’m happy to bash morons who abuse generative AIs in bad applications and I can acknowledge that LLM-fuelled misinformation is a problem, but don’t lump “all AI” together and then deny the very obvious positive impact other applications have had (e.g. in healthcare). 4 months ago
Imaginary and unproven cases for non-existent “intelligence”. 4 months ago
These are not imaginary uses cases. Are you generally critical of technology? 4 months ago
When I hear “AI”, I think of that thing that proofreads my emails and writes boilerplate code. Just a useful tool among a long list of others. Why would I spend emotional effort hating it? I think people who “hate” AI are just as annoying as the people pushing it as the solution to all our problems. 4 months ago
I don’t think anybody hates computers or spell check. It’s the grifters pushing phony “AI”. 4 months ago
[deleted] 4 months ago
Hi there GreenKnight23!
I don’t think it’s necessarily you personally they find a waste of time… it might be the layers of fluff that most business emails contain. They don’t know if you’re the sort of person who expects it.
Best Regards,
Explodicle<br> Internet Comment Writer<br> 4 months ago
If I just hand wave all the good things and call them bullshit, AI is nothing more than bad things!
- Lemmy 4 months ago
[deleted] 4 months ago
What do you think AI has to do with crypto, other than that they are both technologies which have entered the mainstream recently and been pushed hard? Like, what do they actually have in common? 4 months ago
Current “AI’s” (LLMs) are only useful for art and non-fact based text. The two things people particularly do not need computers to do for them. 4 months ago
Llms fucking suck. But that’s the worst kind of ai. It’s just an autocorrect on steroids. But you know what a good ai is? The one that give an amino acid sequence predicts it’s 3d structure. It’s mind boggling. We can design personal protein robots with that kind of knowledge. 4 months ago
hey bitch youre killed two people in your trolley problem. You suck bro. Why did you kill two people? You should be attached on the track bro, not gonna lie. 4 months ago
it’s not even impressive enough to make a positive world impact in the 2-3 years it’s been publicly available.
It literally just won people two Nobel prizes 4 months ago
How does that help the rest of us? 4 months ago
It allows us to predict the structure of proteins before we make them. This can speed up research into protein-based medical treatments by astronomical amounts-- drugs which took years to develop through trial and error and/or thousands of hours of computational power can now be predicted beforehand in terms of their structure, which allows us to predict how they interact woth the proteins in our body. It’s an incredible breakthrough in the speed of medical research. 4 months ago
Hooray for them. \s 4 months ago
If AI image generation is so bad why we have so many etsy and patreon artists complaining about it?
If no one would use it because it is so bad why would anyone care that it is trained on their products?
Do you know this joke about MAGA and the Schrodinger’s immigrant? They somehow believe that immigrants are both stealing people jobs and lazy and living on wellfare.
AntiAI bros are somehow similar. AI is at the same time stealing artists jobs and completely useless incapable of producing nothing that people would want. 4 months ago
I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention to everything that’s happened since the industrial revolution but that’s not how it’s going to work 4 months ago
The problem is that it will be the rich that are the owners of the AI that stole your job so suddenly we peasants are no longer needed. We won’t be free, we will be broth. 4 months ago
Then you have a choice.
Option 1. Halt scientific and technological progress and be robbed anyway because if capitalists do not get more money out of tech they are getting it out of making you work more hours for less money.
Option 2. End capitalism. 4 months ago
I vote option 2 4 months ago
Option 3. Get a job as part of the 5% of the population still employed in serving the various security apparatuses protecting the rich fucks – you could be a soldier, cop, or government official.
Better to be the boot than be the poor fucked getting stepped on, right? You can sleep easily knowing you have it slightly better than the other 95% of the underclass. 4 months ago
Well you see 100 people won’t be able to make soup of trillions. But you know what we a trillion people can do? Run the guillotine for a 100 times 4 months ago
Well you see 100 people won’t be able to make soup of trillions.
You should check out the climate catastrophe sometime. 4 months ago
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie 4 months ago
I would love AI. Still waiting for it. Probably 50 years away (if human society lasts that long).
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term to get stolen and watered down by brainless capitalists so they can scam money out of other brainless capitalists. 4 months ago
What I hate is the term being yet another scientific term
to get stolen and watered downcreated bybrainless capitalistsresearchers and scientists so they canscam money out ofdescribe ideas to otherbrainless capitalistsresearchers and scientists.The only place where AI is used to mean a artificial intelligence on the same level of humans is in fucking science fiction.
Is it hard to comprehend that when people say AI on the topic of something made by computer scientists they refer to the thing computer scientists call AI?
Do you go on gaming conversations and say: “Um… Akshually… it’s not AI… it’s just a behaviour heuristics 🤓” 4 months ago
“Brainless capitalists” weren’t invented in 2019. 4 months ago
Oh yes, Alan Turing, such a famous capitalist. 4 months ago
they will automate all menial jobs, fire %90 of the workers and ask remaining %10 to oversee the AI automated tasks will also doing all other tasks which can not be automated. all so that shareholders can some more billions on top of their existing billions. 4 months ago
Sure, Eli Whitney.
How about the machines automate the complicated jobs to make as many menial jobs for me as possible? Computers these days are all lazy. They could optimize scheduling so the neighbors and I all get time together and time apart for a hundred hours of kicking dirt down at the office each year, instead they hang around doing vapes and abstract paintings of hands. 4 months ago
For me, it’s because AI is referring to a LLM, which is not AI. Also, these LLMs use a crap load of energy to do things that we can currently do ourselves for much less energy.
But actual AI? Yes, please! 4 months ago
The problem with AI isn’t the tech itself. It’s what capitalism is doing with it. Alongside what you say, using AI to achieve fully automated luxury gay space communism would be wonderful. 4 months ago
Maybe problem is, you know, capitalism? 4 months ago
As always! 4 months ago
Just noticed… Did I reply to wrong comment? I wanted to use this as reply to one with “AI is bad” and without “capitalism makes it bad”.