- Comment on ^_^ I just think skibidibi sounds neat :3 3 days ago:
- Comment on The consequences (of my actions) have been extreme 3 days ago:
Oh, I don’t think they’re taking about Derek…
- Comment on Definitely didn't waste half an hour making this 3 days ago:
Definitely 2. Sharpening is such a nice break from writing.
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
Yes and you do temporarily while waiting judgement in the cupboard.
- Comment on Terrorists 3 days ago:
I would call the cops and let them put you on trial, obviously.
Also, I would’ve been able to see that you’ve come from the neighbour’s house, which is not as nice as mine. If it turns out in trial that you just wanted to escape the poverty of next door and want to sell your labor, hell yeah I’d pay. You can mow my lawn.
- Comment on Silent Hill f has been banned in Australia, and no one knows why 4 days ago:
They updated the article. Good.
It’s just waiting for clarification.
- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
I do enjoy the spectating the sport ‘Mental Gymnastics’.
- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
And who makes those laws? And for what purpose? Is it to curb the incoming illegal migrants? Doesn’t seem to work. Many people are crossing the border to look for work and are actually successfully integrating with their new society. Shouldn’t the law allow for legal transition rather than keeping them as illegal immigrants? Shouldn’t there be legal pathways to citizenship? Shouldn’t it be easy for those on visas to check when their papers will be expired to prevent being in the country illegally?
The border isn’t a walk in the park to cross either. If you don’t die in the river, you’ll likely die in the desert. If it’s so high risk, what’s the reward worth? Why even bother crossing?
- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
Wow. Ok. Before I go on, can I just say that your world view is extremely messed up. I’d tell you to go get it checked but I know the US healthcare system is broken.
First of all, if they’re not confirmed, how do you know that they are serial killers and human traffickers? The colour of their skin? How many tattoos they have? What evidence or procedure, other than a visual inspection, would make you believe that they are what you think they are?
Secondly, if they were awaiting trial, they’d be waiting in an enclosed space away from the general public as a precaution. Isn’t it meant to be the American judicial mantra that everyone is innocent until proven guilty and that everyone has a right to a fair trial?
Thirdly, what if you’re a serial killer or human trafficker? How would you prove otherwise if you were deported immediately? Or would you become one anyway since others have already decided for you?
- Comment on Terrorists 4 days ago:
Ahem, alleged serial killers and human traffickers.
None of those deported got a fair trial.
- Comment on Enshittification 4 days ago:
Basically, it’s about the leadership.
Boeing leadership used to be exclusively the engineers who have worked their way up. They knew the ins and outs of every step, what works and what doesn’t work, and therefore had a huge focus on safety because they weren’t profit driven.
Then they brought in someone who wasn’t an engineer and things immediately went south. I want to be cheeky and say that MBAs ruin everything because that way of management takes everything human out of management. Making that line constantly go up forever is the issue.
So, for a company to produce products that actually work, you need leadership who isn’t profit driven and who actually has experience at all levels of production.
- Comment on Good vibes 6 days ago:
Swiftheart was my favorite. I loved all the cousins. There was a penguin too, if I recall correctly. I was obsessed with Care Bears as a kid. Seeing this image hit me like a truck. The point of the meme completely lost to me as I drown in a sea of nostalgia.
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
But that’s why you take the rubbish home with you, where there is a bin. Where’s the end user responsibility?
- Comment on The gentrified forest near me removed the bins. .. From their café/picnic area 1 week ago:
Different country, different styles I guess.
- Comment on Prepare For Discord To Get Way Worse [Kotaku] 3 weeks ago:
Jitsi + mumble combo, perhaps?
- Comment on 👁👄👁 3 weeks ago:
On a similar note, I visited the medical museum in Bangkok today and it had a whole section on parasites. I’ll never be the same after having viewed that photograph of someone, cheeks spread, and with a pile of worms spilling out.
- Comment on Discord requiring you to add a phone number **after** the creation of your account 5 weeks ago:
And it’s so annoying! Bring back forums!
- Comment on I miss myspace 5 weeks ago:
You never had to create an account to view anything in the website.
Mindless scrolling was not a thing because links were mostly nested.
It was also extremely easy to chat with perverts on mIRC, the Yahoo chat thing etc. Speaking of chats, all of your chat logs were stored locally on your PC as text files rather than on a cloud so you could delete them if you wanted.
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 5 weeks ago:
No, but I did pay $400 for the privilege!
- Comment on How was your valentines day weekend? 5 weeks ago:
Internal ultrasound scan for me.
It’s exactly what it sounds like.
- Comment on Daily Discussion Thread: Friday, 14 February 2025 1 month ago:
Aw, and they’re so beautiful too! Like you!
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
I am a victim of sexual assault and, yes, I would absolutely say that. My problems are my own and I’m not about to force others to cater to my personal demons.
Sounds like you might be from the US or somewhere where medical help isn’t freely available. I deal with my trauma with medication and counselors/psychiatrists so that I can function and contribute to society because that’s the standard that I hold for others, especially myself.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
I think you’ve completely misunderstood what everyone is saying because that’s exactly what everyone you’ve responded to, including myself, is saying that they would do.
Tailor their words for that conversation but move on to a different group of people from there. Not permanently tailoring the way they speak because it is highly unlikely that they’ll engage again.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
Of course I would stop at their request, however if I were that person with PTSD, I wouldn’t expect the world to cater to my disabilities and strategise on how I could function in society by managing it. That’s what I currently do with my own PTSD and it makes me a stronger person for it.
Also, that’s hardly comparable to using the phrase “you guys” in a conversation. That phrase has always been gender neutral and far nicer sounding than “you people” or “you all”.
- Comment on Anon gets corrected 2 months ago:
I think it’s more that if you get annoyed at something like that, I would think you’re way too much of a hassle to be friends with long term. It’s just a matter of compatibility and the choice to filter out incompatible people in your social circle. It’s nothing personal.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
I get what you’re saying but, respectfully, I think you’re incorrect. The field of science is not about capitalism but the goal of understanding everything around you. Aqueducts were not the result of capitalism. Russia won the space race. Innovations happen regardless. Capitalism drives innovation in specific directions.
- Comment on Anon hates smartphones 3 months ago:
Without capitalism, we’d all have the ability to swap out parts and create a phone for the purposes that we need. Some people want the best while others want the minimum, and most want something in between. Every part would be replaceable.
With capitalism, we have planned obsolescence without the ability to repair or replace parts and every conceivable thing to reap more money off us and force us to continually consume.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 3 months ago:
He became the richest guy on earth because the system is set up to give you infinite money when you hit critical mass of wealth. Why do you think the rich keep getting richer and the poor get poorer?
He did not get here because he’s smart; he’s rich and was too rich to fail. He got a leg up in emerald mines which allowed him to gamble and invest during the early internet days, thus allowing him to continue to invest/gamble.
He’s certainly helping to change the world but not for the better. His philosophies that guide his policies are inciting violence and giving rise to racism and misogyny.
I definitely think he’s a moron, but the system is set up so that I can’t possibly take him or his ilk down. I wasn’t born into a family that owned heaps of wealth and slavery. I’m not a white male.
But in % comparisons, my quality of life is much better than his. That’s where I can take him down.
End rant.
- Comment on 8 yr old me after my parents did my woodworking assignment 3 months ago:
And we’re saying that Elon knows <1% of any manufacturing process, evidenced by inconsistencies of manufacturing process across all his companies. The employees know more, yes, but they are not Elon and Elon is not SpaceX.
And, for starters, not unfathomable but made possible through VC money and years of R&D. This makes it possible and completely fathomable. It’s all maths and science.
- Comment on Support local bands 4 months ago:
For the drum machine, definitely! But we largely kept to our tempo or maybe double. It was a free gig and we were getting paid in beers. I think it was pretty funny for the audience too. Great night.