- Comment on Nobel Prize 2024 5 months ago:
You are ignoring ALL of the of the positive applications of AI from several decades of development, and only focusing on the negative aspects of generative AI.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of some applications:
- In healthcare as a tool for earlier detection and prevention of certain diseases
- For anomaly detection in intrusion detection system, protecting web servers
- Disaster relief for identifying the affected areas and aiding in planning the rescue effort
- Fall detection in e.g. phones and smartwatches that can alert medical services, especially useful for the elderly.
- Various forecasting applications that can help plan e.g. production to reduce waste. Etc…
There have even been a lot of good applications of generative AI, e.g. in production, especially for construction, where a generative AI can the functionally same product but with less material, while still maintaining the strength. This reduces cost of manufacturing, and also the environmental impact due to the reduced material usage.
Does AI have its problems? Sure. Is generative AI being misused and abused? Definitely. But just because some applications are useless it doesn’t mean that the whole field is.
A hammer can be used to murder someone, that does not mean that all hammers are murder weapons.
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 6 months ago:
I disagree, and would argue that both are about equally frequent. For example, my phone shows °C in the weather widget, while the weather app only uses °. That does not change the fact that the actual unit is °C, and that would not change even if the whole world switched away from °F, and your original comment about the display having °C implying that °F still exists is therefore incorrect.
- Comment on August 30th 2024. America adopts the metric system. Never forget. 6 months ago:
No, even if you only had one unit for a physical quantity, you would still need to specify that unit to know which physical quantity you are describing. E.g. “That object over there is 15” vs “That object over there is 15 kg”.
The symbol for temperature, measured in Celsius, is “°C”. It’s atomic and can’t be separated, since that would result in °, which represents the angle of something, not the temperature, and C, which is the symbol for Coulomb, which measures electric charge.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
The source paper is available online, is published in a peer reviewed journal, and has over 600 citations. I’m inclined to believe it.
- Comment on Breast Cancer 7 months ago:
That’s why these systems should never be used as the sole decision makers, but instead work as a tool to help the professionals make better decisions.
Keep the human in the loop!
- Comment on Setting the record straight 8 months ago:
It literally says “and” on the second to last row
- Comment on Part of this complete breakfast! 8 months ago:
Not to be too pedantic, but Californium is Cf
- Comment on Anon plays poker 1 year ago:
It’s absolutely possible to make good money counting cards. There’s a great series by Steven Bridges on YouTube where he goes through the process of counting cards in action, in several different casinos in different states and countries, both alone and with team-play.
- Comment on Billionaire grindset 1 year ago:
It depends on if we assume a discrete or continuous distribution.
- Comment on Billionaire grindset 1 year ago:
But in this case it does, or at least it should, since the IQ scale is based on a normal distribution which is symmetric along the mean.
- Comment on sudo rm -🇫🇷 /* 1 year ago:
I believe the wildcard eliminates the need for --no-preserve-root, since your not technically removing root, just all the stuff in it
- Comment on People who back into parking spots: Why? 1 year ago:
I remember hearing about a study that claimed that backing into parking spaces could have you hundreds of dollars per year, since doing the reversing while the engine is hot uses less gas.