Introduced a villain in my weekly ttrpg group. He’s an assassin for hire and leads a cult that worships an evil god, and their first interaction with this villain was then getting their butts kicked, essentially living to fight another day only because he didn’t finish them off, and then kidnapping one of the party members who he planned to sell off to a client that wanted to kill her personally.
So, a pretty bad guy. But he was hot, and cool, and man did they love him. After they caught up with him in his hideout while attempting to rescue their friend, another battle ensued. Better prepared this time, it was an even fight, with some close calls on both sides. The villain, not wanting to die himself, dealt a near death blow to one of the player characters and told them to take their friend and leave in a semi sensual scene where he was leaning against the player character, out of breath, nearing death’s door himself.
They loved to hate him, and when one player said “He’s so cool, I don’t know how to feel about him!” another player responded with my all time favourite quote I’ve ever elicited from a player and I quote…
“I know exactly how I feel about him.” imitates being stabbed by the villain’s weapon “I’m sorry for staining your clothes with my blood!” 4 weeks ago
If republicans can find a spiritual successor to trump that is charismatic, captures people in the way he does, and is actually physically attractive we are done for. I mean we may be done for already but then we definitely are 4 weeks ago
Reminds me of the subreddit of simps for Kim Jung-Un’s sister. 4 weeks ago
I’ve definitely met people who thought Vladimir Putin was hot. 4 weeks ago
Same reason why Biden got so much work done on his face. They get elected mostly on outward appearance and first impressions. Rarely do you find a politician that’s not conventionally attractive / was in the past. 4 weeks ago
I’m gonna tell in myself, but Biden was a catch at a young age, though. And Hunter still looks very fuckable. 👀
I’m not sure how much work they could possibly get done and not look weird. How do you know this? 4 weeks ago
Basically if the US gets it’s own Georgia Meloni 4 weeks ago
you just described the demiurge congrats