Nintendo is going hard against palworld because palworld is funded by Sony this is just the next move in a 30 year chess match
Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
Yeah, there was a great video on YouTube I saw a few days ago that went over why Sony is backing Pocket Pair, why Nintendo is making this case about patents, why that’s a massive risk for Nintendo, and why Nintendo is willing to take that risk.
It largely seemed to come down to the Nintndo-Sony rivalry that started when Nintendo backed out of the SNES era deal to create the PlayStation. Nintendo is trying to crush Sony’s potentially viable competitor to their largest franchise and are making the case a patent case because that’s the only route they can pursue. If they lose, Nintendo stands to lose those patents. 4 months ago
That’s the same one I watched 4 months ago
Its a IP proxy war now… 4 months ago 4 months ago
The most disgusting part of this is that all of these patents were filed this year, meaning their only purpose is for giving Nintendo an avenue to sue Pocket Pair. 4 months ago
Wouldn’t that make them super easy to knock down though? Pal World can just open it’s records to show Nintendo’s process wasn’t novel. 4 months ago
Yes, if you ignore the fact that Nintendo has very deep pockets and Japanese courts are very bribable. 4 months ago
Saw videos/articles online that this was the “end of gamedev” or whatever.
While patents for games are shit, theyve been around a long time and are hard to enforce. Palworld made it incredibly easy for one of the most ruthless companies to go after them. I expected they waited to see the final game before taking action, and until palworld made a ridiculous amount of money. 4 months ago
How tf does Coromon get away with it? If say that’s waaaay more of a rip-off than Palworld. 4 months ago
Coromon didn’t get a huge media deal that could have the potential undermine the Pokemon franchise. Nintendo going after them would be just needless friction since patent lawsuits are hellish 4 months ago
Funny you mention THAT game.
Not that I have anyyy insider knowledge, but great care was taken to avoid very specific things. Also who knows, had coromon exploded in popularity, maybe Nintendo would have bothered. 4 months ago
Probably just not big enough. Pokemon-like games are very common, palworld was just hugely successful and a lot of the media coverage for it was comparing it to Pokemon. 4 months ago
Its so fucked up that Nintendo allegedly owns copyright to CONCEPTS hope they loose it. 4 months ago
It’s not copyright, it’s patents…
(I do also hope that they lose because ingame mechanics being patented is bullshit) 4 months ago
They had some asshole payents back in the day, like npc giving quests IIRC and the directional cross.
Sony had the “stand up and say mcdonalds to continue the game” IIRC.
Is this US only? Can’t imagine it would roll in the EU. 4 months ago
I think its not even US but Nintendo lobbies so massively that they can uphold Japanese copyright Circus in other countries.
In all sane countries its not possible to parent or copyright a idea or concept just a processes of doing something. 4 months ago
Someone owned a patent for minigames on the loading screen which is why we did not get thise after Broken Sword. At least that expired, so now for example we got Mario Party Jamboree doing it again. 4 months ago
Sega and RGG just standing there daring Nintendo to try shit. 4 months ago
How have the patents not been found when we know the numbers? Is looking up patents that messed up of a process? 4 months ago
They’re Japanese patents, so maybe they’re already circulating in Japanese media and haven’t been translated yet.
Alternatively, maybe the Japanese Patent Office requires you to follow some bureaucratic process to get a copy: like you have to be a lawyer and it takes 4-6 weeks to get your reply. I don’t know, but Japan just finally got rid of its last laws requiring floppy disks for certain processes a few years back, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility
I’m sure we’ll hear the details soon. 4 months ago
I had a floppy disc but I took a pill and now it’s a hard drive and it’s been more than four hours and I don’t know what to do, please send help 4 months ago
No one tell Nintendo about Yariteme Mesubuta… 4 months ago
Even as a dedicated pokemon fan that hasn’t played Palworld (the butchering mechanics don’t really appeal to me)…
I really hope Nintendo loses this, and loses it HARD. I think that some actual competition would be really healthy for the pokemon franchise, giving them an actual impetus to make sure their games are high-quality and well-supported and don’t pursue serious anti-consumer practices.
Godspeed, Palworld. Counting on you. 4 months ago
The butchering mechanic is mostly there as a joke. After you do it once, you unlock a much better and friendlier version of recycling your duplicate Pals. 4 months ago
Oh… I never butchered because that just seemed wrong. Is there any way to just get to the friendlier version without butchering? 4 months ago
The unfortunate part is that Nintendo is likely going to win it. It’s a Japanese company, in Japanese court, and the courts are hilariously biased in favor of Japanese companies. Nintendo has literally never lost a lawsuit in Japan against a foreign defendant, because the Japanese courts are set up to trust Japanese claimants more than foreigners by default.
Japan has a lot of cute media and a reputation for being polite, but the harsh reality is that the country is one of the most racist in the world. They get away with it because the culture is built upon being polite. But under that polite exterior, there is a lot of overt racism. Japan is one of the most homogenous populations in the world, with 99.8% of the population being native Japanese. That remaining 0.2% includes all of the tourists, visa holders, immigrants, half-Japanese children, etc… Japan has a saying, which roughly translates to “the nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” In a society that is focused on blending in, immigrants stick out.
Imagine how bad the White Power rhetoric would be if America were 99.8% white, and that other 0.2% (not 2%. Two tenths of 1%) of non-white people included tourists, immigrants, and naturalized citizens. In a packed 20,000 person stadium, that would only be 40 non-white people in the crowd. 4 months ago
To be fair, they’re both Japanese companies, but yeah, Japan’s patent/trademark/copyright laws, or at least the way they’re enforced, make America’s look like China’s. It’s a big part of how Nintendo can be the copyright bullies they are: they’ll do this, file suit in Japan, and steamroll anyone who dares oppose them in court. Because both companies in this case are Japanese, though, all the Japan vs foreigner stuff doesn’t really apply here.
And as a foreigner who lived in Japan in the past, I will say there’s some truth to the above, but it’s a bit exaggerated. Due to that homogeneity, 90+ percent of any racism anyone might experience there is due to stereotypes, not hostility or hatred. It’s still wrong, but more due to ignorance. That is, unless you’re Chinese or Korean. Japan, China and Korea HATE each other (each one hates the other two) for many historical reasons, and while the hostility isn’t as overt nowadays, it still simmers just under the surface. The US is basically forcing Japan and South Korea to play nice and be “allies” so that China and North Korea don’t run them both over. Otherwise, they would all be at each other’s throats. 4 months ago
I hadn’t realized the court was within Japan. Does Palworld conduct business inside the country? I’d think if it was never released there, Japan would have no basis to pull them into a foreign case. 4 months ago
You Americans are so funny. It’s your country that has the media going on about identity politics and racism 24/7. If America were 99.8% white nobody would bat an eye about racism because there wouldn’t be a significant demografic group impacted by it.
White power is not really a thing when you can’t blame a large part of society for your shortcomings. Without the race issue there are still a select few in positions of power and many slaving avay every day just to get by.
I the case of Japan it is more difficult to fit in as any foreigner. There is a strong societal norm centered around culture and mannerisms and everyone not adhering to the etiquette stands out and is considered rude. This culture takes center stage during the upbringing of Japanese children so it is engrained in them by the time they become adults.
There are exaples of (even black) people successfully adopting a Japanese way of life but it is difficult, as you said they are hammered down until they fit in.
Anyway, racist? Yes, difinitely. White (yellow?) power rhetoric - not so much. That was probably more the case before WWII. 4 months ago
Ðı aṙ’n letıŋ ð imprȯpṙ Djæpinız ſluıd t bı nuıſ, it’z bikȯz Đı þıŋk a forinṙz aṙ ſ ſtupid ðæt “beıſik etikit” z’n wṙþ ð efṙt t djril intu U̇.