- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 3 months ago:
Middle east eye is among the least credible sources imaginable. you should background check “sources”
- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 3 months ago:
No they just wanted to murder Jews and justified it with that…
Gladly they all got their asses handed to them.
- Comment on Has anyone ever come up with what a Palestinian State would look like without wiping Israel of the map? If so have both sides ever been presented the offer? If not why? 3 months ago:
Israel tried to leave them mostly alone and what is now is the result, there will no longer be a “Palestine” this time and maybe it will finally bring some peace. Maybe the Iranian government, wich is behind 9/10 terrorist organizations in middle east and some in Africa and Asia will be finally put in its place as well.
The terrorists want to kill all Jews and not just Israel, Israel is just the closest target and the only Jewish majority state.
- Comment on Is non-sexual masochism a thing? 4 months ago:
Thats a sign of mental problems
- Comment on Is non-sexual masochism a thing? 4 months ago:
Yes. There are people harming themselves for fun…
- Comment on Couldn't governments just remotely disable phones nearby to prevent evidence of police brutality from being recorded? 4 months ago:
Nobody would give some idiot with one week training a EMP device or access to the CIA technology. This would result in the biggest Chaos imaginable.
- Comment on Couldn't governments just remotely disable phones nearby to prevent evidence of police brutality from being recorded? 4 months ago:
Nah they dont actually have the abilities for that. Especially not some street cop murdering puppies or shit like that.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Bro there are always some idiots.
- Comment on vultures 4 months ago:
Oh no.
- Comment on FromSoftware Parent Kadokawa Confirms Sony’s Buyout Intent, but Insists ‘No Decision Has Been Made at This Time’ 4 months ago:
Yeah and especially none from a cartel office, wich should be stopping this BS.
- Comment on How To Train Your Dragon | Official Teaser Trailer 4 months ago:
Well, firstly money. Secondly the franchise is just laying around.
- Comment on What does deleting a post or comment actually do? 4 months ago:
Some instances just don’t comply with delete requests. Besides that, it takes time to federate, both directions, the comments could be from before you deleted it but took time to federate to you, or the delete request didn’t federate to their instance in time.
- Comment on CRISPR 4 months ago:
I know orcas do something like that.
- Comment on Why is the word "defense" avoided in reporting and rhetorics around Ukraine? 4 months ago:
No shit Sherlock. That might just be the point…
- Comment on Rey Is Key To The "Star Wars" Future - Dark Horizons 4 months ago:
yeah starwars was dead long before.
- Comment on Why is the word "defense" avoided in reporting and rhetorics around Ukraine? 4 months ago:
Yeah… Ukraine is also entering “Russia’s” territory and “abuses” “civilians” by killing Russian soldiers.
- Comment on Why is the word "defense" avoided in reporting and rhetorics around Ukraine? 4 months ago:
For the same reason the media bastards avoid it for Israel, they get money from questionable people and click bait that only works with rage and appealing to the braindead morons that read the shit.
- Comment on To deter predators... 4 months ago:
Peppermint can be farmed indoors as well.
- Comment on To deter predators... 4 months ago:
I mean its working, every plant useful to humans is being given the right to stay with us.
- Comment on Witch hunting is going to quickly destroy Lemmy, and prevent it from flourishing 4 months ago:
Witch hunting is what this entire platform was made for…
- Comment on The price of the PS5 Pro “has not had a negative impact” on console sales, says Sony president - GAMESCENSOR 4 months ago:
Yeah because noone actually wants the thing.
- Comment on The price of the PS5 Pro “has not had a negative impact” on console sales, says Sony president - GAMESCENSOR 4 months ago:
- Comment on Bunny-Man: First look at superhero movie featuring Mike Tyson & James Franco revealed 4 months ago:
Ah yes.
- Comment on What are the next steps for Americans to help prevent the worsening of genocide in Palestine? 4 months ago:
Good for you trump will enable Israel to defend itself better against the genocidal terrorists.
- Comment on Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over 4 months ago:
I think its not even US but Nintendo lobbies so massively that they can uphold Japanese copyright Circus in other countries.
In all sane countries its not possible to parent or copyright a idea or concept just a processes of doing something.
- Comment on Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over 4 months ago:
Its so fucked up that Nintendo allegedly owns copyright to CONCEPTS hope they loose it.
- Comment on Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over 4 months ago:
Its a IP proxy war now…
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 4 months ago:
Say you are a refugee because you have to fear your safety. At best be LGBT or a minority. Or just go to Germany and become a citizen, its not that hard.
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 4 months ago:
Get a server in Romania for example, built up the necessary system and then either take the drives on a plane or transmit the data by internet.
The problem isn’t the money, they would pay less in Eastern European countries. The problem is the time it takes to transmit the data.
It would be best to load the entire NAS farm piece by piece into a plane and fly it there.
A Charter Plane and some trucks aren’t that expansive, and when you keep most of the hardware you don’t need to pay for massive amounts of new hardware.
The problem is that its time consuming and that the Archive will be offline for at least half a year. For doing that.
If they wanna do it really smart they keep some smaller servers all around the world and don’t do it from one country alone.
- Comment on what should one archive in a fascist regime? 4 months ago:
What the fuck are you talking about?
The shit show Germany has is well aware to me but also grants you the right to download whatever you want as long as you don’t distribute it.