- Comment on Pocketpair Confirms Which Patents Nintendo And The Pokemon Company Are Suing It Over 4 months ago:
Even as a dedicated pokemon fan that hasn’t played Palworld (the butchering mechanics don’t really appeal to me)…
I really hope Nintendo loses this, and loses it HARD. I think that some actual competition would be really healthy for the pokemon franchise, giving them an actual impetus to make sure their games are high-quality and well-supported and don’t pursue serious anti-consumer practices.
Godspeed, Palworld. Counting on you.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 4 months ago:
- Comment on Game Freak has been allegedly hacked, with source codes for Pokemon games reportedly leaked 5 months ago:
Now that’s really interesting! I wonder where I can go to see this stuff…
- Comment on How modern is it to have "sympathetic" portrayals of Hell? 5 months ago:
It’s pretty modern if you mean popular, although the idea itself is REALLY old.
Rather than going into specific examples because there are a lot of them (especially in gaming and TV), I’d like to say my piece on cliches.
Basically, cliches come to exist because the cliche trope is a really good idea.
“The Butler did it” as a murder mystery trope is a fantastic idea because some people with too much money will use the protection money affords them to mistreat their employees, providing a great motive you can build on to create a great story with relatable morals and characters. It sets up a character with perfect motives, means and a reasonable position of trust to avoid suspicion.
Similarly, “Hell good, Heaven bad” is a fantastic trope because it lets you step back and analyse things like the negative impacts of religion and how authorities (and the bible) will portray themselves as good regardless of their actual actions. Plus of course there were periods of time where people were told doing virtually anything that didn’t fit into an extremely narrow worldview meant you were going to hell. You know, stuff like basketball and Dungeons and Dragons.
Now, the problem with cliches is when someone sees a popular idea that’s also a very good idea, but doesn’t understand why it was a good idea. As a result, when they use the idea, it rings hollow at absolute best, and that kind of terrible execution of something that’s already known and popular tends to be especially disappointing. I think the best example is The Hunger Games, which absolutely defined young adult dystopian fiction for years because it showed how the media industry mistreats its workers, and Alleigant, which used a lot of ideas from Hunger Games (and some other things) without actually understanding the ideas.
(TLDR: Hunger Games has a love triangle as a prominent plot element, but the actual reason is that it’s perpetuated by the media pretty much on pain of death for Katniss so that she can entertain the viewers. By contrast, Alleigant also has a love triangle but the triangle IS the plot element and the author bends over backwards to make it happen despite the fact none of the characters really feel like they’re suitable for it)
Anyways, cliches aren’t bad but you need to know how, why, and when to use them in order to actually fulfil their potential, and the heaven-hell one you’ve mentioned above is no exception.
- Comment on So, my weirdo Stanley Parable inspired game finally made it to Most Wishlisted Steam Games. And I'm pretty sure a lot of you are to blame... 5 months ago:
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 5 months ago:
I know it got quashed; I’m not saying there was a revolution. “Free Hong Kong, the revolution of our times” was the anti-oppression slogan said by the victor of a heartstone tournament (which there was no rule or stipulation against), which caused Blizzard to ban the player from all tournaments, and refuse to pay him the prize money he’d won in an attempt to suck up to the chinese government.
To clarify: I don’t expect a gaming company to stand up to a full blown authoritarian regime. But I certainly won’t support a company that willingly goes the extra mile to sell out to them.
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 5 months ago:
Used to, but I’m a little past the age.
- Comment on Bethesda, you just entered the no flight zone 5 months ago:
It’s over bro, the developers who made the game you love are long, long gone. That isn’t your company, it’s a corporation wearing that company’s bloody torn-off face as a mask
Source: Former Blizzard fan (Free Hong Kong, the revolution of our times)
- Comment on rabioli 6 months ago:
Babe wake up, new forbidden snack just dropped
- Comment on A European consumer watchdog wants you to be able to buy exactly as much in-game currency as you need, not fixed chunks 6 months ago:
“The group in question are the Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs, or BEUC, who represent 44 non-governmental consumer organisations from 31 countries, and have been around since 1962.”
Thank you BEUC, very based, we appreciate your looking out for us.
- Comment on The Curvaceous Period 7 months ago:
Walking Wake
- Comment on Most important map 8 months ago:
Oh, this is handy, I specifically avoid these guys.
Not for ethical reasons or anything, just I had these weird frozen meatballs from them when I was like 7 and nearly vomited myself to death in a holiday caravan’s bedroom before collapsing unable to move for an hour, conscious the entire time and simply unable to make my body respond. 1/10, not reccommended.
- Comment on Bethesda Game Studios developers form 'wall to wall' union that includes artists, designers, and programmers 8 months ago:
Thank fuck for that. With any luck the better conditions will even give them the power to push back on management if management demands something stupid be added to a game.
In an industry as notoriously dreadful as game development, every bit of quality of life counts.
- Comment on Artificial price increase so that you can post “discounts” on Prime Day 8 months ago:
Lol yep. Literally Amazon 101, there’s a very good reason you shouldn’t buy from them unless you HAVE to.
- Comment on Team Fortress 2 players report that Valve have carried out a ban-wave against aimbots 8 months ago:
Thank goodness for that! I don’t even play TF2, but it’s a really important cultural landmark in the history of online gaming and of a large era of the internet, so keeping the game in good condition and taking care of it is still quite important to me.
- Comment on Britain’s richest family sentenced to 4 years in jail 8 months ago:
Honestly, you love to see it. A wealthy person? Suffering actual, meaningful CONSEQUENCES?! It almost defies belief
- Comment on HELLDIVERS 2 sees over 130K bad reviews on Steam as Sony double down 10 months ago:
Requiring all players make a PSN account to keep playing.
PSN is notorious for two things:
A) Leaking your data
B) SELLING your data
It’s an account that has absolutely no benefits to own (apart from making a company line go up), is about as anti-privacy as it gets, and also makes the game straight up unplayable if you’re from a region of the world that doesn’t have PSN.
- Comment on As a long-time user hearing YouTube wants to play ads when I pause a video 10 months ago:
Adblock is a godsend.
Although I actually use Invidious for most videos these days. The only things Youtube has going for it are a decent autoplay function and a professional maintenance team. Invidious has things like ‘not aggressively selling my preferences to every algorithm under the fucking sun’ and ‘a functioning search bar’ and ‘not actively fighting against adblockers’
- Comment on Theoretical Physics 11 months ago:
Tbh as far as I know, the universe being a mystery IS one of the bigger problems for physics lads
- Comment on Life was better in the nineties and noughties, say most Britons 11 months ago:
They’re £1 a piece over where I am, me and my brother literally always joke that they’re the number one indicator that the economy is in shambles
- Comment on Life was better in the nineties and noughties, say most Britons 11 months ago:
I don’t think the immigrants are to blame. They make a really easy target for politicians to blame, but… I mean, we both saw Boris Johnson campaigning for his fucking life on ‘SAVE THE NHS SAVE THE NHS, JUST LET ME BAN ALL IMMIGRANTS AND RESTRICT HEALTHCARE SO I CAN SAVE THE NHS’ and then he didn’t give the NHS any money or support or investment, he just slipped a an absolutely fat bonus to all his tory friends and big businesses.
We should have invested in ourselves, yes. Just, please don’t be fooled into thinking we invested into immigrants. ‘We’ (the Tories) invested into the offshore bank accounts of the 0.1%.
- Comment on Life was better in the nineties and noughties, say most Britons 11 months ago:
I mean, I was pretty young at the time, but good god even I can see how we’ve been obliterated by inflation. There’s a specific chocolate here in the UK, a tiny little one for children called Freddo the Frog. Just a little cartoon chocolate frog, nothing fancy.
Their price has multiplied by a factor of TWENTY in the past 20 years. And I know pretty damn well that the amount everyone is getting paid has not increased by a factor of 20. Sure this is just a small irrelevant little chocolate bar and other things have inflated less, but like. It’s probably the easiest thing to notice.
But yeah also playing in the street or taking a bike ride around town with your friends was a thing when I was a kid. Sure we were all probably a nuisance, but these days… I don’t think I’ve seen anyone playing outside in ten years. The places we’d ride bikes got bought up and removed. And even the idea of allowing children to play outside feels… socially unacceptable.
Also early Youtube and Facebook were COMPLETELY different beasts that just didn’t have the millions of hours of design work put into them to suck people in and keep them there. Oh, and flash games were a really big thing too if you wanted to play on the computer. They were amazing. And big-name games were in a really good spot, paid DLC and the pay-to-win blight hadn’t really started, and stuff like World of Warcraft, LAN Halo, and other games you could play over at a friend’s house were at their peaks from a social point of view.
…I know nostalgia is a trap, but god, it really isn’t hard to think of things to be nostalgic for from that time, and I was only born in the very late 90s. At least I’ve got plenty of friends online these days though.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 1 year ago:
MASSIVE Dwarven energy. This image is the closest you’re going to get to seeing a bunch of children of the mountain sitting in their tavern, discussing their metalworking (hobby cars and bikes) and drinking brews that could atomize a human liver with a single sip.
Anyways I think these guys are cool
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
Yes, but I was under the entirely reasonable expectation that I would indeed get my niche thing (that being three or four lines of dialog), given the game’s overall setup, mechanics, advertising and franchise. It wasn’t just not included, it was actively averted as hard as possible.
Would you not be disappointed in the same circumstances?
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
Boy he literally murdered his closest, oldest, and most well-intentioned friend in cold blood, threw the body in a dungeon, and let their soul find no rest for several centuries.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
But am I wrong? Making an unreasonable complaint?
I know that most people don’t like dragons as much as I do, but… is it really that weird to want them not to get screwed to the Nth degree?
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
If this becoming a copypasta is what it takes to get me some dragons who have happy endings, then Holy my Hell.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
Thank you kindly. But I know that it’s just not a realistic expectation.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
I feel you. I REALLY feel you. I’d say more to commiserate, but everything I’ve got to say on the matter is already up there, and while I’m upset, I don’t want to rant everyone else into being frustrated. Best of luck to you finding someone you can save in your games?
I could, but after getting burned so badly in BG3, I’m very much feeling cautious about touching anything else this studio’s made.
- Comment on Baldur's Gate 3 ended up making me regret playing. 1 year ago:
Probably the only thing that could convince me to head back and finish the game tbh.