For visibility, here is the list of ways around youtube ads he was supposedly banned for mentioning:
- Apparently searching for a youtube url in and clicking on the thumbnail gives you the video with no ads
Android: 6 months ago
LTT vs Google.
I’ll side with LLT on this, but that doesn’t mean I want to support their channel. 6 months ago
Why? What did LTT do?
Out of the loop on this. 6 months ago
Quick summary, probably missing a lot, but…
And just general douche-baggery.
But mostly? It just means to take anything LMG does with a massive grain of salt. They have repeatedly demonstrated that they are not above manipulating their audience and influence to push anti-consumer behavior. So a video where they were “too spicy” for Google for promoting alternatives (some of which LMG themselves operate) is, to quote the children, sus. And yeah, it sounds like the issue has nothing to do with “don’t use gmail or youtube” and all to do with “use this random third party app that bypasses all the ads so you can still use youtube”. 6 months ago
Other than the stuff already mentioned here, people (probably fairly accurately) thought Linus was a salesman douche with no real knowledge of computers back in the NCIX days.
It was partially true, he was basically a warehouse manager who happened to get lucky making a successful youtube channel which he turned into his own media business after NCIX died.
But that’s what the key term is. It’s Linus Media Group. Their top goal is to create content that generates views for revenue, and not content that might be useful or takes a lot of effort to do.
Which is why you will almost never see any heavy IT people watching his videos. There are so many examples of people running entire data centers in their house better than LMG could do with actual budget, server space, and hardware. They used to use windows server for everything because they didn’t have anyone who knew linux lol. 6 months ago
They’ve been criticized of rushing and skimping on accurate / ethical review practices. There are aLeo allegations that LTT is a fairly toxic work environment, but, the former has more concrete evidence since the janky reviews were recorded and uploaded.
And on a more subjective note, a lot of people aren’t really into the way that Linus behaves on camera. I’m in this camp. I find that he often comes off pretty arrogant and belittling when he’s interacting with his staff on camera. 6 months ago
Lied about a review of a product prototype they’d been sent. “Lost” it, gave a bad review based on tests of it (but it was a different product, not the actual one). Then later apparently they SOLD this prototype & told the company who had lent them it that they’d lost it.
So you can totally trust them claiming they didn’t sexually harass women employees. /s 6 months ago
Apparently posted a video about how to avoid ads on YouTube using adblockers, etc. 6 months ago
Right? I learned how to block channel in FreeTube motivated entirely so I don’t have to see his stupid face in my recommendations
I feel like we’ll find out this was engineered for clicks by them. 6 months ago
i mean thumbnails are almost always engineered for the most engagement, yes.
and theirs are clearly clickbaity, so 6 months ago
I left when every other video was about the personal lives of Linus or his staff. I know that developing the parasocial is important to any channel, but it turns me off. 6 months ago
I actually like those, and started to watch the channel regularly after the house remodeling series.
What’s barely sufferable are the “we bought stuff from the internet and here it is. check out our sponsor…” videos that’s been published a lot lately.