- Comment on 7th-inning stretch 3 days ago:
You can get a piece of oak from a home store. Look for one about 3/4" x 1 1 1/2". Put some tape around where you’ll hold it. The square edges will splay someone open pretty good if things go that direction. And it’s way less obvious as a sign.
- Comment on Stand-up comic, Steve Hofstetter, explains firing his agency for signing Kanye West 1 month ago:
Ha. It’s ok for people to not like things and it not be jealousy. You don’t like this opinion, but does that mean you’re envious that they stated it before you got a chance to? Some people don’t like things and that’s ok.
- Comment on Stand-up comic, Steve Hofstetter, explains firing his agency for signing Kanye West 1 month ago:
It’s his whole act. He really doesn’t have any martial. He just attracts heckling and riffs on that.
- Comment on Million dollar idea 4 months ago:
I weighed myself before and after a colonoscopy prep just do I could calculate how full of shit I really am. Turns out just about everybody was wrong. I’m less than 1% shit. Take that fuckers.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
That’s a lot and I’m not going to read it. I promise you that I care exactly as much about your opinion as you do mine. You should go touch grass if you’re so worked up that you can write two paragraphs moaning about a joke you didn’t get. It’s guys like you give us guys that sit down to pee a bad name.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
Lol. K
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
I was being goofy. Of course it doesn’t make sense. Jesus, Lemmy has gotten as bad as reddit. It’s all people ready to fight at the drop of a hat.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
I was being silly. Not everything has to be serious my guy.
- Comment on Why do some men dis other men who sit to pee? (& follow-up questions) 5 months ago:
So like having guns to make sure we don’t lose the 2nd ammendment?
- Comment on Mine's a Juicer 5 months ago:
And how else would you suggest we pay tribute to Anoia?
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 5 months ago:
Dude had built in shades and didn’t know it.
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 5 months ago:
Lol, And all it cost me the ability to focus on anything not exexactly 37 inches away.
- Comment on Might as well go cyberpunk, I guess. 5 months ago:
I have an artificial lens in one eye (like a contact lens that’s been glued in place) that has built in uv protection. Not cybernetic as such, but I’d say it was adjacent.
- Comment on Guess what this product is without looking up what it is! 5 months ago:
And for a couple of hours, they smelled nice.
- Comment on Calling in healthy 6 months ago:
I did once. I called my boss and just said I was in too good a mood to come in and I’ll see you tomorrow. It worked.
- Comment on Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman 6 months ago:
I’d bet dollars to donuts it was planned. They’re all about views, sponsors, and subs. The “info” they publish is hack at best. They’re entertaining at times but it’s just that, entertainment, not tech news.
- Comment on Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman 6 months ago:
No way this wasn’t calculated by LTT.
- Comment on I feel like a flashbang went off in my head, so the only question that I can think of is, "What now?" (Details in body.) 7 months ago:
I’ve been divorced. It sucks. But it sucks way less than being trapped in a loveless, bitter relationship for far too long. Like the other poster says, get in therapy and work out what You want. Big change is scary and hard. Having to adjust to things we truly believed were settled is a motherfucker.
This is opinion, but it seems to me that teaching your daughter that making changes, even when they’re hard, is important and dealing with big feelings should come first. At the end of the day, is it better for her to be loved in two houses or see the resentment build in one? For me, it was more important that my son be loved and feel safe in two homes. Teaching him to stay in a relationship because it was “easy” seemd wrong. Again, that’s an opinion, not an objective truth.
- Comment on Can you "change" the environment in your "local" area? 7 months ago:
We live in the area between the city and suburbs. Like the city is 3 or 4 blocks away but we have a yard. A few years ago we tore out our front lawn, planted just native plants, put in a lot of beds in the back yard, and way more native plants. We have ducks, bees, and now goats. I’m not sure if we’ve changed our local climate, but he have 2 families of rabbits living in our yard and more fireflies than anyone else in our immediate area.
- Comment on Virginia is shrinking! 8 months ago:
Maryland stands behind this opinion.
- Comment on Alec Baldwin's manslaughter trial over Rust shooting has been dismissed 8 months ago:
I think that’s the guy that shit on Wendigoon, right? That’s kinda like calling out Steve Irwin or saying LeVar Burton was useless.
- Comment on Unfinished business 8 months ago:
*…reread the same books I already reread over and over…
- Comment on 'Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga' Rides to VOD Victory After Stalling at Box Office 8 months ago:
It was never going to be as good as Fury Road. There was just no way. So he didn’t try. And I appreciate that. A few on the CG scenes were spotty, but it was better than some in the franchise, not as good as others. All in all, I enjoyed it and thought it was a ton of fun.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Yeah. It’s a thing but I’m not sure how much it really helps. I’ll do it because if it makes people feel better, it’s easy, but I honestly think folks is fine. The person I do this for specificly is cis, has cis kids, has a cis husband, is a member of a community that is largely not only cis, but white and female. To me it comes across as preformitve. But it makes dealing with her, and a few others, easier. If there were a real movement to adopt folx, I’m in but like I say, it seems like our effort could be better spent elsewhere.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Sorry, habbit from writting emails recently to someone that is, enthusiastic, about inclusion.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
I’m a Star Wars fan. Tell me about it.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
The net brings us together but it also brings the waters and drama. I knew I knew this dude from something.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
This is the case. Check out the old Re:Search zines/books. Each is about some wired niche thing and has a bunch of contributions from different people. Folx have always been into strange things, and folx have always found kindred spirits, the internet makes it easier to find, abd troll, them.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Yeah. It’s funny, my cousin is a few years younger than me but has no memory of the world pre-net. I told him the story of how we used to have to do things and it blew his mind.
Ex. Cowboy Bebop. Me and a buddy heard a thing on Terry Gross about the soundtrack one day driving home from work. They played a few seconds of Tank! Man, we were hooked instantly. So we changed directions and went to, where? Where do you go? Blockbuster? FYE? Game store? Comicbook store! They’ll have it! So we went to every comic shop in the area (we knew them all because we would get MtG cards every payday). A couple had a DVD or two. How many episodes were there? How many seasons? How long would our search take? It was a treasure hunt. Calling game stores, calling small video stores. Finding one DVD at a time but not in order. It was like that for everything. And honestly, I think it gave things a greater value.
I love being able to answer almost any question instantly. When I’m listening to an audiobook, if there’s a word I’m not sure of, I can pause, get a definition, and go back to my book without even looking at my screen or touching my phone. But there’s deff a sense of flippancy to everything now that wasn’t there before. Bad or good, I don’t know, it is what it is. But I do miss the hunt for new stuff.
- Comment on The internet connects people 8 months ago:
Yeah. I’m not sure it’s better this way though.