- Comment on Anon has marital problems 1 month ago:
Not sure why you got downvoted because I had the same reaction when I read it. This is your spouse and treating her request for divorce and obvious associated emotional distress as something related to her gender rather than the specifics of your relationship seems incredibly dismissive and misogynistic.
- Comment on Valve is fixin' to start some arguments over the holidays because 'All adult members in a Steam Family' can see your Steam Replay page 2 months ago:
I’ve only played 2 games with dwarves this year
Rock and stone!
- Comment on The Last of Us Part II Remastered PC Announcement Trailer 2 months ago:
What a great breakdown on your thoughts, thank you for sharing. I’ll admit it’s not a perfect game but I think it worked for me much better than for you. When the game switched to Abby I had this sense that the writers were going to try and make me feel something besides hate/contempt for her and my immediate reaction was “Good fucking luck.”
But it really worked and as the narrative unfolded with Abby I found her to be a very sympathetic character and by the ending I was more worried about her than Ellie.
When I realized this I felt super conflicted because - who didn’t care about Ellie going into Part 2? And I think that message about having empathy for people you hate was such a powerful theme to make a whole game about that I was willing to let a lot of the smaller narrative mistakes go.
Have a good day.
- Comment on Anon can't win 2 months ago:
Might I suggest you take a vacation now?
- Comment on Just a little guy 2 months ago:
You’re not totally wrong but some things are not so easily treated as with rescue breathing. This is the same problem with any paralytic agent (e.g. botulism) is that the mechanism of death is suffocation since you can’t breathe. But from a rescue standpoint its really easy to breathe for someone whereas its not easy to stop multiple lacerations leading to exanguination and I think that is the point they were making is that this could be a survivable event if a rescuer is nearby.
- Comment on Anon rethinks the scale 2 months ago:
I believe Anon 1 is trying to state the relative importance of various body parts in terms of sexual attraction between a man and a woman. So a man having good abs is like a woman having nice breasts is the assertion.
Anon 2 facetiously took the comparison as literal and drew what a person would look like where abs = tits, etc.
- Comment on Is it expected to tip for furniture deliveries? 3 months ago:
Excellent that’s exactly what I did. Thank you!
- Submitted 3 months ago to [deleted] | 24 comments
- Comment on How did Third World countries handle the Covid Pandemic? 3 months ago:
Me, from the USA:
- Comment on Woman admits hurling McDonald's milkshake over Nigel Farage 3 months ago:
What if he’d had an allergic reaction on his way to the guillotine? Wouldn’t that be awful?
- Comment on If Trump loses the election and flees to another country to avoid his sentencing in his (multiple) lawsuits, does the Secret Service have to go with him? 4 months ago:
Plane went down over the Atlantic during mysterious circumstances.
- Comment on In honor of the start spooky season (yay!), I have a question about an apparently beloved spooky meme/skit. What about "David S. Pumpkins" is so funny? 4 months ago:
This is a perfect analysis that was thoroughly ruined by not ending it with:
aNy qUeStIoNs?!?
- Comment on how do I accept that a doctor earns more than double what I do? 5 months ago:
Doctor here. 👋 I just wanted to give my experience. I had to do eight years of schooling/debt, THEN I had to do 6 years of post graduate training (internship, residency, fellowship).
Now the post graduate years are paid like a job but not at a physician salary rate so paying on student loans during that time was next to impossible for me because I was in a high cost of living area. So my interest continued to compound during that time. It sucked.
As for the OP I just want to say that part of the reason I expect a higher salary is because I gave up 14 years of my life - most of my youth - in training to get here. Those 14 years were immensely valuable and I often regretted going down this path because of all the things I gave up instead. The training was incredibly difficult and time consuming. I lost touch with all my friends, had to move repeatedly, etc. It was absolutely brutal and felt endless. That’s part of what those paychecks are paying for.
- Comment on Satisfactory 1.0 5 months ago:
Remember, it’s not just fun. It’s contractually obligated fun fun fun!
- Comment on Youtube deletes and strikes Linus Tech Tips video for teaching people how to live without Google. Ft. Louis Rossman 5 months ago:
Apparently posted a video about how to avoid ads on YouTube using adblockers, etc.
- Comment on Britain, Which Birthed American Ideas About Liberty, Has Embraced Despotism 5 months ago:
The UK is Marxist in culture.
- Comment on Ma? 6 months ago:
I disapprove of the gentleman on the right’s manner of firearm handling.
- Comment on scan scam 6 months ago:
The lung motion is be a problem but it is still done in some situations and the radiologist just tries their best with any motion artifacts. Since the blood vessels are so big in the chest it kind of works out, but it turns out better with contrast.
- Comment on scan scam 6 months ago:
Radiologist here. 👋🏻
You are right it does not require contrast. The scan uses a special technique to reduce signal from tissue that isn’t moving so only things that are moving produce high signal and show up “bright.” Since blood is the only thing really moving in the brain - voila!
- Comment on Anon is baffled by Mel Gibson's continued career 7 months ago:
- Comment on Coconuts 🥥 8 months ago:
A 5 ounce bird can not carry a one pound coconut.
- Comment on The current state of auto insurance: shit that belongs on a shady Kickstarter from 2013 8 months ago:
Not sure if this is a joke. For years my phone was the only one paired with the Bluetooth on my wife’s car as I like to play music when I drive it but she couldn’t be bothered to mess with it and listens to the radio. That doesn’t mean that I am usually the driver in the car though as she usually drives it. It was paired for the few times she wasn’t in the car and I had to use it.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
- Comment on Ball's in your court, Mikey. 8 months ago:
It’s a-me, Mario!
- Comment on Anon discovers a diet trick 8 months ago:
Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?
- Comment on For security reasons 9 months ago:
making a big deal about it
Maybe I’m wrong but isn’t this sub for posting minor annoyances?
- Comment on Anon encounters a Switch owner 10 months ago:
I’m so glad to have read your criticism as it summed up how I felt about BotW. For context I am NOT a huge Zelda nerd but I played Twilight Princess back in the day and loved it. BotW got such press and rave reviews everywhere I turned that I finally pulled the trigger and bought a Switch just to play it. I played a few hours and was like… I can’t do this it is so boring.
- Comment on The longer I look, the more confused I get. What is this marketing? 10 months ago:
I don’t think that’s true at all.
I realize the geometry predicts some optimal spot for viewing the curve but that just is a mathematical ideal not a real world necessity. If it was then everyone who has ever watched a flat screen would be like “omg I feel like I’m too close because I’m not watching from infinity.” I have a 35” monitor with 1800R and it is very pleasant in a normal desktop setting. I looked into 1000R screens since I like to sit fairly close and the curve felt so extreme that it was a major distraction no matter which distance I sat at.
I guess I’m saying that the curvature is very much a personal preference thing and if people can tolerate a flat screen they can also tolerate a curve that isn’t meeting some mathematical ideal.
- Comment on 30 movie directors with movies with an IMDB rating higher and 7.5 and 50.000 votes 11 months ago:
This makes me realize that I don’t think I’ve ever seen a single Martin Scorsese film.
- Comment on Anatomically Correct 11 months ago:
What in the pseudoscience is this?