So, I’ve been getting into GBA and want some recommendations. I’ve been playing advance wars and really like it, anyone know any similar games? (Not fire emblem because permadeath is an annoying mechanic?
And justgoogd GBA games in general
Submitted 7 months ago by to
So, I’ve been getting into GBA and want some recommendations. I’ve been playing advance wars and really like it, anyone know any similar games? (Not fire emblem because permadeath is an annoying mechanic?
And justgoogd GBA games in general
mega man battle network 1-6
Came to the comments to say this. Love that series. Wish they hadn’t moved to that follow-up series Star Force. Wasn’t as good, imo.
Wasn’t as good, imo.
The first one was maybe weird because it was still setting itself up. The second one was indeed a filler and the worst of the series (but nowhere near MMBN4-level bad). The third one on the other hand is easily a masterpiece beating MMBN6.
Jeez… I want to play them, but I am foreseeing hundreds of hours in those games lol… Also I didn’t know there was a sixth game for GBA.
they’re great for short bursts of gameplay, each dungeon takes like an hour on average. if it helps your decision, the first game is the shortest at 10-25 hrs but is also the hardest. the hd collection has an easy mode that lets you kill most weak enemies in a few shots. the DS port of 1 is the definitive version & has maps to make the dungeons easier (there’s an English patch)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
I’m weird and I have a real soft spot for the original PlayStation 1 Final Fantasy Tactics as well.
Weird? Isn’t FFT widely considered one of the best games of all time?
This is the correct answer.
Wario Land 4 was probably my fave
Core memory right here.
I love the Wario games because they were so chill. You were a invincible protagonist whose goal was solving puzzles and getting money.
I don’t remember 4 being that chill, when you press the frog button and have to leg it back to the start for fear of losing your loot it gets pretty intense!
Red rescue team, if you haven’t played a pokemon mystery dungeon game before. I played the DS version (blue rescue team) and loved it.
I play that :3
It’s so cute, I love their cute little facial expressions :)
Zelda: Minish Cap, and Castlevania are my favorites
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap is one of my favorite games of all time. It’s the last isometric Zelda game, and they made it a swan song. The main quest it pretty short, but it’s the sort of cozy game where doing the sidequests just feels right.
In the game, you shrink down to the size of a mouse to traverse rafters and explore tiny temples and float on lillypads. It’s the sort of thing that would be no big deal in a 3D game, but is wildly ambitious in 2D. Not only do they pull it off, but they fill the environments with lush, lived-in detail that springs to life when you shrink down and look at it up close.
Also, forget all the “hey, listen” stuff, your sidekick Ezlo just sasses you the entire time. It’s great.
Minish Cap is just absolutely amazing. The world is small, but very well made and fun to explore. It has aged very well (I imagine most GBA games have?) so I would recommend everyone to give it a go if they like that sort of game!
I’ve never tried any Castlevania games, maybe it’s time.
If you want the worst, it’s Medal of Honor Underground.
I mean, fair play for trying to get a cutting edge PS1 game onto the GBA, but why would you persist if that’s all you could do with it?
Yoshi’s Island!
Metroid Fusion
Might sound odd, but I loved Dark Arena. Basically a Quake-esque FPS but for the GBA.
Those were the GBA games I played and liked
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis is one of the best tactical rpgs I’ve ever played. I was shocked how short it was when I finished only to find I had been playing for over 40 hours.
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Oracle of Ages (initially released for Game Boy Color, but it works just the same on the Advanced)
I didn’t play many GBA games but ones that come to mind are:
Dark Conflict/Days Of Ruin
And justgoogd GBA games in general
I can’t remember the name off the top of my head, but there’s a Godzilla fighting game! It’s amazing
Godzilla: Domination! Developed by WayForward, which is probably why it’s so good.
Are you playing on an emulator? There’s a plethora of cool Pokemon roms based on fire red
Currently playing emerald, not a hack, just the standard one
That’s how I roll too.
Rock’n’roll racing got a pretty solid GBA port, it’s a fantastic little isometric battle racer from the 90’s
I’ve curated a list based on my own preferences, couple caveats are that I haven’t played most of them, some stuff like DBZ and Yugioh are whatever if you’re not into those franchises and some stuff has better ports elsewhere and isnt included:
I personally enjoyed Spyro²: Season of Flame.
One of the biggest problems I will say about the game, though, is that you won’t always be able to tell where you’ll land when gliding and will probably lose plenty of lives because of it.
I’m guessinb its a 3dgame by that explanation? I prefer 2d
Fair enough. It’s mostly 3rd person 3D, but the view isn’t always great, making for some frustration. There are, if I remember correctly, a couple 2D levels where you play as the army bird guy, but otherwise, it’s 3D.
Dragon Ball Advanced Adventure is an amazing game
Most of the games I liked have already been mentioned but I’d like to add Lady Sia.
A solid platformer that was quite difficult to beat for me as a kid. 7 months ago
Most similar to Advance Wars:
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
Super Robot Taisen: Original Generation
Shining Force:Resurrection of the Dark Dragon
Just in general:
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1 and 2
Drill Dozer
Golden Sun 1 and 2
Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Guru Logic Champ
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission
Medabots RPG
Klonoa: Empire of Dreams