- Comment on European Federation of Journalists to stop posting content on X 2 months ago:
Shaming the platform is a great way to make fence sitters leave, even those that are “good-faith-neither-left-nor-right-people-who-always-strangely-support-the-right”” that don’t want to come of as that kind of person will leave if staying there makes you look bad. KKK fell apart partially because of a shaming campaign if I remember correctly.
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 3 months ago:
yes! It’s surprisingly difficult for being such a simple concept
- Comment on Let's discuss: UFO 50 3 months ago:
Absolutely the game(s) of the year for me. Some games are surprisingly long with hours of gameplay, but most are short, and with the ability to jump in and out of games at will my ADHD brain is very happy. Some games I would never have bought on their own, and them being in this little bundle means it’s easy for me to give them a chance.
I really do recommend ufo 50 to anyone who likes retro games. It’s like having a nes emulator with all the games, but with the added benefit of modern game design and a minimum standard of goodness.
Also, playing the bundle at the same time as a friend is a nice experience! You start talking about what games you’ve tried and give each other hints and stuff. I will say a specific game has time pass in-game when you play other games in the pack, it’s one of the games with the mascot, and finding it early is better
- Comment on To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks 3 months ago:
I haven’t played the game for very long, but from what I’ve seen it would take a few hours to get to the point that you can just get a thousand bucks and blow them on a title, but it’s entirely doable. You would have to focus on upgrades anyways to start with just to get a proper income up and running, and then once you can fish with greater speed and with a greater success rate it should be fairly trivial.
- Comment on To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks 3 months ago:
Thanks for your opinion straight person
- Comment on best GBA games? I need recommendations 6 months ago:
Minish Cap is just absolutely amazing. The world is small, but very well made and fun to explore. It has aged very well (I imagine most GBA games have?) so I would recommend everyone to give it a go if they like that sort of game!
I’ve never tried any Castlevania games, maybe it’s time.
- Comment on Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years 7 months ago:
Pretty sure each of the companies selling smart home systems like this want to become the dominant go to system, so focusing on earning profits doesn’t make much sense. You want to lure customers into your ecosystem and for your solution to become so dominant you become a monopoly, or at least so you don’t fall behind and let someone else become ubiquitous. I view it as amazon building infrastructure and supporting future endeavors.