- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
Jeg elsker dig for det
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
What’s wrong with “25 over 3?” I see the need for half 4 by itself but things being relative to that is so weird to me
- Comment on Fucking hell 1 week ago:
Ugh okay here’s another “Danes shouldn’t be allowed to make number stuff”:
The time 15:25 is “five minutes before half 4”
“Fem minutter i halv fire”
So you round up to 16 before even halfway, what!?
- Comment on Who gets all the tariff money about to be collected from US citizens buying products from Canada? 2 weeks ago:
The cool part is you can double and triple dip. Buy bitcoin, promise to make a US Crypto reserve, sell it during the boon, make your own memecoin and profit off that as well
Then maybe do it again when you maybe waste money on a Crypto reserve
- Comment on fuck this asshole 2 weeks ago:
8000 comments in 9 months, dead silent shortly after the election.
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
That’s very true. Bots once/twice removed? Like bots influencing the people posting here?
I can’t imagine you get to that conclusion alone
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, that’s totally fair. I mean, I guess it’s just a bot once removed, bots influencing your friend to swing to fascism
- Comment on fuck this asshole 3 weeks ago:
I wonder how many of those were Russian bots
- Comment on Anon plays a prank 3 weeks ago:
I mean if the weather is TERRIBLE or I had a lot to carry I would consider a bus for the ~2 stops that is
- Comment on What's the Standard Operating Procedure for if someone steals your phone while you were using it and its unlocked? 3 weeks ago:
I’ve had a false positive walking around the other day. False positive is no big deal of course, but it’s interesting that I’m seeing a post about it now
- Comment on Fruit 3 weeks ago:
For the uninitiated
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
I didn’t realize there was AdGuard available. Is it an extension or like a standalone app running in the background?
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 4 weeks ago:
It’s the opposite. On Android I have an adblocker. On my work iphone I have to raw dog the internet
- Comment on i'm gonna need directions 4 weeks ago:
You’re right, according to online calcs. But man I can’t remember how to count these myself.
Wanna explain for someone who didn’t have to do much chemistry?
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 5 weeks ago:
I think the ideal argument is both. Have a grid that’s (at least vast majority) green, and work towards using said green energy to recapture some CO2
- Comment on After Years of Struggling To Be Noticed, My Indie Game Was Covered By VICE 5 weeks ago:
My friends and I loved your demo and can’t wait to play the whole release
- Comment on Two big Final Fantasy remakes are reportedly still in ‘active development’ 5 weeks ago:
I love FFT ad FFTA but come on, give us a new one sometime. We’ve had like 10 remakes and ports of FFT
- Comment on Uniquely American 1 month ago:
Surprised to see Japan at ~40
- Comment on Anon cheats through college 1 month ago:
He probably couldn’t explain it well if he didn’t know how to code at all imo
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 2nd 1 month ago:
We do a lot of archipelago (A9O as we call it, cuz it’s shorter to write and there’s 9 letters between… Hoping it catches on).
Factorio is a staple in it. Minecraft too!
- Comment on Psst, the Americans are asleep, post some eggs 1 month ago:
Denmark checking in, it was like $3 USD for 10 eggs yesterday, and Denmark isn’t cheap
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
Well there’s lots of ways to measure speed. Some use a worm gear in the transmission, some use a sensor on the wheel hub. But all of them take tire diameter into account, unless you count like GPS, which afaik (though probably some really shitty privacy invading car may prove me wrong) isn’t a thing for speedometers and odometers
So yes, all production cars, I believe.
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
You’re absolutely right!
I don’t know of a single car that it wouldn’t affect, but there could be some using a gps speed instead? Sounds like a bad idea to me
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
Well, I’d argue it’s not a blanket “no”. I’ve owned 9 crotch rockets and all? Of them had speed sensors on front sprockets. A lot of similar or the same designs within, so surely it’s off ABS rings if they’re newer, but a fair few of them have had speed deviations because of that
- Comment on Do you need to adjust your speedometer if you change the size of your tires? 1 month ago:
Hi! I was a controls engineering in the automotive industry in the US for a while.
Yup. You sure should! Some cars even have tire dimensions and quick selections of winter/summer tires for exactly that. Some cars make it much harder/impossible to do.
Same with motorcycles if you swap sprockets of course (a common modification)
- Comment on It's been years 1 month ago:
Fun fun fun fun fun
- Comment on It really is like this 1 month ago:
I do feel for you, I know life in the US has gotten much worse recently and I feel that’s accelerating.
I’m not so sure life in China is better per se, but it is different.
I will probably blanket statement this and say life in the EU seems a lot better than in the US now, though with plenty of problems depending on where you go. I say this as someone who left the US for the EU.
- Comment on It really is like this 1 month ago:
I lived and worked outside Shanghai for a bit, but it was a while ago and probably has changed a good bit. What makes you think their lives are far better off than those in the states?
Not necessarily disagreeing, but it absolutely was not the case 15 years ago. American life is on a downhill though, zero argument there.
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 26th 1 month ago:
Yeah, it’s 1.0 now and has a lot of content for the price/dev count
- Comment on Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 26th 1 month ago:
Just grabbed Thronefall and have been playing on the Deck a lot. It’s really fun; tower defense meets RTS with great economy. You’re always debating defenses vs scaling and some of the challenges are downright hard