Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. I would probably have to just rewrite the entire movie.
If you could change the ending of one movie, which one would it be, and how would you change it?
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
Or trilogy 7 months ago
I thought the first one was alright. The second one seemed to have it’s moments but was overall underwhelming. Rise of Skywalker was so bad I couldn’t even finish it. It was a good year before I could force myself to sit through to the end… I think my breaking point was when I realized every time they got into trouble Rey would suddenly “discover” she had a new superpower that has never even been mentioned before 7 months ago
I’d rewrite the ending of The Force Awakens so that they don’t destroy Starkiller Base at the end. Instead they’d just damage it heavily or somehow disable it.
Then the second movie would then have to be rewritten to be about the First Order trying to repair Starkiller Base, perhaps they need some rare resource or something, and the rebels are trying to stop them.
The third movie would then also have to be rewritten. The First Order has got the thing working again, so the rebellion would get to destroy it for good this time.
Really, the problem the sequel trilogy had is that they didn’t know what to do with it. The Force Awakens end up as a soft reboot of A New Hope, which is why we got a third Deathstar. But then they blow it up at the end of the first movie, which puts them in a bind as now they really don’t know what to do with the next two movies. What now, a fourth Deathstar? At least this would give some sort of overarching story for the trilogy, rather than the making-it-up-as-we-go mess that we ended up with. 7 months ago
Really, the problem the sequel trilogy had is that they didn’t know what to do with it. The Force Awakens ended up as a soft reboot of A New Hope, which is why we got a third Deathstar. But then they blow it up at the end of the first movie, which puts them in a bind as now they really don’t know what to do with the next two movies. What now, a fourth Deathstar? At least this would give some sort of overarching story for the trilogy, rather than the making-it-up-as-we-go mess that we ended up with.
Yeah, it’s quite clear no one planned out a story arc for the trilogy and it suffered greatly because of it. I really like The Force Awakens and I bought The Last Jedi for £1 to almost complete the set. I’m waiting to find Rise of Skywalker in a charity shop for 50p to compete the set, don’t know if I’ll watch it again though. 😄 7 months ago
Don’t Look Up: have the plan to privatize the asteroid defense operation actually work. The people refusing to look up think they were right and refuse to acknowledge how much danger they were in. So even if the world is saved, no lessons are learned and nothing is made better.
Feel like that would fit the climate change/COVID metaphor better. 7 months ago
How would that fit the climate change metaphor? That implies we are actually fixing climate change. 7 months ago
Ya that would make it closer to something like the Ozone layer problem. But even then, I think that was fixed with government regulations, not privatizing things. 7 months ago
Because the fix in the movie is really a bandaid. It was provided by a private party for profit, and next time if it’s not profitable, it won’t work.
I mean, it’s not like individual people can stop a doomsday asteroid, so the metaphor kind of breaks anyway. But there is a bit of an assumption in the environment sense that technology will somehow solve our problems when the real problem is us.
The ozone problem only got fixed because in that case there was a 1:1 replacement to the offending technology. There isn’t a 1:1 replacement to fossil fuels. It will almost certainly require some kind of societal change. 7 months ago
Special triangles should have appeared to help everyone instead. 7 months ago
The best example of a movie I mostly enjoyed except the ending I have is Wonder Woman.
They could keep the CGI-filled studio mandated fight if they want, but then make Diana realize it’s not making both sides stop fighting each other. They just keep on going. There’s a zoom in on Aries as he laughs, telling her he told her so, it wasn’t him, before he either disappears, saying he’ll return, empowered by the endless war of humans. Diana realizes she can’t punch her way out of this one, and she’ll have to use love, love for humans to make them see the love for each other. Love isn’t easy, it takes time. So she’s going to have to stick around in the world and fight the long fight, this won’t be a single villain she can kick the butt of.
Idk, something like that. Point is, the whole end fight scene shouldn’t imply war is caused by a single evil Greek god. 7 months ago
Edge of Tomorrow, I’d swap the crappy end credits music for something that doesn’t ruin the last shot 7 months ago
A.I., the 2001 movie.
David (the robot kid) is trapped underwater repeatedly asking the statue to make him a real boy. His batteries run out and everything goes dark. Tragic. Credits roll.
Everything that happened after that in the actual movie in the far future involving aliens or whatever that was ends up on the editing room floor. 7 months ago
Really, I’ve never seen movie that end like that.
I would really have liked Hardcore Henry to end abruptly with us just meant to assume he was shot and died 7 months ago
Serenity, Wash. (too soon ? :) 7 months ago
It’s always too soon for the leaf on the wind to settle on the ground 7 months ago
Not quite changing the ending per se, but I hope you’ll permit me to share a really fun rearranging concept of a particularly mediocre sci fi flick Passengers. It shifts the viewer’s perspective to that of Jennifer Lawrence’s character, and drastically changes the tone in doing so. I find it very compelling. 7 months ago
Did anyone ever make a fan edit? 7 months ago
Not that I know of, but that’d be cool to watch 7 months ago
I feel bad about it, but I find myself more and more often wishing a main character would die in die end, because I’m tired of all these forced happy endings and how the main character is somehow always the one that miraculously comes away unscathed. 7 months ago
Well, somebody already posted my choice which would be episodes 7, 8, and 9, so I’m going with the next thing that popped into my head and ignore part of the question and that this is a movies sub.
With that said, my answer is How I Met Your Mother, because it still angers and disappoints me years after watching the show. Fuck you writers, it’s not all about Robin. Such a legend - wait for it - dary show ruined right at the end. 7 months ago
The Whale has a terrible ending
He tries walking for his estranged, newly connected daughter and in this huge climactic moment he’s having a heart attack and then he just looks up and goes “UHH” and that’s the end. That’s it. Look up -> UHH -> end.
I think a better ending would be him ::: spoiler spoiler having the heart attack ::: and then dying slowly in the hospital with some kind of heartfelt conversation with his daughter and then die. 7 months ago
The Fantastic Voyage. Or Journey. I forget the name. It’s a movie where they shrink a submarine down and put it inside someone to do surgery. Pretty neat premise. Like a lot of older movies the ending is flat. It ends the moment they get the submarine out of the body. It would’ve been nice to have them make it large again and exit and show the person waking up. Imagine if Star Wars ended the moment the Death Star exploded or Return of the King the moment the ring is destroyed. Those are the best comparisons I can make to what this feels like.
Also, I’d change Encanto so the family doesn’t get their powers back. 7 months ago
Nymphomaniac: Vol. II. When she turns the light off, the movie should’ve ended. 7 months ago
The Mist i think it was called. After the dumb folk pass by the main character, a giant alien creature steps on it and kills them all, accidentally. 7 months ago
Star Wars Return of the Jedi
Luke dies but still manages to kill the Emperor, the Rebels fail at destroying Death Star 2 Electric Boogaloo because Han dies and Leia ends captured, thus the shield generator is never destroyed and no run towards the core happens. Vader survives, crowning himself the new emperor. This immediately fixes the sequel trilogy by making it null and void 7 months ago
Really trying to bait Star wars fans aren’t you? By sequel trilogy do you mean the same trilogy RoTJ is in? If so, how does Vader winning over the empire complete the series? 7 months ago
By sequel trilogy do you mean
The Disney trilogy
how does Vader winning over the empire complete the series?
It doesn’t, that’s the whole point. Vader becomes the most powerful bad guy in the galaxy and still has a planet destroying superweapon at his service. 7 months ago
I would change the end of Chinatown. It would no longer mention Chinatown. My goal is not to make the movie better. Just it infuriate people more 7 months ago
Forget it Jake… Just forget it. 7 months ago
You could change the ending of Fight Club to match the book but I think that would piss people off.
From what I remember, only one scene of the book didn’t make the film, the narrator and Tyler original meet on a beach. Also, a running theme is that the narrator can’t quite remember how to make home made explosives, he keeps getting the recipe wrong.
So at the end, when they’re going to blow up the credit card headquarters, nothing happens because the explosives are dud. 7 months ago
Could it be a TV series?
I fucking hate the ending of How I Met Your Mother. I’ve watched the series 6 times in total, but has only watched the last episode ONCE! 7 months ago
The alternate ending is still the superior (and IMO canon) ending.
I’d still prefer they not throw away and waste Robin & Barney’s emotional growth, as well. 7 months ago
Once upon a time in the West
Cheyenne is not that baddly wounded Harmonica bring him back to Miss McBain and they start an happy trouple in the farm.
Oh and Cheyenne’s gang is now an worker-owned cooperative that finish building Sweetwater
That movie need at least one more hour 7 months ago
After the Dark
Cut the film after the students return the textbooks. Don’t need anything after that. 7 months ago
Sex and the City 2
I’d move the ending to just right before the start so it’s over before it even begins. 7 months ago
Knives is the superior choice to Ramona. 7 months ago
Damn, that’s a take. 7 months ago
Not going to argue for/against, but she was under-age - and even as a flawed antagonist, Scott probably shouldn’t be doing that. 7 months ago
Us by Jordan Peele. It’s a great movie, but that ending scene is terrible. They don’t need to insist so much to make sure that the dumb viewer gets it… It’s heavily hinted during the last few scenes, and letting the viewer wondering alongside the terrified son who his mother really his, and who we’d like her to be, would be so much more impactfull. 7 months ago
I thought the first three RECs were fine with the lore, it was only REC 4 that overexplained it, and somehow raised more questions as well. 7 months ago
The ending to any movie where the good guy tears through an army of bad guys just to spare the main bad guy.
Kill em. Don’t just kill em but drag it out. This person made you angry enough to kill a hundred people. There’s no reason whatsoever you wouldn’t take out every last bit of rage on them. Even after their dead. Paste that mfer. 7 months ago
Spoilers, just by mentioning names, frankly, but y'all should've known that going into this thread.
The Archer TV series does this a lot, but
Season 11, Episode 7 personifies mocking this trope.
Mystery men (1999)
also caught me off guard with how many people died.