- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 3 days ago:
I’m going to disagree with Dawn. I feel like she was the one addition that really worked: the ballsy gaslighting that turned out to be a retcon and her being central to the plot actually sold her for me.
Plus I grew up on Pete and Pete so I was already a Michelle Trachtenberg fan.
- Comment on ‘Friday the 13th’ Prequel Series ‘Crystal Lake’ Casts Linda Cardellini as Pamela Voorhees 3 days ago:
She’ll make an excellent Pamela Vorhees.
- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 3 days ago:
Connor on Angel. His arc was pretty damn painful to sit though, and lasted nearly two seasons.
- Comment on Was a TV show you like ever ruined by the addition of a particular character to the point that you had to quit, or nearly quit? 3 days ago:
The only good scene with her was Scully teaching her to run in heels.
- Comment on The specter of a GTA 6 delay haunts the games industry: 'Some companies are going to tank' if they guess wrong, says analyst 4 days ago:
While at one point GTA was my favorite series and I was absolutely hyped for GTA V, I’m not for this one. I kind of feel like I’m getting a little old for GTA.
Maybe I’ll change my mind after it releases and there’s a good chance I’ll play it anyway, but right now… meh.
- Comment on Jewel Staite Joins Cast Of ‘Resident Alien’ For Season 4 1 week ago:
And Space Cases. She was the only decent actor on that show, and that’s counting the adults as well.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 week ago:
Saw X. A lot of people say it’s their favorite after the original, but I’m not sure I agree. The opening trap that made the poster being a dream sequence felt off, and the final act (where Saw films are usually strongest) felt underwhelming. Also, Amanda was quite visibly older despite this being a prequel to a 20 year old movie, which I found distracting.
It’s still a good 7/10 for having some of the more brutal and memorable traps in the series.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
No, they have an atypical phenotype for their chromosome.
- Comment on Dunning-Kruger 1 week ago:
He’s referring to medical conditions where XY people are born female or XX people are born male.
- Comment on What’s a movie nobody can convince you is good? 2 weeks ago:
All of Nolan’s Batman movies were heavily pro-cop. Watch TDK again: the day is saved by illegal surveillance, and Batman faces no consequences for using it.
- Comment on Which movie do you feel has the most wasted potential? 3 weeks ago:
Assassins Creed
For the uninitiated, this is based on a game series with the premise of people in the modern day using a simulation to relive the memories of their ancestors. And in every day, the modern day is the frame story that sucks and the real, cool story is the simulation.
So of course they made the crappy frame story like 90% of the movie and it sucked. Obviously it’s hard to capture the entire feel of a game on film, but what they could have done is had the entire movie in the past and actually focused on telling a good story, and then revealed it was a simulation right before the credits. Heck, they could have just stolen the ending from Assassins Creed 2 and then cut to modern day Callum with a setup for a sequel.
Instead we got an entirely forgettable film.
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
You know, I haven’t actually asked them what it is they spray. All I know is almost everyone in my neighborhood does it, then waters their lawn constantly and mows short twice per week. And like 1/3 of them burn their leaves every fall and triggers the hell out of my asthma and allergies.
Which is silly because I live in the Midwest: grass doesn’t need any help to grow here. I mow a little longer every week or two in the spring and every 2-3 weeks in the summer and my lawn looks lush with 1/3 of the effort and not pouring a bunch of crap on it. And my trimmings decay just fine without sending a plume of smoke to my neighbors.
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
Spray shit on it to kill the dandelions.
- Comment on fireflies 3 weeks ago:
The sprays really kill them. The fireflies will not cross into my neighbors’ lawns, where they treat their grass.
- Comment on New poster for "A Minecraft Movie" 3 weeks ago:
Should they go back to adapting books, plays, short stories, poems, tv shows, board games, tabletop games, songs, toy lines, children’s games, other movies, or an older version of the same movie instead?
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
You still in that coma and your fantasies are getting darker.
- Comment on Starbucks Baristas Aren't Writing Messages On Your Cup By Choice 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Kate Bishop Is The Clear Choice To Lead The MCU's Young Avengers 5 weeks ago:
First, no one cares about the MCU at this point, let alone the B-grade youth squad.
Second, this looks like AI generated nonsense with a few human edits.
Third, the superior Kate is obviously Kate Lethbridge-Stewart.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 month ago:
Yes. That’s not shocking for a 7 year old film series.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 month ago:
A Quiet Place: Day One. Actually really good: big step up from the second movie.
- Comment on [Discussion] Which movie trailers were the most deceptive regarding the actual content of the movie? 1 month ago:
Donnie Darko - makes it look like a horror movie
Godzilla (2014) - made it look like Bryan Cranston was the star (right off the heels of Breaking Bad)
Downsizing - made it look good
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 month ago:
Invasion of the Astro-Monster (1965)
It was decent, but definitely not as strong as the first few Godzilla movies. Godzilla certainly fell a long way from unstoppable killing machine to dancing a jig after punching Ghidorah. The Planet X plot was pretty good and the aliens were cool at the start, but became pretty predictable by mid-film.
- Comment on Harrison Ford Says ‘S— Happens’ Over ‘Indiana Jones 5’ Flop, Joined the MCU With ‘No Script’ Because He Saw Actors ‘Having a Good Time’ in Marvel Movies 1 month ago:
Speaking to Variety‘s Angelique Jackson on the Marvel press line at Comic-Con last year year, Ford wisecracked about the motion capture process required to turn him into the Red Hulk by saying: “What did it take? It took not caring. It took being an idiot for money, which I’ve done before.”
I always love Ford interviews. The guy doesn’t mince words.
- Comment on Disney+ Lost 700,000 Subscribers in Final 3 Months of 2024 1 month ago:
As someone who subs to Disney, they really only have franchise content. If you’re not into Marvel or Star Wars then you’re basically just subbing for their backlog.
Whereas Netflix and HBO are actually putting out standalone originals. Stranger Things, Squid Game, Money Heist, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Grace and Frankie are/were all their own things without just being some movie franchise’s licensed tv spinoffs. Even HBO gives a mix of DC content with their original shows.
There really isn’t much in the way of series created for TV for Disney itself. Even after buying FOX, there’s not any real original new content to compete with Netflix.
- Comment on Super Bowl Movie Trailers 2025: What to Expect 1 month ago:
Someone went through a list of upcoming releases and picked titles they think might get a trailer.
Saved you a click.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 month ago:
Yeah, that one was great. The outtake at the end where he caught the pencil made it obvious just how hard it was.
A lot of the falls in that film looked brutal, even as stunt falls they looked like they hurt. And they went through so much breakaway glass lol.
- Comment on What movies have you watched this week? 1 month ago:
Police Story
It was a bit disjointed and silly for my taste, but Jackie Chan is always fun and the stunts were insane. Will likely watch the sequels.
- Comment on iykyk 2 months ago:
- Comment on What is your favorite Robin Williams role? 2 months ago:
I’d pick Mrs. Doubtfire for the serious as well. The “addicted to my children” speech is among the best Williams has ever done.
- Comment on Being a moviephile and a tvphile I see all the time people on death row get asked the question of how they want to die. My question is it true or just fiction? Why or why not? 2 months ago:
There is some truth to it. For example, all three of Alabama’s nitrogen executions were selected by the prisoners.