That’s literally what the library of Alexandria was all about.
They told all of the nerds that the best nerd paper would get into their nerd building, and a nerds traveled there from around the world and dedicated their lives to correcting and one upping the other nerds.
I love the fallibility of humans and our consistency, it makes me much more comfortable to live in a world that seems in comprehensible, because I know underneath all of it are like three dumb existential complacencies that any a human part of the species can’t deny. 11 months ago
What makes them think that the library of Alexandria did it any other way? Nerds have existed long before the internet… 11 months ago
Nerds were invented by Charles Nerd, when in 1948, separated from the Poindexters and the eggheads after disagreement. 11 months ago
You can only call then Nerds if they’re from the Nordeaux region of France. Otherwise they’re just sparkling smartasses 11 months ago
umm ackshually this is false, the concept of nerd originates from a viking ship that docked at Lübeck in 873, whereupon the crew got into an extended argument about the precise value of their cargo, leading to the Lübeck merchants exclaiming “Fücking Nörds!” and that quickly caught on and eventually the term started generally referring to anyone that was annoyingly pedantic but technically correct.