- Comment on Why do people say more people didnt vote for trump than did? 1 day ago:
Turnout was one of the highest at 64%. (2020 was the highest recently at 66%) It’s hard to get everyone to do anything.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 3 days ago:
Hmm, bullet proof glass is plexi/polycarb, so I wonder why they’re advertising it as such.
- Comment on Anon remembers summer 4 days ago:
That’s really interesting. I’m glad it sounds like the situation is better now.
I wonder if that was your brain going on auto pilot, or just turning off memory making? Like I wonder if you would have known at the time anything was different.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
It’s like an inch thick plastic, so I doubt that would help. I think that’s what they make the overlook sky balconys out of, so it’s pretty resilient. Maybe you could whittle away at it with metal cleats over time? But I think they would probably kick you out first.
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
If they’re only allowing kicking, you should use a 50cal shoe!
- Comment on Anon wants $3 million 4 days ago:
Bullet proof glass is plexiglass/polycarbonate, so I don’t think a glass breaker would help.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 4 days ago:
Yeah, but then you need to cut them down and burry them so that decomposition doesn’t release the co2 again. And it takes a lot of land, which can be prohibitive on the scale we’ll need.
Another interesting option is fertilizing parts of the ocean for algie to grow. Cody’sLab has an interesting video on a possible way to do that with intentionally crashing astroids into the ocean.
All of these, plus mechanical direct air carbon capture are methods of carbon capture. The right answer will likely be some mix of all of them.
- Comment on Entropy? Never heard of it. 4 days ago:
Even if we went to zero emissions soon, we’d still want to decrease CO2 over time to reverse the effects of climate change. Capturing co2 is always going to be much more energy intensive than not emitting it in the first place, but sometimes you don’t have another choice.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 6 days ago:
Yeah, frequency might go a bit higher. But I doubt many people could tell the difference between 8k and 16k.
- Comment on It'll happen to you! 1 week ago:
I don’t think you’ll need much more than 8k 144hz. Your eyes just can’t see that much. Maybe the connector will eventually get smaller, such as USBC?
- Comment on Yes that is definitely what I was going for, thank you 1 week ago:
This is the one use of LLMs I actually really want, smarter text prediction!
- Comment on The Safety Alternative 1 week ago:
Why? It’s much more eco friendly CO2 wise than concrete.
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 1 week ago:
Minecraft. But immortality in any case is kinda scary. SCP-7179
- Comment on okra stealing whore 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on The one drawback to walking at night 2 weeks ago:
I wonder if the murder rates are skewed by organized crime/gangs. That has a male skewed gender ratio and high murder rates.
- Comment on I left Linus Media Group - What do I do now? Emily Young is back! 3 weeks ago:
I don’t want to speculate, that’s why I was asking. Third party investigations showed previous allegations unfounded, so I didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
- Comment on I left Linus Media Group - What do I do now? Emily Young is back! 3 weeks ago:
Do we know why they left LMG?
- Comment on I left Linus Media Group - What do I do now? Emily Young is back! 3 weeks ago:
Mentioned fediverse at the end, so I think they’re aware at least!
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Get ready to overthrow Lukashenko when you get the chance while Russia is overstretched. Syria was able to get rid of their Russia proped up dictator, it might be possible for Belarus too.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I’d call it NSFW, but not pornographic. Are there any art communities that allow artful nudity?
- Comment on Halp. 4 weeks ago:
In the same vein as isopropyl alcohol, hand sanitizer works too. And more people are carrying that now since covid.
- Comment on Chloroform 🌸 😋 💕 💕 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Chloroform 🌸 😋 💕 💕 5 weeks ago:
I don’t know, have you tasted a nose?
- Comment on Time travel is easy, it's just lame 5 weeks ago:
Unless you’re traveling close to the speed of light!
- Comment on Photons 5 weeks ago:
So made this meme is eating ice cream when it’s below or near freezing? Because you still get ice melting below freezing due to radiation.
- Comment on If you save, we will charge you more 5 weeks ago:
That example breaks down with electricity sources with a fuel cost. But it makes more sense as the grid moves to more energy sources without fuel.
But also, if energy supply is higher than demand on a large grid, they can decrease investments into new solar plants so they fall below the replacement rate from facilities aging out. In your example there’s only one solar farm, but in reality there’s many being built on a grid at any time.
- Comment on Communism 1 month ago:
Yeah I agree. If people don’t have a relationship with everyone, that sort of reputation model would be hard, so it wouldn’t scale well.
- Comment on Communism 1 month ago:
But which ones? Were they religious communities? Hunter gatherers such that centralization was less advantageous?
- Comment on bird flu 1 month ago:
Do we have an effective bird flue vaccine yet? The trouble is the couple of years before one is created.
- Comment on Communism 1 month ago:
Curious, what small scale examples are you thinking of? Those might be a good model.
Just trying things and seeing what sticks puts millions of lives on the line. Seems risky. But maybe eventually we can predict mass human behavior well enough to develop a control loop that keeps an unstable system stable without succumbing to selfishness/power grabbing? But that seems dangerously close to just hoping AGI will save us all.