- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
I promise you, I am not missing any other point you have made. my intent with selectively quoting was to go ahead and knock the legs out from under all the other stuff that rests upon those two statements in order to save us the back and forth of big walls of text.
My skepticism absolutely does not imply that nothing is trustworthy when it has to be verified. It explicitly applies to a website (Wikipedia) which maintains an extensive record of ways in which it has been shown to be systematically untrustworthy.
Within the scope of this discussion, it’s not important what sources of information I would consider trustworthy, we’re only talking about Wikipedia, a source that has a long history of being untrustworthy. We are talking about Wikipedia because it is the subject of the ops post which compares it to the library of Alexandria.
- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
you: information on wikipedia shouldn’t be taken at face value… it’s good to not blindly put your trust in whatever you read from it…
also you: I would default to saying trustworthy…
- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
So, like, if you knew of a website which shouldn’t be taken at face value and whose claims had to be verified, what word would you use to describe it? would that word be reliable? Trustworthy?
- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
That’s wild.
If you knew a person who shouldn’t be taken at face value and whose claims had to be verified, what word would you use to describe them? Would that word be reliable? Trustworthy?
- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
Wikipedia’s reliability in it’s own words - check out the holocaust misinformation from last year!
US congressional staff editing controversies as documented by and presented in wikipedia
A ten year long hoax running until two years ago
Wikipedia’s own list of its controversies - pay special attention here to the 2023 exposure of an administrator pretending to be a spanish folk singer as a sockpuppet of another administrator who was banned in 2015 for making “promotional edits”.
I want to be clear: i do not feel that wikipedia isn’t reliable. I can clearly observe that wikipedia is unreliable.
- Comment on weaponized nerdery 11 months ago:
Wikipedia is not a library neither is it a reliable source of accurate information.
- Comment on Anon notices what they've taken from us 1 year ago:
Digital zooming fucking sucks though and is only as good as the quality of the optics/the sensor resolution. At that point you might as well go schmitt cassegrain instead, especially when you’re taking the top shelf binned sensors anyway.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
I think you’re gonna find out very soon because four battery plants are in the works for trucks.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
i’m skeptical about electric trucks.
they’re gonna be a hit with the people who’ve been buying them instead of sedans lately, but the fleet and rural markets are gonna be less inclined to use em and needing a big battery service periodically is gonna change the long term value proposition of a full size truck for a lot of people.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
They’re planning on building four, and they paused construction recently as a power play in negotiations when the uaw said battery workers should get the same pay as the machinists.
I saw that those plants will be making batteries for the new f150, not the much smaller evs that everyone else drives.
Battery manufacture is part of its own can of worms though, and one that doesn’t make evs look great either.
I wanna also say that I’m not against spinning down the ice auto industry, but no one who’s suggesting doing that or making fun of people who recognize that it’s the consequence of things that are already happening has a real plan for it.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
Come on, is the best insult you got that I sound like it’s my job to defend workers?
Really and truly, where will the labor cost savings go? There’s going to be one, so who gets it? How will that be enforced?
What’s gonna be done for the people whose labor isn’t needed anymore? Bear in mind we’re not just talking about the protagonists of the now forty year old song “Allentown”, but entire industries that support ice car production like die making and machining. Surely we have some idea of what happens here aside from “theyre fucked, some people’s blood and bonemeal grease the rails of progress”.
You can’t just handwave away the real effects of changes in productivity in the name of abstractly defined technological progress.
If you can’t seriously engage with the effects of a transition to producing electric cars then it’s no wonder American conservatives are making so much hay over it.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
No really, the parts/labor breakdown of an ev skews farther to parts than an ice car. Who gets that money in their pocket in exchange for all the jobs?
What happens to the families and communities that depend on the jobs that are going away?
Have we learned anything from the failed reskilling of Appalachian coal country?
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
I’m gonna go backwards here:
We don’t see lots of high drag coefficient evs that look like mustangs because all the features of the mustang that make it look boxy and aggressive are there to accommodate the reality of making air go places it’s needed, across the radiator and into the engine.
We don’t see ev jeeps because jeeps are (or used to be) relatively lightweight, high torque vehicles whose design choices favor ground clearance over aerodynamics. Evs are relatively heavyweight and benefit most from low ground clearance and good aerodynamics.
When automakers try to put those designs in an ev buyers react negatively to them, to the point that they have to have ersatz engine noise to be accepted.
Indeed the wrangler and mustang are so disconnected from normal buying trends that they kept stick shift long after the industry wide move to automatics!
Those are popular models, but they’re extreme outliers in terms of design.
Let me address the top part of your reply with a question: if evs are so great and such a slam dunk why has Toyota, famous for not making the wrong choices, stuck with hybrids up until very recently?
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
Goose chasing meme: more money in whose pocket, motherfucker?
Seriously. We’re talking about shitcanning a third of the us auto jobs. Who’s gonna get the money from that nightmare?
How can we expect those communities to take it lying down when they saw what happened and continues to happen to coal country?
This isn’t fake made up handwavey bullshit. These are the real effects of domestic ev production and we can’t just say “anyone who opposed evs is a conservative piece of garbage or a head-in-ass neoliberal economist.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
What will that money be doing?
how are the ostensible productivity gains from evs going to be used to help american workers?
it’s hard to believe that the reduced demand for skilled tooling, die and machining labor will translate into some kind of gain for the communities and people that rely on that work to survive.
and we’ve seen how anemic reskilling efforts are and how the usual boilerplate response, “learn to code”, is completely defunct with the combination of LLMs and the cheap overseas junior dev labor pool.
american conservatives are trotting out these arguments to appeal to people who feel like they’re being forced to give up their lifestyle (driving cars with cheap gas), and materially are actually being heavily pressured to get evs without fully understanding the economics of this new class of Second Most Expensive Thing Most Americans Will Ever Buy, but that doesn’t mean that the realities that appeal is built on aren’t there.
- Comment on Bye biiiittttchhhh 1 year ago:
Electric cars are actually bad for the American economy though…
Each one takes less labor to build and the overwhelming majority of factories capable of producing ev batteries are overseas.
So while we can make evs domestically with less labor we now have fewer jobs and one of the most expensive parts of the car is being imported anyway, exerting downward pressure on the domestic workers in assembly.
So every electric car that replaces an internal combustion car is reducing the gdp in measurable terms.
Not that gdp is a good measure, but there’s a hard undeniable kernel of truth to the statement that electric cars are bad for the economy and specifically in a way that hurts working class Americans most.
- Comment on Would it be okay to host FossCAD on 1 year ago:
Agree sits at the conflux of many communities that would be interested in fosscad.
- Comment on Can we defederate from 1 year ago:
Yeah it’s probably a good idea to decouple from that car.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
A wreck in a high speed chase isn’t a freak accident. It happens all the time. High speed pursuits are dangerous. The police know it, that’s why cops have helicopters and drones to avoid getting in them.
Further, we’re not talking hypothetically. Cops chased a stolen car into a bystander in the attempt to do just what you’re suggesting. An innocent person died so they could catch the criminal.
For what? Retribution? To recover the car? Were either of those worth that woman’s life? I don’t think so and i can’t imagine anyone who would!
The very thing you espoused, the cops not letting the person escape even though they knew it was dangerous to everyone around, led to the loss of innocent life! It would have been better if they had never given chase and the car was lost forever!
Unless of course a person getting punished for theft and a car being recovered is worth a life.
So you can crawl down off the cross, your opinion isn’t milquetoast and it’s hard to imagine a world where holding it in this day and age isn’t a moral failing.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
It’s worth restating that you gave your pro cop opinion over and over again in a thread about a tragic bystander death caused by cops made in a community for discussing problems and effects of the carceral state that had explicit rules against acting the way you did.
You’re a lot closer to westboro baptist protesting funerals than some high minded equal exchange in the free market of ideas.
I don’t hope you die, but I do hope you learn to post better.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
Here’s that novel of rules:
① Real-life decorum is expected. Please don’t say things only a child or a jackass would say in person.
② If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.
③ Saying cops should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They’re about killing people; we’re not.
Please also abide by the instance rules.
That’s for anyone reading along, I believe you when you say you’re not gonna read them.
I don’t wish death on you.
You seem like a heartless and knowingly thoughtless person who feels entitled to be heard but not to listen or abide by norms, complaining of the wounds others have put upon you but silent about your own transgressions.
My sympathy lies with the embattled users afflicted by your awful posts rather than you, cursed to know that people who interact with you hate you.
I don’t think that’s all there is to you. If you want to be seen in a more charitable light, maybe read all those rules before you post, take some time to consider the place, time and context of what you’re reading and of course, remember the person on the other side of the keyboard.
You can also use a platform that accepts your behavior. Reddit and twitter aren’t closed to new users.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
hey just a heads up, they linked their post that got death wished on them in the replies, it’s in this thread about a bystander death due to police pursuit where they defend the cops actions, not their comments in some other thread arguing about rehabilitation.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
thanks for providing the link! lemmy modlog can be hard to navigate sometimes so i understand it might take a while to chase the other post down.
you went into a thread in !thepoliceproblem about an innocent bystander getting killed due to cops actions and defended the police. here’s the other person’s entire reply, for posterity:
You’re a bootlicking asshole who worships cops. Your idea of justice is catch the “criminal” and damn anyone that gets in the way. Fuck you man. I hope you become some of that collateral damage one day. I hope your family gets to miss you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time as some careless pig chased a stolen car straight into your driver’s side door.
I do not hope that you die.
after reading your responses in that thread i do think that person is right about everything else though. you go out of your way to defend the criminal justice system and the carceral state in the context of a discussion about how it’s endangering bystanders *in a space that is explicitly about the problems with the carceral state, the criminal justice system and militant policing.
you’re the problem in that thread, not someone mouthing off because you didn’t read the room.
the room, by the way, has “If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.” as rule number two right there in the sidebar, so there’s really no excuse for acting the way you did and then snapping back at the person who politely pointed that out to you later in that thread.
look forward to seeing the other post.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
You can click on the modlog at the bottom of the page and filter it.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I haven’t had time to read the drag show thread but I didn’t see anyone wishing death upon you in the policing thread after a quick glance. Can you link it if I missed that reply?
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I’m gonna reply to your other, longer comment.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I’m not sure if it does myself but I wanna read what happened and those were the most recent threads I saw that roughly fit the description.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
I’m not sure. I want to look it up and see what was said to them so I asked about the two threads they were commenting in most recently that it could be.
- Comment on Open for discussion 1 year ago:
Was the pedophile accusation in the same thread in which you were claiming drag shows are too sexual for children? Was the disagreement about policing in the thread where you said rehabilitation doesn’t work and the only way to keep society safe is to lock up more people?
- Comment on What are the connotations of Joe Rogan? 1 year ago:
Just Asking Questions