Being knocked out is certainly not good, but it’s not automatic death like you’re suggesting.
Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 2 months ago
Everyone always laughs at hitting someone in the head with a punch/can of beans/baseball bat/2x4/karate chop/whatever and knock them out. The joke being that the person will wake in ten minutes or an hour like in the movies and they’ll go about living again.
In real life if you knock someone out cold with some kind of hit to their head … you’ve more than likely killed them or put them in a place where they will die within the next hour or two. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Depends where you hit and how hard. It’s the emergency shutdown because of convulsion. If the convulsion was too hard, it can swell and then it gets dangerous. Not to mention fragile places like temple or neck. 2 months ago
I don’t think the word convulsion means what you think it means. Do you mean concussion? Concussion is only one type of head injury, though, with different grades to it. 2 months ago
False LMFAO.
Source: semi pro snowboarder who’s been knocked out many times 2 months ago
Being knocked out is literally one step before dead and can have serious aftereffects like your swollen brain dying because there’s too less space for a swollen brain in your skull.
I too was once knocked out as a child and barfed 3 days afterwards with memory loss.
Take care of yourself. 2 months ago
It is not one step before death. Holy shit are you being dramatic.
I had a TBI as a result of a double impact - minor concussion where I didn’t pass out skateboarding (and didn’t know it), then the next day friendly fire collision with a friend in the park snowboarding. I was knocked out for five minutes, had an out of body experience, came to very aggressively with a permanent change of personality that persists to this day half a lifetime later. That being said I was nowhere near death, had a I been knocked out into a coma things would be different.
TBIs are nothing to mess with, they change you for life. ADHD like symptoms, mental health struggles, aggression and explosive anger, memory loss, gaslighting from medical professionals about the severity of the injury (the 2000s were rough…) and opening yourself up to abuse by future significant others because you don’t trust your own memory. Never mind the struggle to maintain employment or how TBIs are invisible disabilities that are tough to get workplace accommodations for.
TBIs are serious, even when they are ‘mild’ (a complete misnomer). But being knocked out ≠ being knocked into a coma which is one step from death. Nor does it mean you’re having a brain bleed. Your brain is inflamed and it’s key not to impact it again for a ~month while the inflammation recedes. Because I had a double impact I ended up permanently damaged. I worry about CTE and dementia later in life as I’ve had other hits to the head since, including getting knocked out momentarily while riding for work.
FYI in case anyone asks - yes I wear a helmet and was wearing one the day of my TBI. Helmets don’t prevent concussions at all, they prevent skull fractures, punctures and lacerations. The helmet saved my life because it prevented skull fracture but more importantly laceration, as my friend collided into my head with the edge of her board first. 2 months ago
I agree it’s not one step before death, but as you elaborated, what it effectively is, is brain damage, which is always something that needs to be taken seriously. I.e. if someone is knocked-out, it’s not something that can be ignored as in “ha ha, they’ll be ok in a couple of minutes” 2 months ago
You’re actually dead and died in that second knock out … this is purgatory and you’ll be commenting like this for a few thousand years.
I’m no scientist, doctor or medical professional … I just know that its dangerous to try to knock someone’s noggin really hard to try to make them pass out. Dangerous to the point that there is a good chance that it can kill someone. 2 months ago
Fuck! Nobody told me!!! 2 months ago
Professional boxing keeps a running tally of wins via KO, if death by punch was that common I suspect it would be banned as a sport by now. 2 months ago
No you probably haven’t been knocked out multiple times for seconds. Or you have a very rare brain condition that triggers that on light taps. 2 months ago
28 years of snowboarding and skateboarding will do that.
I ride over 100 days a year for the last decade and used to be paid to do so. It’s an occupational hazard…
I got briefly knocked out skateboarding a couple times and snowboarding a couple more. Ever catch your heels? If you know you know. My TBI was skateboarding the first day and got a concussion without losing consciousness and didn’t know it, the second day was snowboarding and a friend landed on my head in the park. I was out for 5 minutes. Which is a relatively long time in terms of ‘mild’ head injuries.
One of my brief knock outs was when I got hit while working… almost 20 years after the TBI. The tbi makes losing consciousness happen quicker but a lot of my brief knock outs were pre TBI. 2 months ago
SkillSkull 2 months ago
And even if you haven’t killed them outright, they can have permanent disabilities.
If you, or someone you know, gets knocked out, or experiences other symptoms of a central nervous system trauma after a hit to the head, please seek medical care. It’s not one those “take two aspirin and let’s see how it goes in the morning” kinda things.
I’m just one person, but during my life I’ve seen this multiple times. I will refrain from boring you, and doxxing myself, by telling my anecdotes. Suffice it to say that I have known people who would have been dead if they hadn’t gone to work with a “bad hangover”, or ended up with narcolepsy or chronic encephalopathy. And that was separate people BTW. 2 months ago
You’re going too far in the opposite direction 2 months ago
So I once slipped on a puddle while jogging (in the wrong place) and hit the back of my head on sedimentary tiles.
Since I had stiffened my neck, trying to stretch it backward (yes I was doing that while jogging on wet tiles), my head hit the ground hard.
After about 2 minutes, I fainted for ~10 seconds. Was fine 2 months ago
That’s the problem with anecdotal evidence. You can always find that one person who fulfills the criteria but who’s outcome doesn’t match.
Of course you can be fine afterwards. But there’s a considerable risk that you’re not, and experiencing symptoms of a traumatic head injury does warrant a visit to the hospital. 2 months ago
Of course I visited the hospital for a CT scan.
Of course I’m not telling you to hit your head for fun.
This is just a fun story, not evidence for anything.
People have survived failed parachutes. Doesn’t mean we can all be Alex Mercer. 2 months ago
Relax, it’s just another made up story. 2 months ago
Monster deserves it tho 2 months ago
To market, to market went my Uncle Jim When somebody threw a tomato at him. Tomatoes are soft and they won’t bruise the skin, But this one killed Jim, it was wrapped in a tin. 2 months ago
That is… Incorrect, there is about a 30% death rate within one year of brain trauma but there is absolutely no data showing that someone is going to die within an hour of being knocked unconscious more often than not, especially if they are young 2 months ago
I’m not saying that you’re wrong. You sound like you might know what you’re talking about. I just like publications and medical evidence. I trust that you won’t take it the wrong way.
Do you have a metastudy or something for that?
That last sentence, do you have a source for the difference in outcome depending on the patient’s age? 2 months ago
Bricolo, A., Turazzi, S., & Feriotti, G. (1980). Prolonged posttraumatic unconsciousness: therapeutic assets and liabilities… Journal of neurosurgery, 52 5, 625-34 . 2 months ago
Is it not the one who claims something that has the burden of proof? I’m confused. 2 months ago
FFS I wasn’t trying to argue with you. Since you quoted some very specific numbers, I thought that you had done some recent research on the matter, and thus had an up to date knowledge of the current studies. In that case copy pasting said references from endnote should have taken 30 seconds and provided the community with a lot of valuable info.
I wasn’t trying to get you to search for studies that would back up your claims, I thought you had them already.
Why does asking for citations equal arguing? Where did I even hint that I thought you were wrong? I very much tried to make my intentions clear, yet everyone still think that I’m some smuck smart-ass trying to win an argument … an argument I wasn’t even part of to begin with. 2 months ago
OP made a claim. And then Yoko made a claim. The burden of proof is on both of them. Not the third party guy asking for sources. 2 months ago
This thread is like getting hit in the head with a can of beans. 2 months ago
The Lemmy experience. 2 months ago This work (not for the 30% thing but just in general)? 2 months ago
A weird amount of people were triggered by you asking for evidence. A reflection on our times. 2 months ago
Maybe, but they could’ve also posted the same request for citations on the first poster but did not.
I think that really does reflect how someone can just say whatever and when challenged we are biased to only assume the second opinion as doubtful. 2 months ago
Source? Show me the evidence and metastudy 2 months ago
at least show the studies you’re referencing instead of just saying you have them and asking for others to show theirs 2 months ago
It’s because he doesn’t have them. 2 months ago
Are you talking to me? I mean you replied to my comment, but saying that I’m referencing studies doesn’t make any sense. Well at least not to me, because I don’t believe that I claimed to have any studies for anything.
If you meant to reply to me, please go read my first paragraph, and the maybe try it a second time. I actively tried to avoid getting labeled as dismissing the claims.