- Comment on Hexagons are bestagons, we shall destroy Pentagon! 1 week ago:
And now you’re on a list.
- Comment on But they are two bangin shirts 2 weeks ago:
Are you a cartoon character?
- Comment on ****** 3 weeks ago:
Sometimes the opposite. My work password at this point is muscle memory. So if I type slowly and think about it I mess up. One morning I actually couldn’t even recite my password of 10 years.
- Comment on Just. Fuck. OFF. 3 weeks ago:
Two reasons. If you can’t find it you might find and buy something else. The same reason all the seasonal (Christmas, school supplies, Halloween ) stuff is in the back of the store. Also we did this with Target all the time. Called it resetting an aisle. Moving everything ensures that anything that was hidden behind something or misplaced is put back in its right place (zoning). It’s basically a super zone.
- Comment on Sad 4 weeks ago:
And he’s had so many failures and it’s only been a week.
- Comment on Sad 4 weeks ago:
What failures? Being…old?
- Comment on Enemies 1 month ago:
Or Walmart. Really if you are paying for $6 eggs it’s by choice.
- Comment on Enemies 1 month ago:
Their $3 in Wegmans. You need a better egg guy.
- Comment on I got into the wrong career lol 1 month ago:
I guess it depends on how easy you can be discovered. It’s easy to take off your clothes and get people to pay you to do it, but if you’re in a sea of 1000s of women doing the same thing are you seen?
Same thing with being a YouTuber. Anyone can create a channel. It’s hard to make that channel with something.
- Comment on I'm sure everyone remembers 3 months ago:
It won’t be the pandemic it will be curfews when Trump enacts Marshall Law to combat the “dangerous brown people” in our cities.
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
OP made a claim. And then Yoko made a claim. The burden of proof is on both of them. Not the third party guy asking for sources.
- Comment on Anon preps for a hurricane 3 months ago:
I think you are confusing people. DanishGuy is not the OP. They are a third person asking for the person debating the OP to back up their claims. It confused me too.
- Comment on There is a difficulty above Legendary 3 months ago:
They only spent like $100.
- Comment on There is a difficulty above Legendary 3 months ago:
No. It looks like they only made it to the 2nd mission.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 4 months ago:
What are your duties? You’re going to have a lot of duties but you will be able to unload your duties on the people below you.
- Comment on Oxbowin' 4 months ago:
Reminds me of a Wild Thornberrys episode I saw when I was a kid where they fell off a boat and needed to cross a mountain to catch it on the other side.
- Comment on Very thankful 5 months ago:
It’s just a news link about a politician who said some terrible shit on porn sites.
- Comment on Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words? 5 months ago:
Well…That almost makes it too simple.
- Comment on Anon is obsessed with Family Guy 5 months ago:
Is the word about a certain avian variety?
- Comment on Reddit Undeleted all my posts and comments 6 months ago:
Was it random gibberish or the same phrase every time? I’m not sure what Reddit is capable of but if you use a copy pasted message then they really could know which posts to undelete. However, if you replace your posts with random sentences they won’t know which is real through obfuscation.
- Comment on New tech discovered 6 months ago:
My cat is my rubber duck. I get some weird looks from her.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
Jeans are mid comfort for me. They look good when out but honestly I don’t want to lay down on my couch in jeans. Usually I change into gym shorts, sweatpants, or underwear.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
I think taking off a pair of jeans is a better equivalent for guys.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Ah well that’s good. But is the 24 hour window still there?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Well this is depressing to learn.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Bumble is terrible for meeting people. Once you match someone they have 24 hours to respond. I’m fine with the woman needing to message first, but if you don’t respond in that 24 hours their match is removed. What if that woman has a life and didn’t open the app that day? Oh but you can spend money to extend that window. So if she’s on vacation yay you get to buy extensions for a week.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Unless you’re where they charge you to like or even message people. Don’t ever use Match. OkCupid has been the most genuine one I’ve seen.
- Comment on Why is End of Life of an OS bad for an average user? 8 months ago:
They almost snuck this dystopian nightmare into it. So no, don’t trust any future windows upgrades from here on out. Who knows what they have still have in it that we didn’t find out with this amount of backlash:
- Comment on Why is End of Life of an OS bad for an average user? 8 months ago:
Unless it’s to Windows 11. Then stubbornly decline every week that it harasses you until the end of time.
- Comment on Being courteous [Off the Mark] 9 months ago:
That’s about as far as I memorized it. What’s your method? I picture 2 digit numbers on a number line.