To add to the metal, the blueprints include the blueprints for the processor.…/the-computers-of-voyager/
They don’t use a microprocessor like anything today would, but a pile of chips that provide things like logic gates and counters. A grown up version of
That means “written in assembly” means “written in a bespoke assembly dialect that we maybe didn’t document very well, or the hardware it ran on, which was also bespoke”. 8 months ago
Imagine scrolling back in the Slack chat 50 years to find that one thing someone said about how the chip bypass worked. 8 months ago
Imagine any internet company lasting 50 years. 8 months ago
This is why slack is bullshit. And discord. We should all go back to email. It can be stored and archived and organized and get off my lawn. 8 months ago
It’s not Slack’s fault. It is a good platform for one-off messages. Need a useless bureaucratic form signed? Slack. Need your boss to okay the afternoon off? Slack. Need to ask your lead programmer which data structure you should use and why they’re set up that way? Sounds like the answer should be put in a wiki page, not slack.
All workflows are small components of a larger workplace. Emails also suck for a lot of things. They probably wouldn’t have worked in this case, memos are the logical upgrade from emails where you want to make sure everyone receives it and the topic is not up for further discussion. 8 months ago
I mean, unironically, yeah.
It’s not even that we need to go back to email. The problem isn’t moving on from outdated forms of communication, it’s that the technology being pushed as a replacement for it is throwing out the baby with the bathwater.
Which is to say nothing of the fact that all of these new platforms are proprietary, walled off, and in some cases don’t make controlling the data easy if you’re not hosting it (and their searches are trash). 8 months ago
Even then, you get banned from Google for some reason, what then? 8 months ago
Microsoft is 49. 8 months ago
Yeah. Technically I’m not talking about Microsoft, as their primary product is the OS and they are not purely Internet-based. IBM, of course, is much older than that and also has some Internet products, as does every software company.
In my statement “Internet company” means a company whose only product is SaaS on the Internet; i.e. someone who, if they went away, their product would disappear with them. 8 months ago
And most microsoft products surely can run 50 years with no glitches. 8 months ago
fingers crossed! 8 months ago
They were a software for decades before they became an “internet company”. 8 months ago
IBM is 100, but the Internet didn’t exist in 1924, so we’ll say the clock starts in 1989. I’m pretty sure at least MS or IBM will be around in 15 years. 8 months ago
What does IBM even do anymore? I’m guessing they just support all of their legacy products that customers are locked into.