- Comment on Colours 1 month ago:
I did! Thank you for this summary; I’ve never understood this very well until now. Whoever downvoted you without commenting deserves a stern talking to.
- Comment on CHLAMYDIA 2 months ago:
That’s definitely clamato.
- Comment on If you shop by unit prices, double check the math! 2 months ago:
I love thinking about peanut butter being a stripper, thank you.
- Comment on Are we still doing the cat thing? 3 months ago:
This cat’s name is Kevin.
- Comment on Live Long and Prosper... with aliens 4 months ago:
This unreasonably makes me happy, and I am going to have a much better day today just by thinking about it. Thank you so much for sharing.
- Comment on mossy ass milf 4 months ago:
So fucking hot.
- Comment on Cry Harder, Kid 4 months ago:
Shit. Now I want to work at an aquarium. Sassy scallops.
- Comment on Hehe he said "hole" 4 months ago:
Lake titicaca!
- Comment on You hear him howling around your kitchen door, you better not let him in… 4 months ago:
“Little old lady got mutilated late last night”
One of the best lyrics ever.
- Comment on Lucas Arts 5 months ago:
That was amazing!! I would not have bothered without your comment.
- Comment on I don't care if you don't get this joke because I think it's hilarious. 5 months ago:
Please tell me this is real.
- Comment on Why do social workers get upset when you don't want their help? 6 months ago:
You do realize that social workers are at least attempting to make social programs work for people? Like, they are pushing socialism in a real, mostly positive way?
I’m really sorry that these people who just really want to help people are bothering you, but maybe just explain your situation kindly and have gratitude for the people they do help who suffer from capitalism?
- Comment on High Beam 6 months ago:
Dear God, I hate this so much. Please give me a way to make these motherfuckers feel just a percentage of the kniving pain they unknowingly stab me with… May they understand why they must change their ways.
- Comment on Explosions in the Sky 6 months ago:
This is definitely Numberwang!
- Comment on How often? 6 months ago:
You have to find Kenneth to answer that question.
- Comment on Noise 7 months ago:
I was absolutely expecting this song. I’m always expecting this song, but especially when I am fast asleep. The cries of the carrots…
- Comment on This is so freaking funny to me. I love Lemmy 7 months ago:
For our shitlib friend.
- Comment on This is so freaking funny to me. I love Lemmy 7 months ago:
Thanks for the tag!
- Comment on Yesterday in Kroger (a supermarket for you non-Americans) I saw a bunch of cans of potato salad. Why would someone buy canned potato salad? 8 months ago:
That does seem gross and weird.
I will note that this is German potato salad, which does not have mayo and instead has vinegar, so it’s not quite as disgusting as I first thought.
Still, the only use cases I can think of would be camping and end of world prepping.
- Comment on It's not that serious. 9 months ago:
So true.
- Comment on It's not that serious. 9 months ago:
Such a great show!
- Comment on It's not that serious. 9 months ago:
It’s all in the wrist.
- Comment on Only 191 days until Christmas 9 months ago:
Thanks, shelving guy! That makes sense.
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 9 months ago:
Mmm… Icees…
- Comment on What's the rule for which 'national identity adjective' suffix to use? 9 months ago:
And Titanic! Wait… No.
- Comment on How does affective empathy work with anger? 9 months ago:
I agree wholeheartedly with all you have said. It is especially frustrating when someone else’s emotions prime me to feel that emotion overwhelmingly when the next slightly justifiable situation occurs.
For example, I had a friend who was going through the end of a terrible marriage and we talked about it a lot. She would leave, and then the next thing that came out of someone else’s mouth would often make me snap at them, which would confuse them. I would feel justified in my anger at the time because it felt so real, but later realize it was just carry over from my conversation with my friend.
Luckily, she is divorced now and doing great.
- Comment on coo coo cachoo 9 months ago:
Absolutely not.
- Comment on coo coo cachoo 9 months ago:
Agreed. No.
- Comment on Dry Humor 9 months ago:
The damp must be the amount of sarcasm in the joke.
- Comment on Ya feel me? 9 months ago:
My last sentence was meant to convey exactly that: OP should get some decent headphones and stay at home for his musical enjoyment. Apologies if that was unclear.