- Comment on Hillary Clinton: How Much Dumber Will This Get? 6 hours ago:
Hillary is so hated on all sides that her saying ‘drinking water is vital to survival’ would cause just about everyone to consider, if only for a brief moment, crimping their taps shut.
Her mocking the Trump syndicate for mishandling classified and sensitive information is pretty insane. As much as the “but her emails!” crowd are stupid marks, her private email server was probably worse (from a national security perspective) than accidentally CCing an Atlantic journo into an airstrike discussion. It’s all awful, don’t get me wrong, but Hillary needs to find something else to do with her time.
- Submitted 3 days ago to [deleted] | 20 comments
- Comment on If I use winrar to compress 80gb of tv and movies. Then can I compress it further by making it an iso? 1 week ago:
If you want to compress video files, you’ll need to reencode them. Maybe using something like HEVC (High Efficiency Video Codec). But for 80GB of videos, you’ll be there for a while and probably won’t shrink them enough to be worth it. It would likely take less time to simply re-download the files later, even with a mediocre internet connection. In practical terms, you won’t get that 80GB to be any smaller.
ISOs don’t compress anything, as far as I know, or at least not by default. I think they’re basically just a container.
To reencode your videos, you can use the free HandBrake.
- Comment on Lightning bugs!! 3 weeks ago:
Tried searching YouTube for “fireflies” to watch them in action. 99.9% of the results are music, podcasts and political channels using the term. Think I saw 2 videos of actual fireflies on the first page of results 😆
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 6 comments
- Comment on We're remaking Morrowind as a Skyrim mod. Here's a charity livestream we held on the weekend. 4 weeks ago:
This will be my first experience of Morrowind, the original is just way too old for me to try getting into now. I’m a Philistine, I know, but I need a modern UI and interface and UX and all that jazz. Skyrim is pretty old at this point too, but it still holds up in all the important ways. So, I shall wait for the release of Skywind! (Could probably have phrased that in a slightly less flatulent way…)
- Comment on Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming 4 weeks ago:
pls to meke stem controller 2 🥲 😻
- Comment on Just another person I let down in life 4 weeks ago:
I got caught in a scam last year, but luckily I realised what was happening before any damage could be done. But during the scam, the guy (who was pretending to be my bank) heard me tell him how much was in my account. It was like £100, give or take. No savings, no other accounts. He knew I was on disability benefits. He had this info at the beginning of the conversation, and he was talking to me for 45 minutes before he gave up. For £100. I wanted so badly to say to him “you saw that I had 100 quid to my name, and you still tried to steal it from me?” 😆 These people have gotta be sociopaths.
- Submitted 1 month ago to [deleted] | 11 comments
- Comment on Kingdom Come Dev Believes Unreal Is Ill-Suited For Open World Games, And Is Slowing Down Work On Witcher 4 1 month ago:
I’ve heard nothing but negative things about Unreal. Why is it used so widely? Is Epic basically paying devs to do so with lenient royalty fees or whatever?
- Comment on Anon fixes Super Mario Bros 2 months ago:
I know OP is joking (at least I hope he is), but it reminded me of this thread about Soulslikes:
Time-wasting respawns/progress loss seems like a very blunt tool with which to motivate the player to keep playing. It’s some 1988 arcade coin-op shit that we really ought to leave in the past.
- Comment on True expert 2 months ago:
For what it’s worth, that woman absolutely did NOT murder her husband. Fuck Netflix “documentarians”.
- Submitted 2 months ago to [deleted] | 34 comments
- Comment on Hurry 2 months ago:
I literally saved this image mere seconds before seeing this thread 🤣
Got it from here:
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 2 months ago:
- No Man’s Sky - 1,631 hours
- The Long Dark - 1,337 hours
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - 651 hours (I combined the original and Special Edition playtimes)
- Nova Drift - 434 hours
- Fallout 4 - 378 hours
- Starfield - 178 hours (I enjoyed it!)
- Comment on alpha 3 months ago:
I’ve heard this debunk a lot over the years, and I don’t disbelieve it, but is it not the case that one or two animals (wolves or otherwise) in a group will be the “bosses” or something close to being dominant over the others? Is all of that internal power struggling we see in groups/families of animals not really what it seems? Or is the “alpha” stuff different from that? Or does it only apply to wolves, and “alphas” do exist in other animal species?
Yours, confused and uneducated,
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 months ago:
Also fails to mention mastery of nunchucks?
- Submitted 4 months ago to [deleted] | 32 comments
- Comment on FAQ: Yes We Suppirt Kinect 5 months ago:
I feel only *slightly *less ridiculous asking for Steam Controller support in games 😆 But I will keep asking because I fucking love that controller.
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 42 comments
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 65 comments
- Comment on Can relate. 5 months ago:
I’ve been working through a few biographies of the top brass of Nazidom, and even with the rather perfunctory understanding I’ve gained from these books of Hitler’s seizure of power and all that followed in Nazi Germany, my ears are pricking up in horror every day as I listen to the latest news from around the world. And I’m not even going so far as the Holocaust. If the Holocaust and WWII never happened, the Nazi regime would still have been an unmitigated nightmare.
The language certain politicians are using is plucked directly from the mouths of Goebbels’ and Himmler’s rotting corpses. How can they not see what lies ahead if they continue with this shit? We know how this story ends. We have examples of it from recent memory, we don’t even need to cast our minds back to the 1930s 🤷
- Comment on Jazz hands 5 months ago:
I believed this was real until I searched for it 😂 To be fair to my own credulity, Plutonium Jazz would not be the most insane thing people did with radioactive materials back then. The “medicines” alone make Plutonium Jazz sound pretty tame.
- Comment on When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less? 5 months ago:
Thank you, really interesting!
On a side note, I always through Stack Exchange was just for computery stuff. Didn’t know it covered everything!
- Submitted 5 months ago to [deleted] | 22 comments
- Comment on Lifeprotip 5 months ago:
This is why I keep my front door key in my foreskin. Either I evade the pickpocket, or I make a new friend. I cannot lose.
As a younger man, I was able to unlock the door hands-free. These days, I need to fish the key out of my floppy beige KKK hood like a sock trapped in a duvet cover on laundry day.
- Comment on Which are the lesser-known movies that are well worth seeing? 5 months ago:
Known to horror aficionados, but not to general movie watchers: Lake Mungo (2008)
I highly recommend you don’t read up on it. Besides the fact that the film just works so much better when you come to it fresh, most reviews - both in print and YouTube videos - spoil pivotal scenes, including in the artwork they choose to use as a thumbnail/heading. Just watch it. Even if the horror doesn’t work for you (many people report being bored by the film), it’s still a great film with surprising depth and heart. It’s worth checking off your list for sure.
The basics: It’s a mockumentary set in Australia, made by a director/writer who hasn’t done anything before or since, featuring actors who probably aren’t known to you, even if you’re an Aussie. Much of the dialogue is improvised, so it feels very real and natural.
Try to watch it alone, in the dark, with no distractions (turn off your phone). This will help maximise your chances of being one of the lucky people the film has managed to scare in a profound way. I’m one of those lucky people, I’m happy to say!
- Comment on Dozens from UK take up Putin’s offer to ditch ‘woke’ West and move to Russia 5 months ago:
You can laugh, but the drywall installers of the UK ain’t laughing. Patching up the headbutt dents in the homes of these angry potatoes is their bread and butter.
- Comment on Just heartbreaking 5 months ago:
😭 the only thing worse than an animal going extinct, is being the last member of the species who still has a life left to live. Jesus, that’s some profoundly, cosmically depressing shit. And I’m not sure if it’s better or worse for the animal to be aware that it’s the last of its kind. Fruitlessly calling for a mate, or knowing there’s no point bothering.
- Comment on Important information 5 months ago:
You just use two forks, with the prongs on one fork filling in the slots of the other. They call this practice ‘spooking’.