Crickets, as expected
Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming?
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
So empty is this void where complaints should be… It might just be perfect to practice my new hobby.
Yodelay yodelay
Eehoo ehoo
Yodelay yode- ehoo ay eehoo
Oh yodelay ehhooo yodelah ehhoo*
Ah eehoo
Marvelous. The acoustics of this void are perfect. I’m going to be here a while. You can stay if you want but don’t be critical. I’m still learning and practicing. 5 weeks ago
No better place to yodel than an empty echo chamber! 5 weeks ago
You’re never a loser if you never admit you’re wrong - no matter how high the evidence piles up just keep faking it 'till you make it, or until it doesn’t matter anymore. 4 weeks ago
It is deeper than “never a loser”
I’ve always tried to admit I was wrong as soon as I realized it. Admitting your wrong gets you massive amounts of respect in life. Honestly I’d say admitting a mistake gets you more respect than actually being right in the first place.
It might be a little late in the game for trump to get “more respect” than never going with trump at all… I’m just speaking in general. People respond very very well to “I messed up, I know that now” 5 weeks ago
He’s “thier” king, so it’s ok to be hypocrites. 5 weeks ago
In a very real sense, those people do not have beliefs. They think reasons are things you make up based on what you’ve already concluded. Business snubs their outgroup? ‘Well it’s their right to blah blah blah vote with your wallet yay capitalism.’ Business snubs their ingroup? ‘How dare they violate my right to blah blah blah political correctness gone mad.’ They decide what they want today and pick plausible justifications.
And in their minds, that’s what everyone else is doing.
Nothing they do makes sense without that context. You’re never really arguing with them because they don’t agree on how arguments work. Their conclusions do not follow a chain of logic from factual claims. You can completely dismantle their arguments, and then… they’ll pick new arguments. They’re just working backwards from the answer they want. And they think you are, too. Everyone’s just shuffling cards. No matter the evidence or the rationale, they’re not about to switch sides, because that’s what they think hypocrisy is.
Reminding them of their own arguments has no impact, because they don’t understand the concept. Neither the concept of saying something without meaning it, nor the concept of logical consistency. They think you’re suddenly choosing that argument - because that’s all they did. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
The whole Alt-Right Playbook series is incredible and necessary, but the more relevant video is arguably Always A Bigger Fish. Specifically for one point:
Conservatives are not failed liberals.
They don’t want what liberals want. That’s why they don’t do what liberals do. We keep assuming we must agree on certain topics - often because they say they believe in things we believe in - but if that were true then their actions would make sense. We wouldn’t be constantly baffled by their hypocrisy, asking over and over, ‘how can they say X when they do Y?’
The default approach is to point out these contradictions… as if they haven’t noticed. As if it will force them to reconcile their rhetoric with their behavior (or vice-versa). That never happens. They don’t fucking care. All of their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications.
Everything for conservatives is in service to hierarchy. Words don’t mean anything except to signal loyalty or disloyalty to that hierarchy. They are shibboleths. Ducktalk. They cheer when Their Guy says the sky is blue and boo when Our Guy says the exact same thing. They proclaim themselves “rational” because obviously someone rational would want what they already want, and being smart just means working backwards for clever excuses. This is how reality works, for these people. All of their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications.
And they think we’re the same way.
That’s what really connects us, across the aisle. We think they’re like us, and when they say they support democracy, we think they mean it. It’s why we’d say that. They think we’re like them, and when we say we want fair elections, they think we’re lying. It’s why they’d say that. All of their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications. They say things we like to hear because it works. It has no predictive value. 4 weeks ago
America’s greatest deed was killing a million Nazis. Killing Nazis is great. 4 weeks ago
For the government to bring a bunch over in Project Paperclip? I don’t think they were ever against fascism; they didn’t like Hitler’s version because they didn’t benefit. 4 weeks ago
And even then there was significant support for the nazis among influential white people at the time. America’s principled opposition to fascism has always been a retcon.
Though while I don’t like how it completely blinds Americans to the dangers of homegrown fascism, I will say there are much worse stories to base a national mythology on. In that sense it was nice while it lasted. 4 weeks ago
until they voted them into power 4 weeks ago
Someone should kill Donald Trump and the rest of the Nazis in charge of the government 5 weeks ago
Cons are fine with it as long as it’s their guy. They mostly just stand for absolutely nothing. 5 weeks ago
I wonder how many conservatives are actually on here. This thread kind of feels like as a large group we stormed into an after school club with like 4 kids in it lol 4 weeks ago
There’s like four maybe five of them in this comm. Normally everything is downvoted to hell and back by lemmy at large. Right now the only mod is the admin, so people are taunting the conservatives. 4 weeks ago
The community really only had single digit users who claimed to be “conservative”, but checking their profiles showed they were also downvote collectors and trolls. Seems like the admins of decided they no longer wanted this community being a safe haven for trolls and have removed the old mod. 4 weeks ago
Basically, yeah. We were never exactly popular here. There’s a community on sjw, but who knows how long that will last 4 weeks ago
“It’s just a joke! I love it when he triggers the libs like this!” /s 4 weeks ago
<Trump Crowns himself> " God, this is so funny! I bet the liberals are so pissed now. They don’t get that this is just merely just for show." <Trump dissolves the Senate> “He’s the best! He’s doing exactly what he said he would do, he just permanently drained the swamp! Wooo! Trump saved America.” <Trump strips away the rights of low-value citizens> “Hell yeah! Why should I have to fund their pathetic existence! America is the greatest Democracy.”
I guarantee they will always find a way to pay homage their golden idol. 5 weeks ago
Are they? In Europe, monarchist people are part of conservatistes. We have a few royalists in France who want to reinstate whomever is the descendant of the lastest royal family. 4 weeks ago
Conservatism is a SEVERE mental disorder and is violently anti-American. We should’ve killed them all when they introduced the 1996 TCA. 4 weeks ago
Conservatism is a mental disorder
We should’ve killed them all
What the fuck 4 weeks ago
Even as a wildly left progressive, this isn’t cool. Conservatives are necessary as a counterpoint to progressivism in general. Differing views are a good thing as long as they can still work together at the end of the day.
That said, when one group starts stripping the rights of others, whitewashing history, and eliminating free speech? Then yeah, resistance becomes necessary to enact change. And I sincerely hope that the people stripping rights remember that resistance is not always peaceful. 4 weeks ago
Conservatives are necessary as a counterpoint to progressivism in general.
The fuck they are. 5 weeks ago
If this surprises you, you’re fucking stupid. 5 weeks ago
It was a prank bro… Unless…? 👉👈 5 weeks ago
Not if he’s #theirguy 4 weeks ago
Don’t call them Surely, or they’ll deport you for being a woke DEI agent. 5 weeks ago
Could I get the quote/context? I’m out of the loop
(not conservative, I saw this on c/all) 5 weeks ago
Conservatives don’t care.
Their blinkers don’t allow them to even see things like that. They’re just focused on seeing the people they hate made to suffer, and as long as that happens, they’re content. The rest is just trivia. 5 weeks ago
“blinkers” = “blinders”’ I presume?