- Comment on DNA 16 hours ago:
- Comment on Evil 2 days ago:
Effectively not much, IMHO, but whatever - I think you got my gist.
- Comment on Evil 2 days ago:
I can’t stand beer - is there a rum & Coke license?
- Comment on Evil 2 days ago:
Ah, the ambiguity of words - the definition of “evil” lies in the eye of the beholder.
- Comment on Evil 2 days ago:
You’ve just described what is probably the most well-known xkcd comic in a somewhat long-winded fashion.
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 3 days ago:
Makes no difference to my point.
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 4 days ago:
I’m aware it’s not a protected class - that was the point of my initial comment. But your rental implied “hate crimes” were defined as those based upon properties of a person they had no control over - with a major caveat for religion as well. My point was if you can include something a person chooses to believe as an additional exception, then that opens up an extremely wide swath of possible exceptions.
Don’t get me wrong - I’m not arguing against the inclusion of religion, just saying that the inclusion can be used to crowbar in any number of other “classes” to be protected as well simply because they’re based upon beliefs.
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 4 days ago:
It’s that religion exception that belies the idea that it’s solely about qualities of a person that they have no control over. Beliefs are beliefs, regardless if they’re related to religion or capitalism.
- Comment on Motivational, inspiring 4 days ago:
And here I thought the posts in DontDeadOpenInside were bad… 🤯
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 4 days ago:
Or distraction caused by a topless “wardrobe malfunction” - the source of which disappeared into the crowd & will never be found.
- Comment on Relevant advertising 🤪 4 days ago:
Well, technically this seems to have been a hate crime as well - just not of a “protected class” (which I’m sure is a “shortcoming” of the law that they’ll get “addressed”).
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 1 week ago:
Which can happen to some anyway if they don’t have a powered door opener.
- Comment on And there was no on line manual 1 week ago:
You don’t need a manual at all - you just push the buttons in farther than usual.
- Comment on Interesting. It's a constant reminder 1 week ago:
The problem with this layout is that the shit from the top handle will drop onto the lower one, thus contaminating it as well.
- Comment on Indian start-up Yes Madam fires employees who indicated being stressed in the survey 1 week ago:
Yeah, they did, but the remaining employees won’t dare complain about it, so management sees this as a twofer win.
- Comment on Bumper sticker 1 week ago:
Thanks to Monty Python, I half expect to hear any Aussie I meet ask “are you a poofter?”
- Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted? 2 weeks ago:
The fact they still haven’t been caught despite all the attention this has gotten so far tells me the shooter knew what they were getting into & was prepared for it. Legally speaking, I think that eliminates a “temporary insanity” defense, but I don’t think it should. Someone despondent over losing a dearly loved one due to the completely arbitrary, cynical, and sometimes outright ghastly “healthcare” system we live under refusing to provide the service they were paid for seems like something that would lead to a temporary insanity that just lasts a very long time.
- Comment on Checkmate 2 weeks ago:
Well, if you’re gonna get picky about their gender dysphoria…
- Comment on New oven and they lock the air fryer functionality behind wifi. 2 weeks ago: said:
Yes! The Amandas were the best.
Your preference for someone to have the name Amanda seems like a rather oddly specific kink…
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 weeks ago:
I believe in miracles Since you came along You sexy thing
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 weeks ago:
Yeah, he was well known for spreading STDs across the galaxy - including crabs.
- Comment on 2k Launcher has been fully removed from all games 3 weeks ago:
That’s actually how I took it at first, seemed highly apropos.
- Comment on Thanks for the warning I guess?? 3 weeks ago:
Your dependent upon the recording you’re listening to having been set to a decent volume to begin with. I will occasionally come across videos or music with significantly quieter sound than usual. I know what a good volume for my need at the moment is, while this warning is a dumb automatic pop-up based solely upon the single factor of the master device volume control setting - without any consideration for the actual decibels being output.
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 3 weeks ago:
If you’re logging in via Wi-Fi, that shouldn’t transmit your IMEI - but I admit that I don’t know if that’s something they do behind the scenes. They would be making an assumption you hadn’t sold it, but I can see that not being enough assurance. As such, get a used tablet that you only ever use on public Wi-Fi (i.e. never log it into your home Wi-Fi). I’m sure there are some really cheap old ones on eBay - just make sure it’s on a version of Android the Play Store still supports (I think 6 is the minimum nowadays).
- Comment on Well THAT fucking sucks! 🤬 3 weeks ago:
You can create an account on an Android phone that has no SIM or other accounts on it without being required to provide a phone number. Use an old wiped phone just for this.
- Comment on AAAAAHHHHH 4 weeks ago:
Can confirm. I opened this post outside, and was immediately swarmed. The last thing I saw before my eyes were pecked out was someone bearing a strong resemblance to Alfred Hitchcock…
- Comment on Pluto's Orbit 4 weeks ago:
We will call it a planet if we plan it.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, the Google Minis are hit or miss for us a lot, too. I don’t generally have the keyword activation switched on with my phone, but was going to activate it if need be for this. I’ve got a Bluetooth headset with very good background noise cancellation (according to those I’ve spoken to on the phone), so I’m hoping/assuming that will help it understand me more reliably, and that Assistant activation via its button will obviate the need for activating keyword activation.
- Comment on Is it possible to use an Android device entirely as "black box" (without touching it looking at it)? 4 weeks ago:
Replying to my own post in case anyone’s following this (still too new to Lemmy to know if that’s a thing - guess I’ll look into it after this).
Apparently, Moto may be working on something that fills this need. The promo video in this article only demonstrates things I think Google Assistant might already be capable of (or maybe slightly more), but the article states what they’re working on involves using apps on your phone to do things rather than just being a microphone and speaker for stuff that actually happens mostly on Google’s servers. Crossing my fingers that includes doing what I want rather than just being focused on buying things as demonstrated in the teaser video.
In the meantime, I’ve stumbled across the fact that Google’s built-in TalkBack feature has support for keyboard shortcuts. This likely means I can use a small handheld Bluetooth game controller along with an app to map the buttons to the appropriate key presses in order to move around the screen, and thus control the Android device without looking at or touching it. I’ll likely test this next weekend & report back if anyone’s interested.
- Comment on gen z gorillas 4 weeks ago:
Quite a few of them, actually - as well as remakes, the more recent of which are actually pretty good & you shouldn’t limit yourself to just one if that’s all you’ve seen.