- Comment on Anon, the All-Knowing 2 weeks ago:
He doesn’t just let us kill them all, he keeps tabs on us and gathers intel from all of them, including their spells and techniques, which he plans to use to kill us. And, truth be told, combining all of the powers and skills of the strongest beings in the world together is a pretty solid plan.
- Comment on Pictrs/Image Uploads not working 2 weeks ago:
Agreed, but my account is about 1.5 years old, so shouldn’t be an issue, regardless.
- Comment on Tried to order a part before the tariffs 3 weeks ago:
Props to whoever this company is. This is one of the best bits of customer service I’ve seen in years.
- Comment on Pictrs/Image Uploads not working 3 weeks ago:
Interestingly, I was able to upload these two screenshot snippets to lemm.ee, but not the game screenshots I was trying to post. I suppose that means there’s SOMETHING weird about the game screenshots, but generate them the exact same way every time, including the one above that you were able to re-upload successfully.
- Comment on Social Security Shuts 'Wasteful' Department After Trump Order 3 weeks ago:
The federal agency also announced it has terminated cooperative agreements with the Retirement and Disability Research Consortium (RDRC)—a program for research on Social Security, retirement and disability policy issues. Ending these agreements is expected to result “in about $15 million in cost savings for hardworking Americans in fiscal year 2025,” the SSA said.
So, we’re eliminating inefficiencies by eliminating programs that identify inefficiencies.
Me personally, I’m okay with spending $0.10/year to have experts both inside and outside of the Social Security Administration identify problems with Social Security that they can work on.
- Comment on Pictrs/Image Uploads not working 4 weeks ago:
Well, I would, if the issue hadn’t self-corrected again today.
It’s pretty much just what /u/irelephant posted here. There’s very little actual info present, just an HTTP status of 500 with a boilerplate nginx response page.
When it inevitably starts happening again, I’ll be sure and take some captures of the full request/response details.
- Comment on Pictrs/Image Uploads not working 4 weeks ago:
- Comment on Pictrs/Image Uploads not working 4 weeks ago:
Pretty sure it’s specific to lemm.ee, yeah, since my fallback when it’s not working here is to just hop to lemmy.world.
- Submitted 4 weeks ago to meta@lemm.ee | 10 comments
- Comment on Trump literally referred to himself as "King". Surely conservatives are against a monarchy forming? 4 weeks ago:
“It’s just a joke! I love it when he triggers the libs like this!” /s
- Comment on How is the Stock Market keeping it's value after *points to everything*? 4 weeks ago:
Because its value was always fictitious.
- Comment on Fox finally eyes launch of direct-to-consumer streaming service 1 month ago:
If it’s $5/mo or less, I might consider it, just like any streaming service. Otherwise, it’s just way-shittier cable.
- Comment on What's Rednote and why is "everyone" talking about it? 2 months ago:
It has indeed been pushed and advertised by TikTok. Or at least, within TikTok.
- Comment on Switch game recommendations 2 months ago:
I’m not sure which ones he was into at 4yo specifically, but my son’s Switch favorites include…
Super Mario Odyssey Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Celeste Minecraft Yoshi’s Crafted World Letterquest Big Brain Academy NES Arcade SNES Arcade
Of those, the ones I would say mught meet your super-chill criteria are…
Super Mario Odyssey (yeah, you can die, but you just respawn and can spend tons of time just running around aimlessly) Celeste (normally not, but there’s a lovely Assist Mode) Yoshi’s Crafted World (there’s a no-fail mode) Big Brain Academy (if they can handle being scored on things, without taking it too seriously).
- Comment on Not enough people buying Premium, eh? 2 months ago:
Look into getting SmartTube for the TV. Wotks pretty great for me
- Comment on Aaron Paul stars in Dispatch, a story based superhero management game from ex-Telltale devs 3 months ago:
Shit, that sounds worth a look.
Makes me wonder, they have such a big budget as to afford Aaron Paul? Dude ought to be commanding a pretty high salary these days. Is his fee just a lot smaller than I’m thinking? Is he just LOOKING to get into video games?
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 3 months ago:
I haven’t even played it, and I know it should be Balatro. That game has taken the gaming world by STORM.
- Comment on What are some great games that require you to bust out a notebook and pen? 3 months ago:
Honorable mention fir Outer Wilds, cause taking notes and keeping track of things you learn is critical to the gameplay, but the game actually provides an excellent UI already it already.
Also, Elden Ring and other FromSoft games are a contender, cause when you meet a random NPC that says like 3 lines of dialog and doesn’t repeat them, you’re gonna have trouble remembering any of that 20 hours later when yoy meet them again.
- Comment on YEET 3 months ago:
“No credit for partial answers!”
- Comment on You to have read it carefully and slowly ... 3 months ago:
I actually didn’t get fooled by the first line, but I did by all the rest.
- Comment on Do you think being left-handed gives any unique qualities or advantages compares to other right handed? 3 months ago:
I can’t think of any time I’ve felt lile being left-handed is an advantage.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
Considering those quotes talk about defining “living systems” or “groups of organisms”, as opposed to individual cells (and again, elaborated on even moreso within the full linked articles), I’m gonna have to say “no, they’re not really excluded at all.” Their entire purpose is to meet up and initiate replication. An egg and sperm cell are each one small part of a much larger system of ongoing life. The same can be said for a fertilized egg, an embryo, and so on for most stages of development in a womb.
If you want to insist on a definition that says egg and sperm cells aren’t alive, or aren’t an organism, you’re gonna have a hard time saying that a fertilized egg or an embryo are. They don’t replicate on their own, either, not without a very specific environment and set of stimuli.
Also, sperm cells DO replicate, to an extent. They undergo forms of mitosis and meiosis, during their growth. And an egg cell absolutely replicates. Like any other type of cell replication, it needs certain stimuli to initiate it. I.E. it needs to be fertilized.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
From the National Institute for Health
In biology, it is generally agreed that organisms that possess the following seven characteristics are animate or living beings and thus possess life: the ability to respire, grow, excrete, reproduce, metabolize, move, and be responsive to the environment
The article as a whole elaborates that even trying to pin down a single definiton of life is a bit of a fool’s errand, much less trying to use such a definition to support arguments about when life starts or stops.
From the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (which actually is just re-quoting an entirely different article, one of many discussed within)
We propose to define living systems as those that are: (1) composed of bounded micro-environments in thermodynamic equilibrium with their surroundings; (2) capable of transforming energy to maintain their low-entropy states; and (3) able to replicate structurally distinct copies of themselves from an instructional code perpetuated indefinitely through time despite the demise of the individual carrier through which it is transmitted.
From a University of Minnesota Introduction to Biology course
All groups of living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to stimuli, reproduction, adaptation, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing. When viewed together, these characteristics serve to define life.
In short, there really isn’t any unified definition of life. Comparing different definitions, there’s common themes that emerge, but nothing that supports saying conception is when it starts. If you’re going to use that definition, you can’t support it by saying that “science” defines it that way.
- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
It doesn’t. Life is a continuum, it doesn’t care what artificial labels we try to put on things. A fertilized egg is just as alive as an unfertilized one, or a sperm cell, by any scientific definition of life, highlights how useless it is to try and use that definition to argue about abortion.
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 3 months ago:
When it comes to something like meat, the biggest thing is that the salt can penetrate into the meat itself, rather than just sit on the surface. Same goes for things like potatoes or pasta.
Other than that, I couldn’t really tell you, on a technical level, but you can be sure it boils down to “chemical reactions.”
If you’re curious or skeptical, you can experiment pretty easily. Make a batch of tomato sauce, and seprate it into two portions. Salt one before simmering it for a few hours, and the other one after. Most people will be able to taste the difference.
- Comment on Anon needs cooking advice 3 months ago:
It won’t be quite the same as having salted the pasta and the sauce, while cooking it, but “salvageable”, absolutely.
- Comment on Cannot load additional pages in Jerboa 4 months ago:
Interesting. The web UI doesn’t give me that issue. It is HORRENDOUSLY slow, though. It periodically freezes for as much as minutes at a time.
- Submitted 4 months ago to meta@lemm.ee | 9 comments
- Comment on I'm going to try not to swear when you're around. Is this a good apology to a coworker? 4 months ago:
A quality apology consists of 3 things:
- An explanation of what you did that was wrong, and why it was wrong
- An explanation of what you’re going to try and change about yourself, to avoid the same mistake
- An expression of remose. I.E. the word “sorry” or “apologize”.
Your proposed apology has all those elements, so you’re already ahead of most folks. But there are a few suggestions for improvement in this thread that I think are also good.
“if you felt so, I apologize”: I don’t read this as you apologizing for how the other person feels, since you clarified that earlier. But I think it’s fair that others might read it that way, so you’re better off eliminating the ambiguity. You’re apologizing for what you did, without considering that others might (validly) consider it inappropriate.
“I’ll try to control myself around you”: similar deal, it should be clear that this is about you, not them. And when it comes to swearing in a workplace, it’s pretty-darn common to consider it inappropriate and unprofessional, no matter who you’re around. Maybe part of your apology needs to focus on how the behavior is unprofessional, and you simply needed help recognizing that, as you’re (possibly?) new to the professional working world.
- Comment on Seeking feedback: how should lemm.ee move forward with external images? (related to frequent broken images) 5 months ago:
Option 2 seems like the optimal idea, on paper, if Option 1 isn’t feasible, but Option 3 doesn’t really bother me, if there’s trouble with Option 2’s implementation. I don’t consider privacy at an IP-tracking level really that much of a concern. This is a social media platform, my privacy is my anonymity.
It sounds like maybe Lemmy itself coupd use some enhancement with regard to how and when it decides to proxy, and what it does when proxying fails. If we can get a better experience by swapping to Option 3, until such enhancements are maybe made in the future, that sounds fair to me.