This might come across as sickish, but: through what channels could they have an impact? Republicans now control literally every branch of government. The only things that I’d imagine would be effective enough:
1.) Military coup led by someone who could appeal to sense of duty and pull over a Military. chunk of the military. Very unlikely, but theoretically effective.
2.) Very criminal actions that most people of means aren’t likely to entertain as failure means losing their lives one way or another.
3.) Disruptive, mass protests akin to the Arab Spring or similar for an extended period. Which Americans have never really done and which realistically probably just equates to civil war in the current environment.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t think there’s an easy solution, even for those of means actively in government in this moment. You could be a literal judge or Congressman and it would mean jack shit right now. I think #3 is the most likely to maybe eventually happen, if any, but it’ll take a loooooot to finally get enough of us there. 1 month ago
Do you know the name of the member of your state’s House of Representatives that represents your district? When was the last time you spoke to your federal representative? Do he/she not answer your calls because they have to many constituents? Talk to people in your neighborhood about the need for more representatives in the house.
All sovereign power comes from the people. Read: you are that guy. 1 month ago
This is a great way to deflect legitimate blame from the Democratic party representatives and operatives who actually deserve it, as if it isn’t their goddamn job to listen to voters. 1 month ago
How can they listen to the voters if the voters never speak to them. My comment was not on the DNC or RNC but on the core of all forms of representative democracies. 5 weeks ago
Yeah, that person’s comment reads like a corporation blaming the individual because they don’t recycle enough, as if the individual’s recycling habits are in any way comparable to the widespread pollution corporations create.
Unless you’re a billionaire or willing to go player 2, you have no meaningful power to change any of this. What you do have the power to do is make your own little corner of the world slightly better, and everyone should. 1 month ago
I can be polite and qont ham fist political conversations but yeah, don’t give me an opening, I’ll drive the knife in. 5 weeks ago
No we are not. Our “representatives” listen to their corporate masters, the ones who line their pockets and fund their campaigns. They don’t listen to us. 5 weeks ago
Re-read my comment above. They only have power which we vest in them. 5 weeks ago
LOL, my rep was Matt Gaetz, don’t know the new guy.