Just a humble squid that over produces slime. Buy my slime, its a medical wonder, cures halitosis, weird eye syndrome, bolding.
- Comment on Far cry 5, where are the mods? 1 day ago:
Thats fair I’ve heard good things for the first two Far Cry’s. Once I’ve played through the dlc of 5 I will probs go and check another entry in the franchise. What are you thoughts on Blood Dragon? And also cheers your informed response, it makes sense so few mods exist.
- Submitted 2 days ago to gaming@beehaw.org | 4 comments
- Comment on Admin team update 1 week ago:
Thank you for all your hard work in creating a home for so many of us. I hope you can bounce back in whatever capacity suits you best.
- Comment on why do i sometimes wake up feeling like a lot is going on? like why do i feel the day will be an adventure?? when i wake up 1 week ago:
Good for some. 😒
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 week ago:
Essentially yes.
We aren’t blood thirsty ghoul’s like right wingers will have people believe and even that sentiment goes to show the right wingers acting within their class interest as systemically its beneficial to appose the lower classes, socialists, communist and whatever label.
As it is within my class interest to pay less rent.
- Comment on When leftists say "landlord are parasites" or similar dislike of landlords, do they also mean the people that own like a couple of houses as an investment, or only the big landlords? 1 week ago:
As an sp member in the UK I can give you the parties stance. We aren’t going after small business. Your aunt while not giving to society and being a member of the owning class is more a symptom of capitalism and under a socialist programme she would not need to degrade others to live a fulfilling life. Dignity should be afforded to all but we also understand that material conditions govern us.
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 week ago:
It was before HDR implementation like 2 years ago, bad drivers perhaps. Also go figure a fellow Linux gamer on Lemmy. What an awesome place.
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 week ago:
I’m on Linux so might of been that lol
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 week ago:
I ruined the game for myself, played the raytraced version which made everything so bright and lost its grittiness, throughout the play through I thought it was normal 😢
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 week ago:
Hell I might vote palworld. Never played but if it won Nintendo would blow a gasket!
- Comment on What do we think will be GoTY and which game do we think should be? 1 week ago:
I’m not into or even a fan of the PC vs console war, but watching a franchise I hold at such high regard release with missing complex features like A-Life, and simplified AI in general, going for an 80meter spawn radius with messy cool down timers which spawn enemy AI on a loop.
Other things like the over use of lip service through iconic mutants turning up way too often also using the same spawn loop system which repopulates every few minutes.
Loot balance, in the original med kits were very necessary but where in short supply meaning when going out the player would do everything to avoid damage making for an even tenser atmosphere, stalker 2 however the player will find medkits, bandages, a sausage and a bottle of vodka every 10 metres. Things like body armours and weapons are thrown at the player through out the main story negating any sense of achievement.
Difficulty, in the original trilogy the game loop was cautious but in combat act fast, moving from cover to cover as the enemy was unpredictable, they would retreat and push as well as flank, now in stalker 2 enemies always know the players location but no fear as the player is a walking pharmacy and combat has turned into shoot get hit use meds and repeat, essentially its very hard to die in stalker 2 while also having laser accuracy for AI but its no issue as the abundance of meds negate that issue.
Then there’s the bugs, its alpha build. Bugs that block main quests, bugs which put random items in inventory, and bugs that make anomalies invisible.
Its also missing little touches that I have come to expect, no AI companions for quests, no mutant parts making hunting and even fighting mutants a thankless task, the flash light sucks, no NVGs, no roaming NPCs, blind dogs don’t retreat when one is injured, bloodsuckers are missing their glowing eyes, unkillable enemy AI with snipers to stop the player from progressing, factions feel like a gimmick whereas they were the bread and butter in the original trilogy, no tiredness out side of the debuff effect from certain enemy’s, limited NPC dialogue, lack of consumable variation, no buff debuff icon/timers apart from bleeding. and so on.
Most of the people who enjoy the game seem talk about it as a predecessor to fallouts franchise or measure it against other major AAA games open world games, which tbh its in that realm now, I wouldn’t call it a stalker game but maybe in a year after modding tools are releases it will be a successor to one of my favourite franchises. Currently though its locked down by console hardware and made by a studio thats lost teach.
Anyway I have played 120 hours and I think for any one new to the franchise they should wait another 6 months so they can get a better idea of the zone. For old timers give it a go to scratch the itch but don’t expect to be blown away.
- Submitted 1 week ago to gaming@beehaw.org | 38 comments
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 week ago:
That’s awful hope you and your brother can grieve in piece.
- Comment on Anon holds her bf 1 week ago:
Fucking same, had just lost a mother figure my grand mother who I grow up with, never dealt with loss and had other things come into my life. Anyway my ex split with me.
Sucked as I was there throughout her losses. Silver lining she was an enabler and now I am healthier inside and out, taken on therapy which has allowed me to face my demons.
- Submitted 2 weeks ago to gaming@beehaw.org | 4 comments
- Comment on Perfect Christmas Gift for your boyfriend or husband 2 weeks ago:
Its even worse when unwrapping the thing and it lands in the urinal.
- Comment on What's your favourite it's all in the gameplay game? 3 weeks ago:
Anomaly, kenshi.
- Comment on This world is cruel… 4 weeks ago:
I read books about social studies and think I may fall into the same camp. What books do woman deem sexy?
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 4 weeks ago:
I don’t want a non skippable cut scene. I want to walked on, see other people also using transport, walk between carts.
The background for my desktop was v sitting in a subway cart. promo in the runup to release
- Comment on For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. 4 weeks ago:
The two things that pissed me off:
Cars in the distance aren’t real. Get a scoped weapon and shoot they don’t react, just fade in and out.
No subway system. I was so hyped to life sim cyberpunk, get on a train like in the promotional material but nope.
Essential the set dressing is a mile wide and an inch deep. Unlike other open world games where I can see someone living a life, instead cars are boring no personality behind the ai, same with crowds.
- Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 4 weeks ago:
Would gave to be arma 3 and days.
- Comment on RIP 5 weeks ago:
🙃😕😟😭😒 ← my emotions illustrated through emojis.
- Comment on Is it really possible to tax the rich? 5 weeks ago:
No. If someone’s rich they can lobby if they can lobby they will act within theyre best interest.
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 5 weeks ago:
Finally hearing back from jobs couch that specialise in mental health.
Became branch secretary.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 weeks ago:
Lemm.ee seems fairly safe. Also grad, hex and some other communities are interactable there.
- Comment on How is it that "protecting basic democracy and the rule of law, and not crowning a criminal dictator" wasn't even on the chart?! 1 month ago:
Foreign policy isn’t important to the workers, doing political work in my local area people will sooner talk about the dog shit sproon around theyre street or litter, the closure of public toilets or the removal of public bins as they all have a noticeable and tangible effect on day to day life. Sadly Gaza isn’t a broad issue to none gazans. I’m not advocating for this behaviour btw, just pointing out what I’ve noticed and spoken about in political circles.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 1 month ago:
The us is ground hog day, they won’t win it back instead they will spend two years bickering then two years bad mouthing and it will continue to repeat as they believe they’ve got ‘democracy’ you guys don’t your being played by the political elites and the capitalist. Also stop throwing liberal around as a broad left notion, liberalism is an insult to any leftist.
If you want change then join a socialist party that is connected to an international. Make moves in unions. Build workers power. Be willing to fight. Educate yourselves so you can educate others. Marxism isn’t some silly notion or wond waving. Its a scientific approach to a healthy and just society, Karl Marx watched the birth of global capitalism, predicted its failures: failures we are still seeing today, and sort to tackle the issue with years of research and analysis. What he made is a solid base for us to build on.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 1 month ago:
I feel I should also mention other groups, anarchist are pretty cool people and get things done but lack organisation, you can easily find anarchists in your local areas through social medial, search terms like radical, anarchist or in demos all black masked up. Socialists search google with your location and socialism, or find them at union pickets, selling papers in cities, socialist groups trend towards the original marxist teachings aposed to the stalinist philosophy. Communist groups tend to be Stalinist / moaists which personally I don’t support with their stance on sexuality. Avoid the Spartans: a socialist group that are a bunch of nonces and wish to lower age of consent. Avoid larger broad left groups as they trend towards upper middle class liberals (dictionary definition) without a solid doctrine.
Also try to find a place that keeps identity politics at a healthy distance. I made a home with The Socialist Party ‘formally militant’ as they are principled unlike the SWP.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 1 month ago:
Read The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engle’s, then State and Revolution by Lenin or even audiobook which are both on YouTube. Its important because they both outline the reasoning and the conviction needed. Then you’ll want to find a socialist/communist group that suits you, I’m a marxist, my ideas of socialism diverge with the appearance of Stalin. If your in the united states we have a trotskyist party who I’ve spoken to personally and theyre a good lot, your best bet would be to visit www.socialistworld.net/category/international/ this is the international body I work under and many other countries also work under.
Hope you find a suitable space comrade. Feel free to contact me if you need any further assistance or just to let me know how your getting on.
- Comment on How do Americans win their country back? 1 month ago:
If you read communist theory you’d understand that revolution isn’t easy, it takes multiple factors such as the current state of capitalism, class contusness and the global landscape. Once these things align we will witness the capitalist unable to deliver for the demands of the majority and the mass populous will soon realise how akin to slaves we are at that point the workers will fight back. I’m personally very active in my party building workers power through unions, attending demos and dispensing theory, a few months ago I traveled to Germany for a 5 day conference. It is only through these actions we can see change. It takes 15 present of the population to create real change so while you might feel content sitting around criticing our efforts you could be down here helping your comrades, the international group my party is linked to sent a dozen sp member to chilly to help in revolutionary action so rest assured that we are doing some heavy lifting.