- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 3 days ago:
Truly It’s not my line of work so I’m not going to start randomly recommending products, I don’t think it’s fair to talk out my ass hahaha
What I can say however, is the reason I was so bold in my assertion previously, was that I personally do a lot of hobbyist electronics, and wiring up temperature sensors is very simple. It’s very much a trivial aspect to basic circuitry, because heat is such an aspect. It’s in your most basic things from coffee pots to hair dryers but even down to smaller electronics, bulbs and projectors, everything really in its own way.
And then my father was a highly trained meteorologist with the government of Canada for 43 years and then another 10 of consultancy, they scouted him because he was the 100% in all courses math superstar at his university for his year.
My father taught me a lot about how heat is measured and it’s a huge concern in a way that the average weather watcher doesn’t understand. It’s talked about in Watts per Square Meter. So that could be how much heat a structure may absorb per square meter, or perhaps how much heat is dissipated per second in a certain wind.
That’s a major and primary concern of anyone in the agriculture industry, think for example a farmer that holds a barn full of cattle, he absolutely needs to know how much heat that building’s going to dissipate so he can plan for heating.
But it doesn’t end there, it goes into so many different areas where heat is an issue, and weather is the primary driver of heat transfer.
So I guess in summary, a solution is trivial, I’m not sure if there’s an official product, but we’re not talking rocket science!
- Comment on Why can’t HVAC be made smarter? 5 days ago:
You don’t need to go to that level of complication.
Two sensors in combination, one that detects current heat input one that detects absorbed heat. These modules would be placed about the outer walls.
Then calculate how much heat is going to radiate into the building the rest of the day.
And it can compensate.
We don’t need to be more than a fraction of a degree off and a system like that would be amply accurate.
- Comment on Your all-time favorite game? Let's discuss the best options! 1 week ago:
I have to say for me, I know this won’t be everybody, my favorites are going to be the ones that change the way I felt about gaming, not necessarily ones that I would want to play again.
In fact, I have found that going back to some of the seminal games, or the ones that were most impactful to me, hurt my feelings because they were from a time… Where let’s be real, technical limitations made a lot of very basic quality of life things nearly unavailable.
I think the 1st that changed the way I felt about gaming was Ultima 4 - they had flushed out the systems of the earlier three, which were pretty primitive, and made morality, all kinds of wonderful internal game systems, relationships, secrets, optional paths, total exploration. 5 and 6 were games that I explored and played molecularly because they were just a joy for me as well.
Another one I talk about a lot is a game called Squares Deluxe which the developer thankfully changed as freeware a few years ago. So anybody with DOSBox can download it and play it legally, and in my view, it’s the best shape packing game ever made - there are so many amazing mechanics, and if you play Extreme mode and get a great run going, it can be the most thrilling experience!
How can I forget the very first game I played in arcades which was Atari Warlords at Fiesta Foods! I was bedazzled by the cabinet and I had to have a teenager explain to me what it was! I went flying home and explained what I saw to my mother and she was incredulous, and she took me back to play!
Runestone Keeper. I know that really if you distill it down, you’re kind of playing a probability-based card / slot machine game. But play your choice is broad, and I love the fact that the entire playfield changes with every move potentially. Yes you can get screwed over, yes you can have amazing runs, but it’s that unpredictability that keeps me salivating. I can’t actually recommend anybody play this outside of steam version because the app one keeps changing - I’ve bought it a few times and I keep losing my license/progress when they change publisher agreements, to hell with that noise!
- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 1 week ago:
Hey I mean it’s fun to make snappy comments, but it’s a joke. There is no merit to the underlying principles in quantum mechanics, it’s a giant shell game, and it’s all about investments and the PhD machine. It’s all phony, take it from somebody who did 30 years of game development and comp sci. It’s fucking nonsense.
- Comment on I wonder if the "money can't buy you happiness" people ever lived in a car. 1 week ago:
I just want to talk.
I made it big. Huge. Motherfucking huge. I bought and paid off my house in 2 years, was taking 5 major trips a year, had all the bullshit.
Wasn’t ever a materialist and was frugal, not cheap. Tried to take the lessons of my grandfather who grew up in the depression with literally nothing, and where he taught me over many years that everything is priceless and worthless at the same time. He was 1000x the father to me than my booze-bag sperm-donator male called my “dad”.
That piece of wire on the ground might save your life. It might just be another piece of shit. One day you go and buy some wire for $11 because you need it, other times you walk past $11 of free wire laying there because you have no immediate need or want for it. I was too spoiled and precious to get it. I want my meat packaged on a Styrofoam tray and there needs to be cartoons on things. No you shouldn’t make me a home made metal detector out of a broken FM radio, lacquered wire and a 9V battery because then I won’t be cool.
Through my life and path, I discovered no matter how much material stuff, no matter how lovely the accouterments of my life, no matter how many “freedoms” and experiences I had stemming from my financial wherewithal, there was an underlying thing at the core, the kernel of my being, that had been neglected my whole life. For I was never taught to see it and know it. I hated myself and hated my life and refused to look through the telescope to see that.
I didn’t really find any of this out until I had a humiliation that provoked the beginning of my thoughts of personal transformation. I later heard Miles’ Kind of Blue for the first time, by myself, in a separate bed from my pill-popping wine-guzzling wife, wearing Bluetooth headphones. I had smoked a grain of cannabis, my first return to it in about 20 years. Something touched me and I cried. One photon of light hit me somewhere and I couldn’t unsee it.
I later arrested my rage-drinking, or demon-drinking as I sometimes say. When the magical fairy wand didn’t dispense the fairy dust on my life and render everything into utopia, I intuited my power-drinking was a mere behavior and really had effectively nothing to do with the underlying issue. Or perhaps it did in the same sense that water in a boat isn’t the issue, it’s the rotted holes and splits in the hull.
I aimed myself at discovery and self-transformation and opened myself to anything from which I could take something useful and apply it to my own perspective. After getting into 5 years of heavy therapy which I pursued with vigor, something happened. I connected to that thing that I didn’t know existed.
My life exploded, I effectively went insane, but not insane enough to lose sight of that photon. I lost everything because I was not able to care for myself. I ballooned to 135kg.
I had $280,000 in my chequing account at one point, 100K of random investments, and I was living in my car and eating at shelter. I was fucked.
Now my shit is together. I have 1BR apartment and I will never ask or take more. I refuse. I pull things out of dumpsters, clean them, use what I can and give away the rest. I repair electronics and sell them to survive in part. My community is Harkness Station, a bus shelter in the freezing cold snowbank called Winnipeg, where people live - many suffering addiction and abandoned by humanity. These are my friends and I bring them home-cooked food, water, tea, sugar-laden 3am coffee, hygiene, relief of all sorts. My friend Alex who did 4 years hard time for an armed-robbery he set-up, spoke to me about getting sober 2 days ago. He’s heard my story but I’ve never heard those words on his lips before.
Hear what I’m saying please.
I got an inheritance from my sperm-donors estate and gave it away. There were more than 5 zeroes on it.
I am moving to Zen. All of the problems in my life are my own creation.
My grandfather gave me something priceless. My new community at Harkness showed me you can live with nothing.
We put all of this together and I can say with confidence I’ll live in a car (which I don’t have anymore because I gave it away), eat at the “missions” and be happy as a motherfucker. Whatever bro. I’m happy inside, I can care for me, and I need nothing but basic elements of mechanical survival.
- Comment on WoW guild uses exploits to get world 'first' on new raid, gets banned, puts its name backwards and does it again 1 week ago:
You are not yet aware that most people have severe self-worth issues?
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 3 weeks ago:
Before you find a new job, go see a lawyer
I’m not sure what country you live in, but if it’s in North America, that employer is fucked and you’re going to the bank
- Comment on Between Linux or Windows which do you think will be first to have a viable OS for quantum computers? 3 weeks ago:
Quantum computing is a pipe dream, it’s never going to happen.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 3 weeks ago:
I mean I’m open to conversation, I love talking and I love sharing with other humans! You or anyone else can feel free to DM me
Please before you read on, it’s going to get ugly, and know that it is not directed at you. I will leave it at that, proceed at your own risk.
In the public facing area of SM I find that I am very frank and no-nonsense and I will just state the truth, no matter how unpleasant the recipients may find it. I was on BBSs before I was on the Internet, and the Internet before the Web existed. My friend Julian and his friend Frank were the two biggest phreakers in my city and Frank did 10 years for some crazy motherfucking advanced nasty digital shit involving financial transactions. I have the resume to back my stuff up and I have so many first in gaming I don’t want to hear one motherfucking word of backtalk from anybody who thinks they know more than I do. I did more in the first 5 years of my career than most people will do in their entire lives. I did not just cobble together shit, I literally innovated stuff, I built the things that people now use to build things. And I was doing it with some amazing people along the way. One of them is a major executive at a semiconductor corporation to this day and he’s one of my best buds. Another has done digital film work on probably every single film that you have ever seen. I could carry on like an asshole, but I’m just scratching the surface I want you to know.
When I was still a student, I won a worldwide multimedia contest, I had made a dentistry simulator where you could actually do surgery on a patient. I won 1500 US dollars & my school was awarded $30,000 licences of Adobe and Macromedia software (Yes they were bitter rivals at that time of course). I had the very first plug-in enabled game on the Web, it was a mini golf game for the Swedish mini golf association. I literally programmed my own physics simulation for it. I made the very first touchscreen internet enabled network of gaming systems. I personally made 12 published games for those systems. I made the software and games for North America’s first gaming cafe. I made the very first online parimutuel gaming system. I developed a 3D tennis game that you could play in a web browser and I believe it was a world’s first. Game systems I developed and licensed are on river boats right now being played by people. I was the lead developer for I developed the first online gaming software deployed by state-run lottery corporations. I wrote two books on a piece of multimedia software, I wrote the bilingual curriculum for three years of a multimedia college - That’s while I was also running my own game studio from my apartment in Montreal and punching out games in my underwear on Saturday morning and selling them for 8,000 bucks. Around two extremely successful game studios until the golden handcuffs took me to the desks. Started the very first house doctor PC service in my city and I made so much money I stopped answering the phone.
Heard every ill-conceived, half-baked opinionation on gaming and I’m exhausted and I’m done with the kid gloves. I really don’t give a flying fuck how much a person likes video games or thinks they’re great or is in love with them or wants to be a game developer, I’m sick to death of it. Nobody has a motherfucking word to say to me and I literally don’t care. I’m a very very open person, I crave knowledge, you don’t get where I went by being an ignorant. But it’ll be a world’s first if you can show up at my door and tell me something I don’t know.
And I’m sorry to say that really I truly am, because it makes me sound like a fuck face. But if you don’t want to hear what I have to say, stay the fuck out of my inbox because I don’t have time for dildos who dare to tell me how anything works.
Most of the time, the things people believe to be true are completely insane once you understand the underlying nuances and layers. Or more accurately the individual molecules. When you’ve built the tools that built the tools that built the games.
And here’s a statement that will piss people off- one doesn’t stand at the top of the gaming industry for two decades when you lick somebody else’s asshole and sniff their farts, one leads the pack. And I did lead the pack and everybody followed me and stole my work and did what I did. Literally entire features were added to Macromedia software simply because I was taking the software places even the creators didn’t know it could go.
So everybody wants to follow the leader but nobody wants to hear him say how it is, because that hurts their feelings and ego. And after going through 4 years of therapy and now being 10 years sober from severe demon drinking, I can confidently say there’s some bizarre fucking issues going on with people who both want to smell my wind, but yell at me like they’re angry at Daddy.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 3 weeks ago:
Nobody wants to hear them. Because I disabuse people of their cherished views and it doesn’t end well. Thanks though.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 3 weeks ago:
I’ll tell you a secret. And this is coming from somebody that was at the top-top Top of the gaming world for 2 decades… 95% of tech people are complete frauds and charlatans. Its a miracle anything ever gets made. Look at today’s coders… they don’t even know what a computer does, they just download other people’s modules, cobble them together and pray. The vast majority of people who self-identify as being in “comp sci” don’t even understand the very basics.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 3 weeks ago:
Such naïvety Sorry bro
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 4 weeks ago:
They were contracted to design the API for our new Internet-enabled touchscreen gaming network kiosks (world first at the time) and they were fucking useless. And then had the gall to present the piece of shit at the CGDG 1997, as a half-finished completely non-functional, but presented it like it was their own product and not a massive NDA violation. Presented like their own product which could be generically extended to other platforms. Fuck you Matt. Fuck you Monolith you fucking cunts.
- Comment on BREAKING: Warner Bros. Games is shutting down Monolith Productions, Player First Games, and WB San Diego, sources tell Bloomberg News. 4 weeks ago:
29 years later, after working with Monolith on one of the worst projects in history… I can finally piss on their grave. Fuck you Matt, fuck Monolith. Yeah this is fucking personal.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
You need to understand that is one of a host of reasons and things that can be said. I’m not going to write a 40-page essay. Frank talk is necessary, too bad you can’t see that and choose to focus on the gender thing. That’s really about you and not me. Frank talk about all aspects of sex is vital. Get a grip.
- Comment on HELP! How do I help educate my son about his body when I know nothing about boys?? 4 weeks ago:
At some point. For the love of all that is holy you MUST tell you son the following: Never come in a woman unless you want a baby. Even if she tells you to. Even if she claims she is protected.
Women will baby-trap the living fuck out of young men. He NEEDS to know this.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 4 weeks ago:
I think the issue has s largely been explored and solved but I’d like to add something to the mix.
Complexes have hot water pipes running from the water heaters on the lowest floor up to all the suites. Usually they are stationed somewhere around the center of the main building, sandwiched between a commons hallway wall and an apartment wall.
The amount of heat that these can radiate is insane, especially if there’s a hot water circulation system in the building.
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 4 weeks ago:
No I’m not dancing to the music in your head, sorry.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 4 weeks ago:
Bro I started my professional game development career in 1996 and retired in 2015. I played video games in the early 70’s that existed before Pong. My father had one of the 5 supercomputers in the world in the meteorological service of Canada, where I used to hang out with nerds that would let me play with shit, and play the games they made when they weren’t modeling weather. I have studied nothing in my entire life more than the tapestry of what we call game development. So kindly stop.
- Comment on How do I make a phone call to (not from) an elevator speaker, just like what a debt collector once did? 4 weeks ago:
You just made my day
- Comment on are terfs actual feminists or do most transphobic women just call themselves that? 4 weeks ago:
Just chiming in here with some random nonsense. I am now 50, I have never once met someone who self-identifies as feminist who’s actually about equality, they’re actually scared, hate-filled people.
- Comment on Nintendo discontinuing Gold Points on the Switch eShop, ahead of Switch 2 release 4 weeks ago:
This is one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard really Rre video games, no country has produced more innovation in the space than the Japanese.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 5 weeks ago:
My friend, you deserve (I don’t know) some money or maybe a cupcake with like really nice frosting for this comment.
- Comment on How alarmed should I be to see stool in my blood? 1 month ago:
It’s actually normal to have occasional blood discharge in stool.
It’s more about frequency and color. If it’s dark red clogs you need to get medical attention right away, if it only happens once and it’s a little bit just don’t worry about it.
- Comment on Is this “normal bratty” behavior or a sign of a mental health condition? 1 month ago:
That’s not narcissism, don’t take diagnoses from people in comment sections.
This is a severe self-esteem issue that manifests itself as inflated ego.
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Coffee candies were promoted to acclimate children to the taste of coffee (and the bitter caffeine molecule)!
I don’t know why you’ve been downvoted but you’re right
- Comment on Putting the die in diet 1 month ago:
Mother’s Little Helper
- Comment on Do cats have intrusive thoughts about eating their humans? Conversely, do cats get scared of humans eating them? 1 month ago:
Oddly, cats often look at yawning as a relaxation cue. Creatures that yawn are not under stress, and a cat seeing you yawn can help regulate it’s mood
- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 2 months ago:
I buy citric acid powder and sprinkle it on things
- Comment on How is the current AI bubble when compared to the .com bubble in the early 2000's? 2 months ago:
I was there, it was more like understanding that the internet was a new way to offer literally every service, and everyone was in a scramble to do that, but because nobody had ever built those things before, we really didn’t know how!
So much of what is taken for granted in today’s tech age was being cobbled together with love tape and bubblegum back then.