- Comment on What are some actual good *sour* sour candy? 1 day ago:
I buy citric acid powder and sprinkle it on things
- Comment on How is the current AI bubble when compared to the .com bubble in the early 2000's? 5 days ago:
I was there, it was more like understanding that the internet was a new way to offer literally every service, and everyone was in a scramble to do that, but because nobody had ever built those things before, we really didn’t know how!
So much of what is taken for granted in today’s tech age was being cobbled together with love tape and bubblegum back then.
- Comment on After the catastrophe of Concord Sony is reportedly cancelling other projects including a God of War live service game 5 days ago:
I was a professional developer in a wide range of gaming areas for about 20 years… Looking back, I can honestly say that 95% of the work I did ended up as a vapor… The 5% that made it to market were so fleeting…
I derived my satisfaction not from completing projects, but solving the underlying problems. That kept me very engaged.
But yeah, not everybody sees things this way.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 1 week ago:
I do a 20 minute quick-rise, then 5-10 minutes kneading, then 45 minute rise. A quick fold-over then another hour rise. Usually it’s ready to bake, and at that point I weigh and portion. Sometimes another rise if conditions require it. I cut it with a plastic edge, put the blobs of dough on a cookie pan covered with shrink-wrap so as not to dry out, and when frozen I bag them up.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 weeks ago:
Dough is a great discussion topic to explore.
Once I learned to make dough, I realized it’s actually a total of 10 minutes work distributed over 4 hours. Reorganize and re-prioritizing my time made it work. Simple planning.
If I make dough, I make 2Kg so I cut it up, freeze the chunks I wont be immediately using and I have dough for as long as I need. Why make new dough every time? Batches.
It’s way simpler than you guys think. Scoffing is fun, but getting off the “convenience train” was the best thing I ever did. Requires a bit of upfront adjustment and learning, but change isn’t free.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 weeks ago:
In full forensic accounting, you MAKE money by getting off the “convenience” train.
Once you realize that a checkerboard costs $5 but a piece of paper and 24 pennies costs… well nothing… it starts to make more sense. Because most stuff in life, you use once then throw away or stuff into the closet and never think about again.
- Comment on There's fucking ads in board games now 2 weeks ago:
I just don’t anymore.
I don’t buy a wire- or mechanical- puzzle I make one. If I want a tile-based game (think scrabble, qwirkle, rummy) I make them with upcycled junk and paint markers.
I don’t buy bread or pizza crusts or tortillas, I make them. I can make a month of bready products in an optimized hour of work for 1/30th the price.
I play indie games by inexperienced developers who charge $4.99 because I’d rather try new mechanics even if they fall flat.
I’m currently precipitating copper into an aqueous solution on my stovetop and later I’ll try electroplating the copper onto some random thing. Because this is free and fun AS FUCK. Forget going to the arcade or to a pre-packaged event show or movie.
I am just drifting away from everything that’s not hand made. Fuck it already.
- Comment on Which one are you? 2 weeks ago:
There is no use for a microwave because I have good cooking tools and skill.
- Comment on Anon doesn't wash 2 weeks ago:
I love how you’ve just magically decided things based on no actual fact or logic lol
- Comment on Is there any way to search through all the games on Steam for titles that don't use the word "dystopian" anywhere in the description? 3 weeks ago:
There’s lots of different approaches, but I’ve had the same problem.
Steam lets you exclude tags, but they limit how many tags you can exclude so it’s basically a useless feature.
I go to steamDB and it has a ton of sorting options, including being able to exclude “Lovecraftian”, “visual novel”, “dating*”, etc
There’s also a great browser extension for Firefox which is my preferred browser. It enhances the Steam homepage (depending on how you configure it) and lets you do lots of things like quick-sell cards and other stuff.
- Comment on american culture 3 weeks ago:
Let’s see… what other words are in the Financial Incompetants’ Guide to Life… ok here’s something that sounds cooL WRITE OFFS!!!1
- Comment on american culture 3 weeks ago:
The world is awash in morons and they aren’t localized to that venue, although by way of it’s very structure, it’s a venue that strongly attracts people incapable of holding two thoughts at the same time.
As G Carlin would have said, think how stupid the average person is and realize 50% are stupider than that. This is the world we live in - where the trivial thoughts emerging from society’s dreck take have equal stage and prominence to expertise and wisdom
- Comment on american culture 3 weeks ago:
Take the numbers from the numbered boxes, and transpose them into the numbered boxes on the tax form. There, you know how to do taxes, what are we gonna do with the other 13 years of your pre-college education?
- Comment on What do drain unclogging liquids actually do? 3 weeks ago:
Get therapy.
- Comment on The Hot Dog Class 3 weeks ago:
I can tell you don’t cook.
- Comment on The Hot Dog Class 3 weeks ago:
Yeah I should have clarified. Steaming meat in pastry forgoes the Maillard reaction so it ends up as a roll of bland ingredients that have been “wasted” in the sense they didn’t at all live up to their flavor potential.
- Comment on The Hot Dog Class 3 weeks ago:
Ok so Beef Wellington is made with an actual BEEF muscle and hotdogs are made with PORK and pork fat pureed and jammed inside a casing. Beef Wellington is topped in mushrooms and mustard then wrapped in a wheat-flour pastry, while Corn Dogs are just battered in a sugary Corn Slurry.
This is such a stretch lol
- Comment on The Hot Dog Class 3 weeks ago:
Have you had tenderloin beef? Have you had pastry? You know what it tastes like and no, you’re not missing anything unless you think boring unseasoned bland meat is good.
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
Your ability to connect disconnected concepts is legendary. Good luck with your life lol
- Comment on Video Games Can’t Afford to Look This Good 3 weeks ago:
I blame Toyota for how poorly my Chevy ran.
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 4 weeks ago:
I love the expression! Sounds close to “out of steam” in English which is used similarly… nothing underlying has changed but the enthusiasm or “special something” is gone
- Comment on What games have you sunk the most time into? 4 weeks ago:
4000+ hours in Gems of War as I used to be the top streamer until the publishing company fucked me around. 3500+ in Diablo 3 as I was able to Leaderboard with a solo Monk… LB’ed and didn’t earn any XP in groups… all solo!
- Comment on Are there people without handedness? 4 weeks ago:
It’s a very interesting question, and I can’t speak to the science but I can speak to my personal experience.
Going back to childhood I always remember the adults insistence that I decide which is my handedness yet knowing intuitively that I could favor either side, and they each had an advantage.
I played left wing in hockey, only because there was never enough left-handed players, so I just pretended I was left-handed.
When I would play little league baseball, coaches would shout at me saying hey, don’t you bat the other way?! To me I just naturally, almost randomly picked a side according to how I felt about the pitcher.
When I played snooker semi-professionally, I shot right handed, but not because my right arm had more finesse, but because my left arm was better at providing rock solid stability with fine control, and because my right eye is slightly stronger. In my life, I played perhaps 50 games of billiards left-handed, out of perhaps 20,000 games total. And I can pick up and play left-handed with ease… You would think I’d been shooting that way my whole life.
I use my right hand to write, but when I skateboard, I skate “goofy foot”. When I destroyed my shoulder and it was a piece of meat hanging off my body for 6 months, I picked up a pen in my left hand and within 3 days I was writing at the same grace I could in grade 6! Within a month I was actually writing better than right-handed. It was still chicken scratch so I’m not sure what that’s worth lol
I know that I am right-handed by choice because there’s a difference in the knuckle/tendon of my left thumb. It makes it impossible to move from certain positions on the “circle” to others without first moving to a transitional spot. And I have more dexterity with my right for that reason alone.
I always wanted to play on P2 of the Street Fighter II cabinet.
- Comment on How Tortillas Lost Their Magic 4 weeks ago:
Just hot air.
I’ve been making my own tortillas for a decade and I can tell you there’s nothing newly wrong with the corn flour. It’s the same it’s always been.
Yeah it’s always best to have heirloom with minimal processing, but I’d rather have 100 homemade tortillas with basic nixtamalized corn flour for $3 not $30
This article is a bunch of wind.
- Comment on Can I preserve this binder clip? 4 weeks ago:
This is a mixed-material piece that looks good but is going to be destroyed regardless. Modgepodge, lacquer, shellac, varnish, clearcoat… they’re all going to wreck it. Just use it and throw it away, looks like it’s Chinesium
- Comment on how do I become the dullest, most boring coworker so this needy man leaves me alone? 4 weeks ago:
It’s in my original comment. Try reading instead of outbursting.
- Comment on Get with the times, grampa 5 weeks ago:
A piece of dried dog shit makes a quick pipe just poke a couple holes with a stick (thumbs up emoji)
- Comment on how do you separate your clothes and linens to avoid fabric degradation and bleeding? 5 weeks ago:
Sort by fabric weight and “toughness” not the other ideas.
You want jeans with towels and rags and socks and goonch together. Thinner shirts and blouses with thinner slacks together. Heavy jumpers and aprons and work pantaloons. Always cold water, lay flat dry unless you find that too annoying and time consuming (I personally prefer air dry but it’s probably me being a bit fussy and too frugal buy hey free winter home humidity too)
- Comment on Pretty interesting when you really think about it. 5 weeks ago:
The message is Neil’s daddy obviously didn’t love him
- Comment on Simple spelling rule. 5 weeks ago:
Felt this way my whole life about low-saturation blues and also gre/ay… discovered I have something going on in my left eye that doesn’t really see greens all that well. Found this out over a rollicking argument over my favorite gray coat which obv, was actually kinda greenish