- Comment on Is there some special process by which musicians/producers arrive at an agreed-upon tempo for a song recording? 15 hours ago:
Came here to say exactly this.
Beyond this, the sound engineer and the producers will also work with the musicians to determine the intended audience of the track. If it’s meant to be danced to, you’re going to want to record it at a tempo that’s easy to follow and is a multiple that aligns with other songs that are danced to.
If a set or album is being recorded, the tempos will also have to be considered in comparison to the other songs, to create the right overall feeling. Set and audience combined will inform the max/min of all the songs, and sound engineers usually try to get performers to play to whole numbers in beats per minute.
- Comment on Could your body adjust if you separated your macros into meals? Like all carbs for breakfast, all fat for lunch and all protein for dinner? What would happen? 22 hours ago:
Most requirements your body needs are over days and weeks, so it would handle things nutritionally just fine.
As far as microbiome and bowel movements go? Most people need more dietary fiber than they’re getting already. As long as you keep that up so you’re regular and not gassy, you’d be fine.
After all, the human body is able to graze on roots and berries and eat a big fatty meaty meal once a week, or survive solely on meat and fat and water for 8 months of the year. Macronutrient division by meal is well within that spectrum.
- Comment on are "brush" and "blush" really pronounced differently? i pronounce them the same. 1 day ago:
Do the words “ruse” and “lose” also sound the same in your accent?
- Comment on Google’s Sergey Brin urges workers to the office ‘at least’ every weekday 1 day ago:
My workplace is OK with people working 24 or 32 hours a week as well; they pay them less for the 24 hours, but for 32, if the same amount of work is being done, they’re fine with less time on the job.
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 1 day ago:
Sure… the trick to scoring high is being familiar with the type of test and what they’re looking for. Solve some puzzles on the mensa website and take a few different online IQ tests, and THEN do one of the official tests, and you’ll be more likely to know at a glance if one of your answers fits what they think it should be or not.
But for the most part, unless you’re intentionally trying to understand a learning or thinking issue you have (with the assistance of a professional psychologist), or just find them fun, there’s no reason to take them.
- Comment on i took an iq test and it was nice and i took my time doing it but the answer was 86, is that bad?? 2 days ago:
100 is average, with a distribution curving off in both directions. Most people are between 80 and 120.
All that the number shows is how you compare to others who wrote that particular IQ test; without more context it is virtually meaningless.
Any employer who hires based on an online IQ test result should be avoided.
I say this as someone who averages around 143 on the various IQ tests I’ve taken and find the number mostly meaningless.
Modern tests from an official testing body that are taken in person under supervision are pretty good for testing how strong your lateral thinking and reasoning abilities are compared to the average person.
Most other tests have massive blind spots skewing the results; they assume you have a bunch of very specific cultural and social knowledge that’s usually specific to university students in the midwestern USA in the 1950s.
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 2 days ago:
You have a very different family than me.
If work was like MY family, we’d all work in different countries and I’d visit my manager once or twice a year and get the jobs done that we couldn’t sort out over the phone or email. I’d find out about all the stuff they’d been letting slide and sort out as much as I could over a weekend. When I got home people would ask me if I had a good holiday.
Wait. That IS how my workplace operates!
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 2 days ago:
It’s possible your coworkers are playing the social game to advance their careers. That doesn’t mean you have to.
- Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 1 week ago:
I think he, personally, had made a lot of enemies because of how he spoke, and then conflated that with more general and organized resistance to his ideas instead of it being reactionary responses so his delivery.
People are generally nowhere near as organized as we give them credit for.
- Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 1 week ago:
I believe his observations were mostly correct, but wouldn’t tie it as closely to a “group” as he did.
- Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 1 week ago:
I disagreed with it at the time and do again now… there’s no grand conspiracy; people are just depressingly predictable in how they respond to economic and cultural pressures. Some people recognize the trends and attempt to ride them or even control them (or stop them), but with a few notable exceptions, history tends to just roll on regardless — which can look to some as if there must be some cabal of puppet masters calling the shots.
- Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 1 week ago:
For those of us who lived through it, what he said was blatantly obvious at the time.
- Comment on is telling an employee how he has to speak micromanaging? Is it toxic? 1 week ago:
The show is essentially about toxic work culture. It explores all the tropes with the twist that a person’s work consciousness is completely severed from their rest-of-life consciousness; one has no recall of what the other has done.
This is only for the workers and doesn’t extend to managers.
- Comment on If a mysterious force secretly changed EVERY clock worldwide one minute forward, how long would it take until people notice, and how would people/governments react? 1 week ago:
Came here to say this. Hopefully the systems in place are resilient enough to handle a leap minute (especially since they already exist), but it would definitely cause some instant issues.
The average person probably wouldn’t notice, but anyone working with time sensitive equipment would.
- Comment on Is this a sign of mental illness or just asshole behavior? 2 weeks ago:
She should go see a professional counsellor, not self-diagnose and use it as an excuse. Seems like she’s mostly lonely and attention-seeking from this side of the Internet.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Powerful people tend to have few people in their lives who are interested in them instead of their power.
- Comment on Are some Lemmy instances down or is my phone broken? 2 weeks ago:
I’m on and not having issues.
- Comment on Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah; they got the read that you were feeling awkward with silence, but they didn’t want to be asked questions about their life.
- Comment on Meaning/implication of “you don’t have to do this” in this context? 2 weeks ago:
They were opening up about themselves, not implying something about you.
People who actually listen are rare.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
This is the answer.
How do you get there? Well, there’s country clubs, having your kids at the same expensive riding club, being a board member for the same orgs as them… but those are all expensive.
Cheaper ways? Faith based groups, dog walking and… attending conferences.
All of them require you to reach out to them as people, ask about their lives, and actively listen to their responses. People generally don’t want to hear anything about you, so you don’t have to be that open.
- Comment on Is there really a difference between my understanding the phrase "go for a walk" and my dog understanding the phrase "go for a walk"? 2 weeks ago:
I think what you’re not getting is that dogs are neurologically wired different from humans, and so experience the world differently.
So a dog’s sense of self is different from a human’s, its sensory inputs are different, and its language processing is different.
It’s kind of like those AI models a decade or so back that were really good at identifying where a picture was taken — and then it turned out they’d mapped the relationship between the geolocation numbers in the EXIF data and weren’t looking at the image data at all.
- Comment on Why isn't free stuff (public domain/noncommercial) discussed as much as paid stuff? 2 weeks ago:
There’s also plenty of discussion of public libraries, but since they’re all independent of each other, it’s not a unified discussion. Nobody online is going to recommend their local library to a random person from who knows where.
- Comment on Why isn't free stuff (public domain/noncommercial) discussed as much as paid stuff? 2 weeks ago:
As a counter example, all the free/pd stuff on gets discussed pretty regularly, as does Wikipedia.
Maybe it’s that when it’s free, people just use it or they don’t. You don’t get people saying “Hey, did you see this awesome free article on Wikipedia?” because everyone already knows that Wikipedia is CC; instead, they just mention Wikipedia without mentioning it’s free.
- Comment on What does a British nose look like? 2 weeks ago:
Probably means you know somebody mildly racist.
An English nose I could understand, but Britain already implies a whole melting pot of lineages tied to location and not ethnicity.
- Comment on I'm just like some ordinary dude upset about what the government is doing. Doesn't anyone with any sort of means or influence care? Where are those guys? 2 weeks ago:
They’re the ones silently benefiting?
- Comment on How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ? 2 weeks ago:
Also town town, mountain mountain, and my favourite, river hill mountain town town.
- Comment on How did people end-up agreeing on the name of rivers/mountains and seas ? 2 weeks ago:
Youtube Tom Scott, and then lose a few weeks of your life.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
Implicit in that question is “and is young” - but I bet there’s lots of us attractive older people in here :)
- Comment on What is acceptable amount of microplastics you would allow into your brain? 3 weeks ago:
6,597,436. I’d leave the 6,597,437th huddling out in the cold.
- Comment on When will we have auto turrets mounted on plane engines to stop birdstrikes? 3 weeks ago:
Yup… but they make noise and leave a lovely contrail.