Also, knowing who to shoot and when to kill them is kind of a big deal.
The man who shot Don Vito thought he was untouchable because he was going to the meeting with a police captain.
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Also, knowing who to shoot and when to kill them is kind of a big deal.
The man who shot Don Vito thought he was untouchable because he was going to the meeting with a police captain.
The Machiavellian part was the fact he removed his rivals simultaneously without them gaining prior warning.
He was cunning like a fox to avoid detection and dangerous like lion when action was required.
Watch Gomorrah if you want to see real power games
I saw this movie at a press screening back then. I had to go to the bathroom from the very beginning, but I couldn’t because it was so damn thrilling. My bladder still hurts today when I think about it.
oh wow didnt know it was film, Ive only seen the series
I prefer Goncharov, personally
Omg, I forgot about Goncharov! Such a good movie.
They made a movie about the New Vegas casino?
Movie or series?
both apparently, though I’ve only seen the series
Historically speaking, it tends to work.
And for the record, Machiavelli didn’t exactly rule it out.
Historically speaking, it tends to work.
Keep it simple, stupid.
Since this comment section turned into an arena discussing how to rule, here’s an interesting relevant CGP Grey video title The Rules for Rulers.
I too thought of this video
Huh? Was it?
The funny thing is that Machiavelli didn’t achieve shit apart from write a treatise bitching about the people in charge of where he lived.
What does that even mean?
Anon once heard someone’s opinions about a movie character, decided it must be so. Having a mind locked up tighter’n Fort Knox if it were located deep inside Area 51, he was badly disappointed when the character didn’t match the wild expectations he set for himself.
The expectations were set by someone else. For me, the memes hyped the hell out of Khan and one day I decided to watch the trek movies. Yeah, Khan did not live up to the hype. I had seen much more interesting scifi villains and space battles by then.
…with a gun, I think. He shoots them with the bullets a gun fires.
It insists upon itself, Lois. It insists upon itself.
It insists upon itself It mean it’s trying to be deep, but is really just pretentious and shallow.
One of the most intelligent things you can do is to keep it simple, stupid. 2 months ago
That’s what machiavellian distills into - cold pragmatism and disregard of morality. So his turn from okay guy that wanted his family to stop with illegal shit into someone much worse than his father was portrays it perfectly. 2 months ago
Exactly. Machiavellian doesn’t mean galaxy brain. 2 months ago
Unscrupulous is only one of the definitions.
Cunning and scheming are the other two. The Prince detailed how to gain and hold power.
It wasn’t a book that said immediately shoot everyone to solve all your problems. 2 months ago
Yeah that would be caesarean or scipian or something stupid like that