- Comment on The steam mobile app telling me to open the steam module app to login to the steam mobile app . 1 day ago:
Reset password via email. Reset second factor via email. Email is the only factor, neither password nor the 2fa.
Usually, the actual login is not the easiest target for an attacker, the recovery methods are. You call a helpline to get a second SIM for SMS codes. You guess (or dig up) answers to recovery questions if available. You get access to email accounts, e. g. via phishing.
If a recovery path for a security factor is weak, it ceases to be a security factor. By allowing both password and the second factor to be recoverable via email, both factors collapse into one: get access to the email and you’re in.
- Comment on DNA 1 day ago:
- Comment on Evil 2 days ago:
No can do, but I can put you in an envelope, head optional.
- Comment on This app requires access to your contacts 4 days ago:
Free trial exhausted. Subscribe now to keep using server infrastructure. After all, all you bought was the toilet, you can’t expect the server space for free.
- Comment on Desks 1 week ago:
People only think about extremes. Why do we need seatbelts on a plane? Well, not for the crash, for the tons of turbulence you don’t think about because you’re wearing your seatbelt when they happen.
- Comment on Tiny pocketsies 2 weeks ago:
I completely failed that course. I don’t know what they mean or how to use them.
I never needed them. Guess it’s “when will we ever use geometry in real life” but with EM fields and waves.
- Comment on Sir David Leafenborough 2 weeks ago:
Of course, that’s the law.
- Comment on It’s Friday, Black Friday, Everybody Go Shop on Friday 2 weeks ago:
She’s just going through her Miley phase.
- Comment on It’s Friday, Black Friday, Everybody Go Shop on Friday 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Cooking advice 3 weeks ago:
And throw it in quickly!
- Comment on Why does it seem most people, mainly conservatives, against Trans people? Unless I am wrong I never heard of one shooting up a school church or whatever. The ones I have met have been pretty cool. 4 weeks ago:
I don’t think it’s most people. I (choose to) believe that’s a loud minority.
- Comment on Why is the word "expat" a thing? 4 weeks ago:
I’ve always interpreted it as someone who’s here only temporarily. They plan to go back eventually and as such stick to expat social groups with similar issues for e. g. temp permits as opposed to permanent permits for immigrants.
- Comment on Here are some tips for making fried rice: 4 weeks ago:
It’s king now, and most of the world is proudly independent.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 5 weeks ago:
Like the dead don’t realize they’re dead, they don’t realize they’re stupid. They’re just everyone else’s problem.
- Comment on Caption this. 5 weeks ago:
Beware temporal distortion field!
- Comment on Caption this. 5 weeks ago:
For some it’s an accident, inspiration for others: the unexpected origin of Raygun.
- Comment on I am your king! 5 weeks ago:
Except the lands were already fucked by then.
- Comment on Can't sleep, he's watching 5 weeks ago:
- Comment on Dear Americans, be prepare to get screwed! 5 weeks ago:
Even if, did they think prices would just stay the same? Tariffs only work if production is moved back home, which for many industries won’t happen, which means costs will be passed on to consumers.
- Comment on Anon doesn't tip 5 weeks ago:
It’s a tax thing. If tips aren’t part of the food price, they’re not part of revenue and not taxable. If they are, assuming same compensation as tips would generate, taxes would be higher.
I say put that on the food price. It’s a few cents to the dollar difference. Plus, variations in revenue shouldn’t be a thing an employee should worry about. And obviously it would do away with the whole bartering at the checkout.
- Comment on Know Nut November 1 month ago:
Wait those are walnuts??
- Comment on Know Nut November 1 month ago:
Lime nut? 🍋🟩 🥜
- Comment on Spanish Notations 1 month ago:
I heard biology branches out.
- Comment on what is an "over-under" during sex? 1 month ago:
What if you’re wearing several layers of each in mixed order?
- Comment on Heeeeeere's Luce 1 month ago:
There’s only one way. We have to Esurance it.
- Comment on Anon gives up dating apps 1 month ago:
Yeah, my experience, too. People hang out with their friends in their friend groups. Just sucks that they don’t seem to mix anymore. Networking doesn’t work if there’s neither opportunity nor interest.
- Comment on I'm back with another great recipe 1 month ago:
Presented in the new fashion of choice: Derelicte.
- Comment on Trump cosplaying 1 month ago:
Love it when people handle money with a gloved hand. They didn’t understand the concept.
- Comment on Get good. 1 month ago:
You try telling that to the young people today, and they wouldn’t believe you!
- Comment on What is love? 1 month ago:
hurt me Baby