multipurpose hole
Submitted 5 months ago by to
multipurpose hole
The dinosaur’s derrière is so well preserved, researchers could see the remnants of two small bulges by its “back door,” which might have housed musky scent glands that the reptile possibly used during courtship — an anatomical quirk also seen in living crocodilians, said scientists who studied the specimen.
How do you know they weren’t testicles? I wonder if it’s possible that dinosaurs started out with external testes that migrated inward as the climate cooled.
None of the reproductive soft tissues (like a penis) were preserved. So the researchers can’t say whether the dinosaur was male or female. Even so, this dinosaur likely had copulatory sex, unlike some birds that bump butts when they do a “cloacal kiss” during reproduction, Vinther said.
Why? Too big? Body the wrong shape? Not flexible enough? I’m actually curious about this. It’s been a question I’ve had for a long time but I feel like I never get a satisfactory answer. I know a lot of paleontology is guesswork based on extant/recently extinct species, and that a lot of the guesses involve “cloacal kissing” due to the fact that most birds and many reptiles reproduce that way. However, theropods, the seemingly most likely candidate for the “cloacal kissing” route due to their suspected relationship with modern birds, had ridiculously big tails which were likely feathered. To me, that raises the question of whether or not theropods truly started the tradition of “raising tail” among birds, or if they were more like ducks but reduced tail size made obscenely large, prehensile penises obsolete because they could go cloac-to-cloac.
Also, since I did a quick Google search to try and find the answer before posting, here is some dino porn, courtesy of the BBC
I’ve kept birds (ducks, chickens, guineas), so I’m familiar with the term cloacal kiss, and I follow what you’re saying here, and I’m also in agreement that I wish there were more information here.
But I just need you to know, chopping that final A off cloaca made me incredibly, viscerally uncomfortable.
But I just need you to know, chopping that final A off cloaca made me incredibly, viscerally uncomfortable.
You’re gonna regret giving me this level of power.
Sadly though, as wonderfully upsetting as it might be, I can’t take credit for that expression; I stole it from Jabroni Mike.
testes that migrated inward as the climate cooled
I hate it when they do that
Of course the Big Black… Of course the British Broadcasting Corporation has images of dinosaurs copulating
they had that picture locked and loaded
god bless furries
So toy when?
Bad Dragon is definitely studying this.
I hate you. Upvoted.
as are all buttholes, mr scientist
Remember to not judge whole group by degeneracy of one or two members. Not all paleontologists are fascinated by dinosaur buttholes. It’s just a vocal minority.
No, they’re all agreed, and they’ve all requested plaster casts for… Office related reasons.
I asked for mine to be silicone.
Let me guess, you’re a paleontologist?
That’s goin’ in a Ze Frank video.
but holes are…sorry, buttholes are…
Jerry you can’t just shift the word as you please
Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Wow, what an asshole.”
furbot search dinosaur butthole
I’m expecting a new Bad Dragon toy to be in the works
This reminds me of a [shortwave](What Fossilized Poop Can Teach Us About Dinosaurs) episode.
Which was actually interesting, once they got through all the crappy puns.
Holy what a dogshit website 5 months ago
I mean didn’t we know this already, though?
Also Calvin is right
What if God was a chicken and dinosaurs were his chosen people, and we just happened to get the story right? 5 months ago
What if messages from god can’t travel faster than the speed of light so we are receiving prophecy meant for long dead and far off civilizations 5 months ago
So He’s all knowing, except for the laws of physics He created? 5 months ago
Explains why worship leaders always devolve into that high pitched bugling-thing they do. 5 months ago
Speaking in tongues is just a dialup tone?