‘Google decided that work-life balance was more important than winning’
OK Eric, but how do you win without employees?
Submitted 6 months ago by JoMiran@lemmy.ml to workreform@lemmy.world
‘Google decided that work-life balance was more important than winning’
OK Eric, but how do you win without employees?
Working from home will always be my priority over commuting for two hours. Get fucked, ex-CEO.
Google’s ex-CEO blames remote working for (insert anything wrong with his business).
Well let’s hope the FTC follows through and goes full Baby Bell on their asses
An ex-CEO dipshit who got ran off because he fucked around too much, and he pretends that his old stodgy ethically bankrupt perspectives mean shit. That’s hilarious.
The same asshole who said that you shouldn’t mind the privacy concerns if you’ve got nothing to hide. That’s how you know his opinions are valuable.
Google decided that work-life balance was more important than winning
Yes. Work-life balance is quite literally the most important aspect of any job, arguably second only to pay. If an employer doesn’t agree, then they’re not my employer.
Sorry, you psychopathic oligarch fuck, but people have better things to do than work themselves to death to buy you a 54th yacht. Maybe try moving to an apartheid state if that’s what you want. It worked for the Musks.
As a remote worker, I blame leadership that lacks talent and skill.
To my ears the headline gets it backwards. He blamed remote working for the company’s AI woes, or blamed the company’s AI woes on remote working. Not sure if this is a typo or a legitimate different use of language.
No no, he is blaming AI for the remote working. He wants the AIs to come work from the office. /s
This is the guy that worked directly for Hillary’s campaign in 2016 (and slightly less incriminatingly Obama’s campaign in 2012), I personally witnessed remember that they scrubbed inconvenient links about her corruption from search results.
I mean he has a point. When I want to find information, do I do that from my home via the browser, or do I go to the Google headquarters to have a look at the servers myself? Of course I would never do that from my browser.
The thought alone… How inconvenient that would be. Start up my computer, open the browser, TYPE IN my query like some medieval peon. Laughable!
This guy is a complete tool who sounds angry at Google for personal reasons.
I have worked for several successful startups with remote work policies. The employees don’t “work like hell” because they are in an office. They do it because THEY HAVE EQUITY. If the startup prospers and does well then so do the employees. I’ve never had a coworker decide to stay late because of access to a communal fridge and public bathroom. I have, however, known them to work harder to improve their chances of an early retirement.
What’s Google created in a garage? Seems like working from home works. 😜
Fuck off
Is there some grammatical conflation going on in the title or am I confused?
Just taking a chance to get his wants enforced
Billionaire doesn’t give a shit about the working class. News at 11.
Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world 6 months ago
If I were going to found a company I’d make it remote only because I’d have access to a global labor pool, often in places with lower cost of living, and I won’t have to pay for an office. Seems like a win-win.
solsangraal@lemmy.zip 6 months ago
i’m guessing he offered approximately zero data to backup the claim that WFH startups always lose against office-only startups?
gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works 6 months ago
I absolutely would do that, in point of fact. And, like, tons of successful startups started in a founder’s (or even founder’s parent’s) basement or garage. So I don’t know what this C-suite dipshit thinks he’s on about.
synae@lemmy.sdf.org 6 months ago
What an absurd statement. Absolute lunacy on his part to compare Google to a startup.
Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world 6 months ago
He’s speaking to a bunch of Standford students and giving advice, so it’s not that absurd. But it is pretty absurd to tell potential entrepreneurs “Make sure you pay as much as possible for real estate in a big city, and then overpay for talent because your office is in a big city.”